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    Aside from the fact that alcoholism is prevalent in my family, I never realized that my drinking problem was the result of "soul wounds". My father died of a heart attack at the age of fifty six. My mother had a very difficult time as a widow with little money raising me and my two sisters. Things got 100% worse when she remarried a man who abused her physically/mentally for twenty years. I now am convinced that he was bi-polar and was not medically supervised. My teenage years were pure hell. I married and had my first child at the age of nineteen (to escape my mother/stepfather). I now realize that drinking was a way for me to escape the damage I suffered as a young girl. Typically, I will drink two glasses of wine a night during the weekday and a little more on the weekend. I have been successful not drinking alcohol for an entire week and physically, I feel 100% better.

    How has sobriety affected everyone? I pray daily and am open to suggestions to continue my sobriety.

    Thank you


    Hi Alma and :welcome: Good to have you aboard here. You have faced many struggles in your life. Congratulations to you for an entire week AF! That is wonderful! :goodjob:

    I have been completely AF for the last 5 days. Well, this is day 5 for me. I, like you, feel 100% better. I like the feeling of sobriety and I am going to continue being AF for as long as I can.

    Have you read the book yet? Keep posting, reading, and praying. Your sobriety will continue!



      :welcome: Alma! First of all there will be a lot of people probably reading your post thinking "if only" .... - me included!!!! But - that's not what's important. What's important is that 2 glasses everyday and more at a weekend is too much for you and it's the REASON why you're drinking that amount that is the problem for you - as CHOPPERSMUM says, you've been through the a hard time to say the least so that will have lead you where you've found yourself today. At least you've "woken up and smelt the coffee now" rather than later. You've realised how well you feel AF so at least you haven't slipped too far down that slipperly slope that you're too far gone to make it even harder to climb too far back up again (2 glasses could QUITE easily be 2 bottles on this site, believe me!). So, be positive, Alma, take it ODAT (one day at a time), give yourself credit where credit is due and, above all, give yourself a :l for looking after yourself - you deserve it! xxx



        Dear Alma!
        I do not have much to add, as Photo and Choppers did all the work!
        Welcome dear!



          welcome Alma! Nice to see you here and that you already have some AF days. That's great. stick around
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



            Hi Alma, Well done on your AF days keep up the good work and a very big welcome
            :dancin: enguin:
            starting over



              Welcome Alma, keep reading and posting.



                Alma, i wish I could be like you. I'm still drinking my sorrows away..... yes, if only.... the best way to continue your sobriety is to keep posting here so drunks like me can find hope and courage and inspiriation. and you can know that your truthfulness and determination is a big help to ME!
                thank you Alma...



                  Welcome Alma and newjoe,

                  This is the place to be.............
                  You will find all the support and encouragement you need here, just keep reading and posting!

                  Back in January I read a book called 'Change Your Brain Change Your Life' by Dr. Daniel G. Amen. In it he reveals that all the damage to your psyche is done before the age of six. The adult players in your life set your programming and the result is what you are today. But, that can all be changed by you. You just have to want to do it..........
                  Reading that book started me on my journey to improve myself in any way possible. While working on a behavior modification program called 'Habit Busting' I found the MWO site and am so happy I did. I am now 30+ happy days AF and feeling great physically & mentally.

                  I wish you both success in finding a comfortable, doable way out of your problems. Do the research, formulate a plan, make the commitment and just do it now - don't put it off any longer. You won't be sorry.

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

