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AF April 26

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    AF April 26

    The birds are singing and building nests! I heard some frogs yesterday. Oh, the toads: the toad mating call sound has ended. It only lasts a few days, sadly. In a few weeks I will see little tiney baby toads hopping about the edges of the pond! The flowering crab apple tree we planted in memory of my Mom few years ago. It is about to burst into blossom! The northern red oak we planted in memory of Dad is just beginning to bud. I am so grateful to be here this morning (without a hangover), enjoying this awesome morning.

    Thanks to all for yesterday's well wishes. Let's all go for an AF Sunday!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    AF April 26

    I am so grateful to be here this morning (without a hangover), enjoying this awesome morning.
    I've been sitting outside on my deck. Even though I live in a small town, I am lucky enough to live next to an open field and can enjoy the sunrise in the mornings. How good it feels to just be able to enjoy the simple things.
    AF since 7/26/2009

    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


      AF April 26

      Good Morning Ladies!!!

      Lil said "How good it feels to just be able to enjoy the simple things."
      To that I lift up my diet pepsi and say..."CHEERS!"

      Enjoy the beautiful day :wings:
      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



        AF April 26

        Dill, that was just beautiful! I love enjoying the outdoors without a hangover. It's like a whole new world opens up and you just become aware of everything. Like Lil said, the simple things. Thanks for these words and reminder.

        Hi Lil and SD! Happy AF Sunday!


          AF April 26

          Happy Sunday People!!

          I didn't get on here yesterday, so i am a little late to send you my best wished Dill - HAPPY 30DAYS PLUS 1 !!!!! And same to you and a great 30days+ stint Lavande. Everyone is doing soooooo great!!! Day 26 today and sore???? Had a 10km run yesterday (after which I watched about 12 pitchers of beer go down the throats of those maniac, crazy hashers!), got up early this morning and we walked the 19km out to the Berry Barn for waffles. Oh, what fun!!!! My left foot is very sore!!! And in two weeks, I have to hike twice that distance. I'm starting to question my sanity!

          Just a brief hi to everybody else here - I still have to go grocery shopping and get some other stuff together and I think I will hit the hay early. Another AF day - almost to 30 days and the much anticipated ice cream pigout!!

          xoxo peanut

