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Great night out - Stone Cold Sober!

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    Great night out - Stone Cold Sober!

    I had a really great night out last night with my family. It was an event organised by the school - definitely not the place to get plastered! That didn't stop me last year. Last year I drank a bottle of red to myself then started on my husband's cider. Not surprised that the people who sat on our table last year seemed somewhat reluctant to join us this year!

    Anyway, had a great chat with a couple we hadn't seen for ages and danced at the disco. Then drove home and am up bright and early without a hangover. Beautiful day here and I am able to enjoy it.

    So everyone, there is a social life after booze. I can even remember all the conversations I had. I didn't do anything embarassing and I don't have to worry about people gossiping about how much I drank at the event. RESULT!!
    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.

    Great night out - Stone Cold Sober!

    Aint it a great life being sober? I remember remembering all the conversations, not making an ass of myself in certain situations when I..shall we say, eased.. a flask of vodka in. And driving late at night was was so foreign to me.

    All of this lasted exactly ONE MONTH for me after my first time in detox. I didn't go to AA, I didn't get counseling, and I didn't take the med. recommended to me. I don't know if you need any of the above, only you know. Please don't make the same mistakes I did. I'll be in detox again in 2 or 3 days. This time? I'm going with the in all 3 of the above=AA, weekly counseling and the Rx help.

    Good luck and God bless.


      Great night out - Stone Cold Sober!

      I am really pleased you had a great night out Blue Sky and hope you have many more
      :dancin: enguin:
      starting over


        Great night out - Stone Cold Sober!

        That's great Blue. I know the feeling too, these day's. It's a pretty simple equation really for some of us problem drinker's. i.e. Get sober stupid! Bravo!

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Great night out - Stone Cold Sober!

          That's wonderful! I was suprised that I could actually enjoy myself sober.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

