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Af April 23

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    Af April 23

    Hi Strawman, Cat, Lil, SBetty, SD, chops, runner, Pnut and anyone else who checks in today! I hope you are all doing well.

    It sounds like our April 30 ice cream party will be well stocked! I can't wait to celbrate! All are welcome! Number of days doesn't count as much as just being here and trying! You guys all help so much.

    I have to get to work early today, so I must go. I'll check in later.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    Af April 23

    Good Morning all,

    Dill-I slept in this morning until almost 6:30! It felt great!

    What is Cilantro? I've never heard of it. From the way you guys discribe doesn't sound like I'm missing anything.

    Okay-our ice cream party-I looked around and found a big box of decorations. Do streamers and ballons sound good? Hmmm what else? Any Ideas?

    For everyone else who follows-have a great day.
    AF since 7/26/2009

    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


      Af April 23

      What is the ice cream party all about?

      Everything I need is within me!


        Af April 23

        Hello to everyone! It's another day AF and it feels great!

        Lil, I have had Cilantro. I believe it's an herb (not positive). My grandma uses it to make Salsa and I have had it on different meals I have eaten. I am sure others can be more specific!

        I am so ready for the ice cream/birthday party! How about if we have party hats too???

        Hope everyone has a great day!


          Af April 23

          Good Morning!!

          Slept well last night - this is just great!! I feel like I am actually getting back to how I must have felt in my pre-daily-wine days!! My last 30days+ AF was not quite the same as this, as I was taking Topa and it made me really sleepy and changed my mood alot. This time, i am feeling really happy all the time - feels great. (Could be the snake vemon I got from my homeopath???) So, I left my house to walk to work and almost got blown over, so went back and got in my van instead. Freaking freezing out there today. I really want to run at lunch today, so decided if I drive, I can drive myself up to a really nice trail for a more sheltered run. I don't think summer will come until the middle of July this year!!

          Brightlite - April 30 will be the last day of AF April AND it's Dill's birthday - double celebration. Ice cream galore!
          Lilmea - cilantro is an herb, looks alot like parsley. I really like it. I know a few people who are actually allergic to it. And I have read many places that it is one of those herbs that either a person really likes (like me!!) or really hates (like those we know here who think it tastes like soap). It's used in Thai food alot, their soups, and often put in salsa. Next time at the grocery store, pick up the fresh parley and usually in the same place will be the cilantro - give it a smell. You might be one of us who like it!!

          Hi to everybody else here too - hope you are all feeling grand today - it's almost the end of the week and am looking forward to another weekend (such a change from before!!!)
          xoxo peanut


            Af April 23

            Good Morning Everyone!!
            I love cilantro too!! We use it too for a lot of cooking....italian food as well!! Good in guacalmoli (sp??) dip!!! I believe it's used in pealla (sp???) but that maybe parsely??? Can't a lot of soups too. I used to not care for it, as my family would tend to overdo it...but now it love it...very 'fresh' smelling and tasting!!
            I have to run again...I have to see a 1st grader....I was informed by mom that I 'missed' her appt. last week and pretty much destroyed her daughter's life....yeah I'm sure it's me that is the root of this girl's messed up life!! Gotta love these parents that love to point the finger at everyone but themselves!! I need to start wearing a target on my forehead...perhaps it would be easier for them to spot me when they walk into the school...hahaha!!!! I'm nasty today...aren't!!! Just funnin!!!
            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



              Af April 23

              Ice Cream my oh my . . .

              Hi Dill, PNut and everyone,

              A Party with Ice Cream, I'll bring Maple Walnut and Peacan ummmmm . . .

              I am not sure what the party is about either cuz I missed that post but heck ya A Party sounds excellent.

              Is there a time or is it an all day round the world party?

              PNut I hope you are wrong about Summer in July . . . Happy Running to you! Your Avatar makes me want to go jogging every time I see it. Thanx . . .

