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Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

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    Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

    Hey Everyone Just thought I'd catch up and see how everyone was doing. I'm on Day 3 AF)))) Today will be easy (I have to work today and tomorrow). Tomorrow night....that's a different story, but I'm keeping the optimism for now! I'm so glad I have you guys for inspiration! I'm off to the salon to be everyone elses' 'therapist'....hahahaha...They should really hand out a phsychology certificate to hairdressers!! At least most of the stories I hear are entertaining...Have a great AF Friday everyone


      Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

      Good Morning Bingers!! Sounds like everyone has had a good 4 days Let's have a group hug:groupluv: and big round of applause :wd: ! Have a great weekend and we will all meet back again next week.

      :welcome: sky886! Good job on 20 hours AF!!! You will get lots of support here. Check out the ODAT thread and the Newbie's Nest too

      Savon ~ :goodjob: on Day 4. You can get through it, I know you can!!!

      Blue ~ Happy May Day and enjoy your bank holiday! Hope to see you on Monday, but Tuesday is ok to

      Scrubbly ~ Great job on almost 6 days AF!!! You have had a great week!

      Tears ~ well done on 3 days AF!!! Keep up the good work

      Hello to all to come. See you next week!


        Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

        Hi Guys!

        :welcome:Sky - Whether you're doing it ODAT (one day at a time) or like you OHAT (one hour at a time) - it doesn't matter - you're doing it! So, by my reckoning, you'll be on your 2nd day so hope your doing OK and sticking at it. Keep strong:l

        SAVON - I've seen you on the ODAT thread too - well done on day 4 - I love this thread 'cos it's just a "bit at a time" type of thread and that's just right for me. That's all I'm looking for at the moment, well for life really. I must admit when I first joined MWO and looked around the forums when somebody first advised me to do 30 days AF I was like :wow: and I guess that's why I failed. This to me is managable - you can see from Monday to Thursday and that keeps you strong. Hope you keep with us! :l

        Hi O'Tears - Well done on 3 days! That's great! Hope you've had a good day at work and managed to put up with all that ear-bending!!!!!:l

        Hi CHOPPERS - I agree with you - we've done GREAT this week so thanks for the group hug and the round of applause, I'm keeping my 'smilies" for, yes, you've guessed it ................. because I don't know where MAMMAZ's gone to again! and Nellie has been lonely ...... inkele: !!!!!

        SCRUBBLY - 6 days - good job! Are you intending to go totally AF or are you going to try modding? Whats your plan?

        BLUE - Enjoy your BH weekend! You've got your units sussed I know so enjoy! I just hope we've got the weather to enjoy!

        I'll look out for one of you guys to start a new thread on Monday and I'll catch up with you on Tuesday. xxxxx


          Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

          Great job guys. I am going to be more into four days next week for sure. it might be one hour at a time but I am going to try again. Have a good weekend -- see you Monday.


            Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

            OK - I think I can safely say I made it FOUR days!!

            Now I think I need to make it.... SEVEN days...

            I'm "sort of" beginning to feel better about this AF thing... I'm still shaky at times, wondering WHY I'm doing this! Have to constantly remind myself.
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

     do u do this stunt?????? CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                Dear savy, how is your Dad? Darling, hang in there! (I can relate sooooo much. My parents are everything to me.) I hope your bro is ok now and little bit more forgiving. You need each other. LUV Mama


                  Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                  Thanks to Hulagirl!

                  Thanks to Hulagirl for answering my question. Am I the only one who didn't know how to find threads that they had forgotten the titles of? (Memory loss, anyone?) I just reread all the posts that I have missed, and I loved each one of them. I'm so glad that all of you are here.

                  Today is Day 4 for me, but I think this thread is from LAST week, when I definitely didn't do four days. Fridays and Sundays are the hardest for me. One used to be to relax from the workweek, and the other to get ready for the coming workweek. But, now I'm retired and it shouldn't matter anymore, but those old triggers are still there. I'm stocked up on pomegranate juice to get me through tomorrow. Day by day. Day by day. Day by day.

                  Thanks for letting me back in!:l


                    Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                    what is af


                      Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                      It means Alcohol Free Buddy.
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                        Hi choppersmom,
                        my plans are for moderation.:new: I really love a tasty glass of wine with my guy. we could have one every night with dinner, if I could just figure out how that cork goes back in the bottle.
                        oh my that reminds me of a favorite winnie the pooh story...lovely:l



                          Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                          Day 5 here and I can't believe I did it. This is the witching hour for me (4:00 Eastern Standard Time USA) and all I can think about is getting a nice bottle. Augh. Praying for strength!


                            Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                            Day 5 is so amazing to me.... day one stress is ridiculous...shame myself..


                              Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                              hi rolypoly & capa .

                              I started here 5 days ago determined to manage till my brthday AF ( thats next Friday ) ,,,,but only managed 4 days . Went a bit mad on Friday ( bottle & a half of wine!!!! ) but managed not to have any yesterday .

                              So I've decided not to try to run before I can walk & to go for the 4 days AF Binge first . Good luck to all & I think this forum is an absolute godsend !! thanks for being there.:new:

                              PS How do you get those smiley boards onto you re text?


                                Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                                blue sky well done for stopping at two drinks wish i could do that

                                mica i too have stocked up on fruit jucies and healthy food as i get the nibbles sometimes, lost 3lb since i have stopped drinking.

                                bubblex happy birthday, my birthday is at the end of the month an i am going on holiday too, i am on af day 7 and proud so i am trying not to think that far ahead and just take one day at a time, great support on here x x to all of you

