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Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

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    Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

    hi everyone! day four af for me and feeling fine, have got sun burnt a few times now with this lovely weather thought i would have learnt by now lol. well done ktab and ronnie thirty days soon you are doing so well.

    keep going tenderfield this site helps alot.

    stashia just one day behind you well done keep it up, well trying to arrange a babysitter for this weekend so i can go out with that fella again, would like to go just to get out and keep my sanity,plus second date should be able to learn a little more about him lol.
    well will catch up again tomo x x


      Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

      Hi everyone
      Macca - ooohhh maybe you might get a kiss on the second date!!!:H sorry macca dont mind me, I am just in a funny ha ha mood. and well done on your A/F days you are doing great.
      Tender - How are you today?
      Stashia - Where are you? I hope you are fine and well
      KTAB - We are nearly there!!!! how are you doing?
      Well another exciting day for me!! I have to go food shopping then pick up a teddy bears outfit for my eldest son's assembly for tomorrow (which should be really good fun), then back here to do yet again more housework then go soccer training.
      What is everyone else up to doday?? I hope it is more exciting than my day!!!
      Anyway I hope you all have a lovely Thursday
      Love ronnie xx
      :dancin: enguin:
      starting over


        Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

        A big hello to everybody. Morning Ronnie behave yourself maybe Macca doesn't want a kiss
        Hi Macca only joking with ya hope your date goes well, sun burn not good but day 5 AF sure is. Hi Stashia how are things, day 7 now isn't it?
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

          lol, well going out sat night with him, wonder what we will do?, behave ronnie lol. another day under our belts yipee lots of days for me to catch up with you ronnie and Ktab lol.

          how are you stashia?


            Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

            Hi everyone,
            Macca - have you got an ice skating ring near you, thats always a laugh especially with someone new as you can pretend to fall and grab a cuddle without them realising it :l
            KTAB - how are you doing today?
            Where is stashia?????
            Well all is fine on this part of the world, I am in & out all day today with teddy bears picnic up the school with my 3 boys then tonight I have to ONCE again take my youngest son to soccer practice, why is it that my hubby always gets out of taking him, I must admit it is now starting to get on my nerves as he does'nt do alot with the boys, I know he is busy renovating but you would think that the boys come first, but oh no its always about him first. Sorry I just got caught up there in my little rant. But anyway I am tottally fine and I feel really good today
            I hope you all have a great Friday
            Love ronnie xx
            :dancin: enguin:
            starting over


              Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

              Morning all, Stashia let us know your ok.

              Macca I wonder will you take that underhand girly advice your getting from Ronnie, us poor blokes have no chance

              Ronnie you could always try whistling 'the teddy bears picnic' all afternoon, that should drive hubby out to soccer practice
              On a more serious note talk it through and dont let it become a big argument. One of the reasons I say this is, a row is always big trigger for me, how about you?
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                Hi everyone
                KTAB - I wont argue with hubby about it, there is no point because at the end of the day he will just turn round and say that he is busy working on the house, which I suppose in a way is true, But I also know that when I go out to the practise he does'nt spend all his time working on the house but then again he is entittled to some me time. In my drinking days I would of had a huge row about it, but now I know better. But hey thanks sooo much for your concern KTAB, least someone loves me!!!
                Hey Macca - have you decided where you are going tonight, come on dont be shy spill the beans girl!!!!!
                Well id better go and get some cleaning done now
                Hope you all have a lovely day
                Lots of love ronnie xxx
                :dancin: enguin:
                starting over


                  Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                  Hi all, Ronnie looks like this thread has gone very quiet.
                  How are you feeling coming up to Day 30?
                  It was my plan to mod after but even though it has gone really well for the last couple of weeks it is slowly dawning on me that I need more time AF. Stopping at two drinks just wouldn't happen, yet. Any thoughts?
                  Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                    Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                    Hi KTAB,
                    This thread tends to pick up a little bit after the weekend thread has finished,
                    well I am quite nervous about my completion of the 30 days, I have been trying to work out a bit of a plan, but it keeps changing, I think what I will do is just drink on social occassions, but I am a bit like you, I dont know if I will be able to stop after I have had that first one, but also I am going to change what I drink. I was a beer drinker but I think I will go back onto vodka & coke as I like the fact that I can control that drink as I can pour very weak messures. That was the drink that I use to drink if I new that I had to behave myself if we went out!!!!! and it always worked for me, but like I keep saying I think it is a case of trial & error until we know what works for us.
                    Its a bit like walking into the unknown really is'nt it?? I am very proud of myself that I have managed to get this far and I really don't want to muck it all up and let myself down.
                    Well enough about me, have you had any more thoughts yet on how you are going to mod? once you start modding that is.
                    Mr G from TND tread has dared me to go another 30 days but I have declined his dare!!!
                    Love Ronnie xx
                    :dancin: enguin:
                    starting over


                      Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                      Hi all, Ronnie, I would imagine a lot of us start out on day 1 just sick and tired of the whole merry-go-round that isn't so merry anymore. Then after a while of AF we decide we wouldn't like to give our friend AL up forever, I mean, what would we do at weddings, birthdays, parties, what our friends and peers think etc etc.... We decide then after a period of time that going back to AL and keeping him constantly under control is an option. For some people that is never going to happen. For anyone that can, I admire their self control once they have come down this path of being a problem drinker.
                      So here I find myself at a crossroads and have decided another 30 days is the way forward. I dont want to ruin the seed of hope I have sown within me. I wish anybody who is moderating my heartfelt best wishes and hope that I too will have it in me to do try it somewhere down the line.
                      Sorry for the long contemplative post, I have been doing a bit of soul searching this morning.
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                        Ktab - I think you are doing brilliantly. Whatever you decide here on in you wont have let yourself down. If it doesnt work the way you want you now know you have it in you to do at least 30 days AF. Love your analogy re the merry go round, so true I was there at the end of may and decided to step off the merry go round, 8 days later finding my bearings and enjoying simple pleasures again.

                        Taz x


                          Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                          Hi KTAB

                          Think you are making a wise decision to continue another 30 days AF. I completed 31 days AF before Easter, I was so pleased with myself, such an effort. Decided to try modding and lets just say it quickly built back up to previous levels and I am now doing my second 30 days! I had a conversation with my husband at the weekend and his opinion was that it would take 3 continuous months AF to unlearn the bad habits of the last 20 years. I so hope he's not right! But am taking it one step at a time.
                          If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                            Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                            Am really gonna try the 4 day AF binge with you all.

                            Good luck everyone.


                              Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                              Thats the attitude Izzy, you can do it, and so will I. Count me in for a 4 day.
                              "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance


                                Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                                Hi everyone
                                Izzy & Swans, well done for deciding to do the 4 day A/F, how are you both doing?
                                Taz how are you, how many days are you now.
                                Macca come on girly spill the beans, how did your date go with your new fella and where did you go????????????
                                Hi KTAB - Are you still feeling as good as me my friend?
                                Well I hope you all have a lovely Wednesday, it looks like its going to rain here today, that because I am going to the hairdressers today, so my nicely cut hair will look like I have been pulled threw a bush backwards!!!!!
                                Well done for everyone who has got this far this week on thier A/F days - its nearly the weekend and remember we are hear to support you all,
                                Keep strong my friends
                                Love ronnie xx
                                :dancin: enguin:
                                starting over