              God Bless you kids . . . :l


                Af April 23

                Hello all! Only on day three here but that is better than day two and here fingers crossed.

                Lilmea; cilantro is what the english (and australians and irish) call corriander. it's used a lot in asian and middle eastern cooking (i think any cooking that is spicey really). it was described to me once as 'something that smells totally unlike food' but i TOTALLY love it. the husband hates it however. so i always have to put it on the side.

                Is the ice cream party for April 30th? I am up for it. Can I just buy a tub of Ben and Jerry's brownie and that horrible (but delicious) chocolate stuff you pour on it and it goes hard? yum

                had CRAZY dreams last couple nights. I have come off a terrible binge, and all my dreams have to do with going in to rehab and the fact that now all my inlaws no know i have a drink problem (my husband told them - they had no idea and now it is totally awkard. )

                good luck all!
                no time like the present


                  Af April 23

                  Hi Everyone....a special hello to my old friends Dill, Pnut and Cat

                  checking in kinda late...but feeling good!!

                  Figures this ice cream party is going on when I'm on a diet...Hubby and I started the ZONE diet Monday...I have to see if I am allowed to eat frozen yogurt..that would do....
                  ..and I love cilantro!

                  Pnut--I can't wait until July I'm going to need some sun in May...specificaly May 16th....son's communion and daughter's bday party out in the yard!!! fingers crossed

                  Skinny- I understand how uncomfortable it is when in-laws mine do as well....they drink at parties but they were always able to rely on me for husbands cousin once said a joke "what's your favorite drink?...the next one." Ha Ha very f'ing they know that I'm trying to stop and that I mess up once in a while...but they are supportive in a "ball busting" kind of way....don't let the akwardness discourage you.

                  hugs to you all ...

                  "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                  "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                    Af April 23

                    Hey everybody!!! Ice cream party ahead....but I stopped at Sonic and got a chocolate milkshake. I was leaving this morning and my scrubs were looser in the seat than last week, so milkshake it was. Probably the first I have had in 2-3 years! DELISH!!! O*M*G*!!!

                    must scoot,Im in the newborn nursery bright and early tomorrow!


                    "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                    -Alan Cohen


                      Af April 23

                      Hey JAMMS, this one is for you, and everyone else, too:

            [/video]]YouTube - P!nk - Sober (CuckoosNest introduced me to this one in the MWO Program thread.)

                      Hi Miss Baggy Pants, Cat! You better be at the ice cream party!! You need to put on a few pounds!

                      Skinny, Hang in there! Those crazy dreams will go away. As Lil always says: "It will get better!"

                      I am not sure what the party is about either cuz I missed that post but heck ya A Party sounds excellent.

                      Is there a time or is it an all day round the world party? Polar, I like the idea of a 'round the world party'! It's my birthday that day! :HLOL But the reason for the party is to celebrate the achievement of AF April. But the party is open to anyone who had any number of AF days in april, even if it is only the 30th of April!!

                      SD, I love your parent descriptions! And, about cilantro: When I first tasted it, I didn't like it. Then, after several tries, I started to really like it in salsa. But a few nites ago, someone over-did it in a dish I had at an indian restaurant. I had the soapy tase in my mouth even the next day! Now I'm going to be leary of it again for awhile!

                      Slept well last night - this is just great!! I feel like I am actually getting back to how I must have felt in my pre-daily-wine days!!
                      Pnut, ditto on that! I am also finding that I stay up later, sleep through the night and wake up at my regular time, feeling really rested, even though I go to bed much later. I like it!

                      Chops, Are you going to bring the hats?! What a great idea! Or maybe we should make our party hats and have a "party hat show-and-tell". That could be fun, too!:clapclap:

                      Brightlite, it's a party and you're invited! What more do you need to know?!! Can you come?:banana:

                      Lil, streamers and balloons sound great! I'll help you decorate. Is there anyone here that is brave enough to shoot off some fireworks if I bring some? They scare me, but I like to watch them!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

