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Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

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    Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

    I am ready!!! Ready!!! Ready!!!

    (I not only fell of the wagon yesterday, but got run over by it several times last least that is how I feel now).:upset:

    Photo, we r starting Day 1 again!


      Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

      Hi MamaZum
      You made me laugh which is a miracle today as i too was hit by that damn wagon and still feeling rough!
      Have to go to London tomorrow but will stay AF whatever my husband drinks i hate feeling this way.


        Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

        On day 1 with you MZ & Vogue after a rather sloppy yesterday. Can't wait until the anxiety passes. Why in the world don't we think of how THIS point will feel when we're hanging out with Al?? Silly humans...


          Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

          I screwed up!

          I felt so compelled to have a beer after work today. I had a long day. It was hot. I don't have AC where I work. Then I decided to have 2 more because I felt like I already cheated, so why not just have a couple more? I was also playing around with my topa dosing. I am supposed to go up to 125 mg. this week. My doc prescribes it for me to take morning & nite. However, if I don't take my 2nd dose by 4:00, I am in big trouble. Since I increased my morning dose this morning, I thought, I might not need my afternoon dose, and did not bring it with me. BAD IDEA. So, tomorrow will be day one for me again. Hope you all had a great Monday! :l

          Hey EK.... how are you feeling today?????


            Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

            Don't feel bad fin, I was AF yesterday, but today I had to make a grocery run, and I instinctively grabbed a small bottle of wine...I know it's not a great excuse, but I got a really aggravating message today from a good friend who I stupidly confided in this weekend..she is just not the right person to confide in. Lesson learned! We also found out my Father In Law has relapsed with his colon cancer for the 3rd time, and I don't think the outcome will be good this time around. Now I have to deal with a sad life lesson to my 4 yr old twins when their Grandpa passes away. My son (one of the twins) is so close to him. I'm sooo not looking forward to thisAnyway, I've realized that I'm going to have to crawl before I walk....tomorrow will be AF for me again, as I have to work Wednesday. Better luck to everyone else.


              Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

              Hi Everyone, just thought I would let you know that I am now on day 3 AF and usally this day is the hardest for me. Sorry to hear about your sad news Obsidian, try and stay strong for your twins. That goes for everyone together we can do this!!!!! love ronnie xx
              :dancin: enguin:
              starting over


                Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                To all who have slipped a little, keep your chin up! I'm sure so many of you have many 4-day stretches under your belts. This is my first try, and its working so far but I can't even RECALL the last time I went 4 days AF before I found MWO! Thanks for being an inspiration to a newbie by not letting slips get you to throw in the towel and give up!


                  Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                  Howdie gang! How are we today then?!?!?

                  Finally - don't worry chick - best thing to do when you're feeling like doing this to yourself ... :b&d: is to go back to your original posting when you got us all together - go on! Re-read it! See how positive you were, how up-beat. Yeah, so what, you've had a few beers ..... big deal. That was yesterday FFS. Today is now tomorrow and so DAY 1. So, dust yourself down, and start all over again!. :l

                  Hey, MAMMA - SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad you're talking to me (you know what I mean :H:H:H). Yep, yesterday was day 1 for us both after we missed that sodding wagon. Do you know, I actually thought they hung around for a LOT longer than they actually did! Hey, ho!. Yesterday I felt great. Not a jit or jot of wanting a drink (TFFT my liver was thinking!) and I'm up for day 2 today. Good Luck darling!!!!

                  O'tears - Hope things aren't too bad for you - it's always a crap time when you're trying to deal with one thing like this but when you're thrown a blow like you've been thrown and also when you're trying to be strong then for little ones. My thoughts are with you, hon xxx

                  Hi ronnie - well done on day 3! Hope you're feeling good! Good luck for Day 4! It's all about little steps and not looking too far ahead. That mountain is a big'un to climb at the end of the day!

                  Hey CHOPPERS - Well done you! Day 9! I would have had a good weekend had my weekend consisted of 1 day (!?!?!?). Good luck for day 10 for you!

                  And to everybody else (sorry for those who've I've not mentioned by name) .. hope you have a good day - whether it's day 2 or day 1 again or rocking rolling ahead on more than that - :goodjob:


                    Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                    Hi Obsidisan

                    I'm a twins mum too, seems that there's quite a few of us on this site. I wonder if there's a connection! :H:H:H:H Although I was drinking to excess years before I had them. They are nearly 8 now.

                    Hello to everyone on the 4 Day AF binge. Seems to be getting popular and there are a few new names joining it so welcome to you.
                    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                      Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                      I'm on Day 2 now!! Slept like crap, but even so, better than having a hangover. Off to work!!


                        Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                        Morning, AFB friends!

                        O-Tears, I am so sorry about your father-in-law. I unfortunately know (first hand) quite a bit about thoses situations. Hang in there!

                        Photogirl...speak English please?! lol (what is FFS and TFFT?)

                        Finally, this should be our last hot day! Stay cool.

                        All of you, have a great Tuesday! I will check on u guys later.

                        XoXo MamaZ


                          Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                          Good morning all! Tears, I am so sorry for your news. How awful. Here's a big hug :l.

                          Well, I didn't make it through day 9. I had 1/2 glass of wine with my girlfriend last night. Technically, today will be day 1 for me. However, I am looking at it as I made it 8 out of 9 days and I will go from there.

                          To all those who slipped yesterday, including me, let's keep on keeping on. We are strong people and can do this.

                          To all those who were AF...great job!!!

                          Have a great day everyone!


                            Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                            Today is AF3 for me!!! Way to go everyone, even if you slipped. :goodjob:

                            We are strong, and can do it! :h


                              Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                              I'm on the "slipped yesterday" team but am back on track today. Feeling great and glad I have this and and all of you as a resource.


                                Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                                Lost in Translation!!!!!

                                Right - especially for MAMMA Z and for all those of you on the left hand side of the pond .....

                                There are some sayings over here which have just slipped into our vocab. They do entail the "f" word which I will not, of course, type here on a public forum so please accept my appologies for any offence which the sayings cause but here goes:

                                FFS = For "f" sake ...

                                TFFT = Thank "f" for that ....

                                All clear now?!?!?

                                Hey, CHOPPERS, I wouldn't beat yourself up over 1/2 a glass of wine - hey, if you were catholic - you could just class that as communion!!!:H:H:H

                                Keep up the good work everyone! :goodjob: xxx

