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    Hello, I'm obviously new here, but after reading a few stories...I am so happy I stumbled onto this site! I've been struggling with alcohol addiction since the end of high school with the exception of when I was pregnant. I had absolutely no problem quitting drinking when I had a baby growing in my belly, because I knew I had someone other than ME to think about. Unfortunately, once my children were born..I was back to drinking My husband is amazing, and I've watched him kick smoking AND drinking this year cold turkey. In a way, I envy his ability to just STOP. My normal routine is a 6-8 beers OR a bottle of wine on nights when I don't have to work the next day. That adds up to about 3-4 nights a week. I've actually cut down a bit this past year..I used to drink every single night until I started screwing up at work due to hangovers and anxiety caused by drinking too much. I've quit several jobs because I knew I was screwing up and was afraid to say it was because of my drinking problem. This caused me to want to drink even more I now have a great job, but I'm only working part time out of fear that I will mess up again. I have the hardest time between 4pm and 12am. That is my 'witching hours' as I read someone call it. I think I drink to relax and get me through the tough night time routine with my 3 young children...but I HATE IT! I hate alcohol and I want to get it out of my routine. I hope to be able to find help here, but I'm also thinking about getting a prescription for Campral. It does help very much seeing and reading that I'm not alone in this struggle. FINALLY!!


    Hi there!

    :welcome: O-tears! Hope you're OK! You'll get a lot out of this site - I know I have since January - really for the same reasons like you. when you've got the time - look around and you'll see EXACTLY the same kind of stories/experiences JUST like yours! It's spooky that there must be so many mirror images of ourselves just walking around out there and we just don't know it!

    Regarding meds - just so you know, I'm taking TOPA and it really works for me. It's worth reading through that forum to see what people say and to do some research. PM me if you like. I use River pharmacy 'cos I don't want to go to my GP here in the UK but it's really worked with my cravings - the side-effects are JUST what people say (apart from the sodding weight loss though - am still waiting for that!!!). can't comment on the NAL - am still waiting for that to arrive but that sounds like THE magic pill.

    Good luck with your quest - whatever that may be. Don't beat yourself up if you go 3 step forwards and 1 step back - it's not worth it. Whatever steps forward are progress and at the end of the day if you're doing it for yourself, then that's the only person you've got to answer to - good or bad.

    Welcome aboard! :nutso:



      Hi Tears and :welcome:! It's nice to have you here. I look forward to getting to know you better and help you with your journey. You are going to find a lot of encouragement and support here.



        Looking for help

        :new: Hi everyone. Don't know where to start, but hope this site helps me move in a better direction. I am a 56 female, successful in business, but have been drinking a bottle of wine or more each night for years. My wake up call was realizing that I could not remember prior evenings events several times recently. I hide it well, and my family and friends do not know how much I drink. I would like to try the supplements and the Topomax, but have no idea how to bring that up with my doctor. Any suggestions?



          Welcome obsidian and ollie. Boy I can relate to both of your introductions! Obsidian, I made some decisions career wise that in retrospect, I'm HORRIFIED about so that I could keep my drinking as a high priority. Actually drinking became my top priority.

          Ollie I too somehow managed my career for years while consuming copious amounts of alcohol and somehow soldiering on through horrific hangovers, etc. But in the end I too started losing track of things and it just got really bad work wise.

          Obsidian one thing that jumped out of your post at me that I can relate to as well is that question we all seem to ponder about why we drink the way we do (or used to do). I turned 51 this year and what I finally figured out was that the reasons I started drinking, and drinking to excess when I was a teenager, and college student, and young professional stopped being very relevant a long time ago. At some point I drank because I am addicted to alcohol. Happy? let's have a drink! Sad? Let's drink! Gorgeous day! Let's drink! The weather SUCKS today! Let's drink! You get my drift. Anything I said about relieving stress, needing to unwind, etc. was not true. As an addicted drinker, drinking served to create MORE stress and tension in my life, not less. Drinking CREATED problems - did not solve them.

          On occassion I felt like "waiting" to "try to quit" until I could figure out the answers to the impossible puzzle of "why do I drink?" That just prolonged my agony. I reached a point where it didn't matter why - I just needed to stop.

          Mine is just one point of will find many other points of view here. Keep reading and you will find things that really strike home to you. And you will find your way.

          Strength to you both,

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.



            Welcome Obsidian & Ollie!!

            My journey began by reading the book "My Way Out". I then devised a plan, got a list of the suppliments I was going to take and took it to my GP. She was amazing, even thought she had never heard of Topa before she was gung-ho on giving it a bash after she read my copy of the book.
            Topa + Supps have worked for me.

            Wishing you both all the best on your journey to sobriety.
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"



              Listen to Doggygirl, she is very wise!
              If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.



                Thanks everyone I plan to utilize this a lot!!hahaha!!



                  Hi O & O
                  Like DeeBee I also started by reading the book. I saw my GP on Wed and told him about MWO and that I wanted to do the program. He prescribed the Topamax and told me what he has seen with other patients. He told me to be prepared that as an addict I may not be able to mod. I am going to see him in 4 weeks and we will acess how I am doing. I start the Topa and AF tomorrow. It is a big relief to have my doctor in this with me - it helps with some of the anxiety. If your doc isn't open to what you need to do to get healthy find a new doc.

                  Obsidian - I run a manufacturing plant and leadership is my passion. I hate myself on the days that I am too hungover to give my best to my staff and my plant. I have been able to mask my drinking for years - in fact my closest friends, my husband and my doctor all disagreed that I had a problem. AFter reading MWO and being brutally honest with my husband and doc, they both agreed and are supporting me. Funny, thing is I am realizing several people I work with drink EVERYDAY as well and can't stop at just one - to include my Boss.

                  WElcome - you are not alone!



                    Welcome obsidian and ollie,

                    I agree with Blue Sky - listen to Doggy Girl. Her wisdom has helped me tremendously!
                    You will find lots of useful information and support here, honestly.

                    Hang in there, stick to your guns and just do the best you can. You won't be sorry.........

                    All the best,
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:




                      You have no idea how glad I am to hear from you all. I plan to order the supplements and am trying to find a doc who can be supportive. One problem I have is figuring out which meds are most effective. Topomax, Naltrexone, Baclofen, or others?

                      Obsidian, you are lucky that your husband is supportive. My significant other sees me as "flawed" because he does not have a problem. Causing me to rethink more than just alcohol.

                      I did not mean to interupt your thread. I had no idea how blogging works.



                        Hi Ollie'sblue - for what it's worth, I'm on TOPOMAX and I've got Nal on order. The TOPO is good - it reduces cravings so much for me. the side effects are "exactly what they say on the tin" so if you're a brain surgeon ... steer clear! You do get a bit of "dopa topa!" . For me, it's not a problem. I'm up to 200mg a day now and to be honest it's really working for me. Topa works differently to Nal. Nal takes the "high" of the AL away but you've got to take it 1hr before drinking so, logic being, that if you're on TOPA and then you take NAL before a night out - you're happy with 1 drink .... I'm a hoping!!!! good luck! xx




                          Thanks for letting me know. Did you order on River Pharmacy?

