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Don't really know what to gain

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    Don't really know what to gain

    I have to quit drinking now. I am completely emotionally and spritually bankrupt. It's over. Alcohol wins again. I need only healthy, sincere, commited people to respond. This is killing me slowy and I don't want to die anymore but I am tough and will see through chronic relapsers - no offense - but I need a virtual on line sponsor to become my friend and mentor. I have experienced years of sobriety in the past and they were the best years of my life. I can admit that now but with that omission comes the obligation to change and I am terrified but I am ready to come home to my true self. Any help??

    Don't really know what to gain

    Dear Tiny,
    You have come to the right place! The MWO community is the best. They have helped me through the worst, and I am glad to say with the help and support here, I am 60 days sober. No, it is not easy, but my life is so much better right now than it has been in the last 15 years! So, I am probably not the ONE you need to help you, but HERE you will find MANY, me included, that will help you get to a better place. So come often, and read to your hearts content. Sometimes we have something to add to the posts and sometimes we do not, but all the comments are just what you need to read at the time!
    I will be checking in on you and praying for just took your first step! It was the hardest one, and each one will be a little easier....Take care! H


      Don't really know what to gain

      Tiny :welcome:

      There is a toolbox thread in the monthly abstinence section. It is full of good infomation on how to deal with the craving and set up a plan of action. You might also want to write out a list of the pros for drinking and the cons for drinking.

      There's also several good threads in the monthly abstinence section you might want to read.

      The newbies nest is another good thread when your just starting out.

      Stay close and read, read, read and post and ask questions. There's lot of supportive people here.

      Good luck and I hope to see more of you.
      AF since 7/26/2009

      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


        Don't really know what to gain

        tinydancer;601010 wrote: I have to quit drinking now. I am completely emotionally and spritually bankrupt. It's over. Alcohol wins again. I need only healthy, sincere, commited people to respond. This is killing me slowy and I don't want to die anymore but I am tough and will see through chronic relapsers - no offense - but I need a virtual on line sponsor to become my friend and mentor. I have experienced years of sobriety in the past and they were the best years of my life. I can admit that now but with that omission comes the obligation to change and I am terrified but I am ready to come home to my true self. Any help??
        I'm right there with you. Being age 38 now, I had a few stretches of sobriety in my 20s (and one WHOLE month in 2007) and to sum it all up, me and my liver are not on speaking terms. I feel like a $*!#@+^ slave every time I walk into that liquor store. For whatever reason, my true self is not someone I'm comfortable with at the end of the night..I guess that's the root of all addiction. Anyway, I hope you get to go to detox I'm going in a coupla days (again) and this time, when I get out, I'm gonna do what they told me to do the last time: AA, counseling, and Rx help...because I had it that bad..

        My brother has been taking Campral and has 6 months under his belt..and he drank just under 1/2 gallon of vodka a day. He almost died of liver/kidney failure. Seriously. He would never have quit if he didn't swell up like a pumpkin and end up in the hospital for 6 weeks + 6 more weeks of physical therapy. He's doing great now, working hard and taking care of his beautiful family.

        If HE can stay sober, I guess almost anyone can..but he needed that little extra crutch to make it stick. Please, tinydancer, look into some post-detox Rx assistance and counseling.

        There's a lot of people on here, I just found this place maybe 3 hours ago. I'm sure you're in a lot of prayers now...


          Don't really know what to gain


          You may find someone who is long term sober who can help you if you post in Long Term Abstainers Forum. Most people looking in this Starting Out forum are either still drinking or only newly sober.

          Good luck. You will find lots of support on this site from all across the drinking spectrum.
          If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.

