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Day 6 - God this is hard!!

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    Day 6 - God this is hard!!

    Hi all,

    Went to a dinner party last Saturday night and drank way too much and was very unwell all day Sunday. However Sunday was the start of my first day AF.

    So far I have had the urge several times and usually by this time Friday night I have already had quite a few.

    My sons (19 & 17 years) just came home with their friends and my boys who were in the car together were just extremely close to a major car accident )locked brakes up, hit gravel the car spun out and went into uncoming traffic) they are OK just shaken up.

    God I feel sick with worry and really feel like a drink. But I have decided not to drink (just worry about what could of been) althought I know I should not worry and be grateful they are alright, but you know a mum is always a mum.

    Keeping to my deal and sticking it out

    Day 6 - God this is hard!!

    Hey Millie, I know what you mean it just turns you over doesn't it? As you say try and be grateful and try and remember how awful you felt last Sunday!! It is hard but you'll get loads of support on here so stick with it your going great :goodjob::goodjob:


      Day 6 - God this is hard!!

      Hi Millie

      I am also aiming for a AF weekend. It is a long weekend here in WA so it will be a challenge as I can't see my husband surviving 3 days off work without having a drink. I have asked for an accountability partner on another thread. I know that having other people to answer to will make it easier to resist the urge to drink. Gaining back control one day at a time.

      Glad your boys are OK. And good for you for not drinking. At a guess you probably dealth with the situation better for it. Think how great and in control you will feel tomorrow.


        Day 6 - God this is hard!!

        Glad everyone is OK Millie. What a fright. You for you for staying tough.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          Day 6 - God this is hard!!

          Thanks for the support guys.

          I am feeling a bit better now. It is 10.20pm here in Australia and I reckon I have got through my first Friday night OK. Although I will still be up for a while I know at least I have got through this one.


            Day 6 - God this is hard!!

            thank god the kids are fine and you were not drinking that night so you could handle it and its so worth the fight hang in there
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

