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ODAT Thursday

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    ODAT Thursday

    Good morning ODATers

    Hope it's a bright and beautiful morning with all of you - it's a little grey weather wise here today.

    I'm stuck in as TV installation man is coming to do something technical and can only say that he will be here some time between 8am and 12 noon..... and if I'm not here we have to pay and NOT get the work done!! Yes this is Great Britain... and it's St George's Day today, a day to celebrate all things English although can't immediately think of an example of what exactly. :H

    Hope all you who were struggling yesterday came through and are ready to tackle today.

    Luv to all to come.


    Day 11 AF

    ODAT Thursday

    Hi Mad Mummy and all ODATers to come.

    Feeling really proud of myself, last night my husband had a presentation dinner at work. It was an important night for him, top bods from the USA had flown over and it was quite a small gathering, only about 30 people there. I went along and did not drink a drop! I offered to drive and behaved myself. No slurring or wobbling around in my heels.

    So now I'm off to the dentist. Will check in later.
    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


      ODAT Thursday

      Mornin' Mad Mummy, Blue & all ODATers!

      Day 2 here. Blue - you Should feel proud of yourself! (That's a good feeling vs. feeling... ashamed, isn't it?!)

      Lessee... "all things English"... Tea & Crumpets? That's about all I can come up w/on one cup of java! :H

      Fairly busy day today. And meeting a friend late afternoon (who I blew off the other day due to my drinking! ugh) --- so I Will NOT do that again!! Gosh, it's not like I have so many friends that I can afford to blow them off. Glad she's understanding!!

      Feeling like I really Want to be AF. (Gotta keep that going!)
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        ODAT Thursday


        Lots of pressures on the green bean brain lately. Makes me feel kinda quiet in my little foxhole. In there all alone wrestling with my emotions..... wears myself out!

        Savvy got your list from yesterday? witty, compassionate, supportive, kind, outgoing. Good luck on day 2!

        :goodjob: Bluey! I love that little voice that says "Wow, I really can do this and it feels great!"

        Mad Mummy they do that in the US too. Run ONE QUICK LITTLE FECKIN' ERRAND and that's when they show up and leave a note on the door. So who IS St. George?

        Have a good day.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT Thursday

          DEFINATELY going to be AF today. My stumbling blocks lie around day 3/4, so today is not going to be too much of a problem. Just going to try to keep busy this afternoon, workout, and spend quality time with my son and my dog!


            ODAT Thursday

            Hey Greenie - thx for the cheat sheet! (LOL) I actually Did write 5 things down yesterday... and none of the ones you wrote were on my list, so I Stole them!! I'm not so sure about "outgoing"... I am in some ways, I guess. Good enuff!

            Is "nit-picky" a good quality? I just had to edit my first message coz I wrote ADAT instead of ODAT!
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              ODAT Thursday

              Savvy, :H yes nit-picky is a good quality, however we're going to call it "detail oriented".
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT Thursday

                Morning ODATers

                Checking in. Day 2. I feel ok, determined. I'm right there with you Savon and Overit! Looking forward to day off tomorrow to take my son to college for his orientation for the weekend.

                Everything I need is within me!


                  ODAT Thursday

                  Good Morning ODATers!

                  Just wanted to do a check in! Looks like everyone is doing well! Such strong and positive folks we have here. It is wonderful! Keep up the great work everyone. I am on Day 5 here and feeling grumpy. I will check back later!


                    ODAT Thursday

                    Hi everyone,

                    I used to be an ODATer. I haven't been online as much as work and my son keep me busy. And to be honest I have had some ups and downs, so I just didn't post if I couldn't be positive. But I am back at it with a vengence. Off to the health store, CDs in place......starting over and seeing if I can make it stick this time. I feel my health starting to suffer so I know I have to get it right this time.

                    Wish me luck, I will try to check in daily for support.
                    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                      ODAT Thursday

                      Welcome Back!

                      Oh Go for it akgirl!!!!! :welcome: You obviously feel like you had some benefit last time so well done coming back. Hope you get the same benefit/support this time around. :lxxx


                        ODAT Thursday

                        Good Afternoon to all ODATers, Im also just checking in, I hope everyone is having an excellent day!! This weekend is suppose to be 70-75 degrees!! Can't wait, I have a lot of outside stuff to do. I am on Day 14 and still hanging in there. I was sitting in the dentist chair Tues. and while they were scrapping, picking and cleaning, I was thinking..a drink would good right after this..maybe on the way home. An then this funny feeling that I remember to well came over me. I pushed it aside and didn't drink, but it's amazes how I'm just on a fence, lending either way, and how easy it would be to fall to the dark side!:wavin:
                        Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible


                          ODAT Thursday

                          Hi guys, day 4 here.

                          Feeling incredibly stressed - work is horrible. Had an appointment with my therapist today and she is actually saying she wants to pull me from my job, it is getting that stressful and dangerous for my health. I am actually quite amazed that I have managed to rack up any AF days with the stress I am under and she is quite proud of me on that count. I will not drink today. I am going to go have a hot bath, veg out with a nice cup of tea and cuddle with my little girl.

                          okay, that's it for me today, over and out!

                          Love you guys,
                          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                            ODAT Thursday

                            PHOTOGIRL;599242 wrote: Oh Go for it akgirl!!!!! :welcome: You obviously feel like you had some benefit last time so well done coming back. Hope you get the same benefit/support this time around. :lxxx
                            There was a tremendous benefit. I love this place and the people here. A few I have grown close to outside of this forum. I just got lazy and stopped trying to work the plan. I kept telling myself....I'll start tomorrow. I felt impowered to have all the tools, it made feel safe to know I could quit when I wanted (yeah right) all I had to do was start the plan. My biggest failure was lacking the motivation.

                            Gotta get motivated and start fighting again!
                            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                              ODAT Thursday

                              I posted on another thread, but I might as well post here - since this is where I usually hang out.

                              Drinking. I have a lot of excuses - I won't bore you.

                              I know I'll get back to the land of the Living... soon.
                              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

