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Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

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    Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

    Hi tried to post this earlier but it didnt seem to make it!!! still learning how to use forums!

    Anyway , I joined up last week & managed 4 days AF without too much trouble......I was determined not to drink at all until my birthday ( this Friday ) but somehow when I was down the supermarket on Friday 2 bottles or red wine found themselves in my trolley & that was Friday gone.

    Felt a bit of an idiot but then I read your 4 day AF binge thread & decided maybe I need to learn to walk before I start trying to run here I am up for the 4 day binge .

    Good luck to all & thanks for being there

    incidentally , I cant work out how you get the smiley placards on you postings ....anyone got a simple explanation for the forum novices??!!


      Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

      I'm in too - today is day one.


        Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

        Count me in.Day one today.Start Campral med tommorrow.Thanks everyone for support johno


          Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

          day 2 over and I'm eating my way through a delicious ,healthy pot of soup. I'm dreaming of the day when day 2 will be day umpteenth
          make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


            Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

            Hi everyone, well it is Monday night here in Oz and I am comming to the end of Day 8 A/F WHOOPEE
            I cant believe I have come this far, and if I can this this then all you newcommers can do it to.
            jessie, Johno & quitintime you are all doing really great keep posting here and keep busy thats what I did to help me get through the days, you will find loads of support here its a great thread.
            I hope to see some of you from last week and we can lets each other know how we are doing
            Well hope you all have a great day/evening and I will check in tomorrow.
            love ronnie xx
            :dancin: enguin:
            starting over


              Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

              Hello everyone,

              This is the beginning of the third week on this thread, thanks to all of you I am not drinking Monday - Thursday. I am in for this week again, taking my supplements and keeping busy tonight.:h
              "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance


                Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                Good job, everyone!

                Ronnie, you are so right about the TV watching trigger. I bet it's a trigger for a lot pf people because A) it's a passive activity, and B) TV is geared toward making the watcher want to consume, consume, consume everything from food to diet pills to sleep number beds (at least it is in the US). I am much more peaceful without it. For what it's worth, maybe as a substitute, Baroque classical music has been proven to help people learn and establish new brain wave patterns.
                "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                  Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                  Well Here we are in OZ its 7.30am Tuesday and off to work.No AL yesterday I am on day 2 and commence Med today. Thanks so much for all your support. Have a wonderful (AL free) Tuesday. Will post again tonight. :new:johno


                    Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                    I'm new too!

                    I would like to join you if it's okay - I do fine during the week -- it's the weekend I have trouble with! Could use the strength that support provides as the week builds - hope that's ok!



                      Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                      This is one of the most inspirational threads. I'm in again for another run.

                      Everything I need is within me!


                        Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                        Well everyone - we all seem to be on different days of the AF binge - but here I'm going for day 3 - chins up and keep going.
                        make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                          Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                          Well all, had kind of a crazy weekend and ready to get back to a good healthy and AF week. Everybody have a good week.


                          If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. ~ Will Rogers ~


                            Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                            I'm here!!! Day 1 for me, and it's my witching hour.... Cranberry juice with sparkling water in a wine glass. Cheers!


                              Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                              Feelin' pretty good

                              Today is day 13 of no drinking at all. I am feelin' pretty good...the first few days were tricky, I noticed a rapid pulse and irritability, and since have done ok. Actually, today I felt so good that I thought of having a drink...just one of course.

                              But....for me....I don't think it is a good idea. I was able to moderate my drinking the most of the time, but every now and then I wouldn't. The next day I would feel pretty crummy, but worst of all I would really be down on myself. Speaking of down, of my major concern about drinking was depression. My natural tendency toward melancholia was really magnified by drinking. I certainly could get happy and light-hearted, especially the first glass or two, but after that, look out. And the blues were there on the days I didn't drink. I am hopeful that going AF will help my mood over the long term.
                              Has anybody else?
                              Good luck and best to everyone in this struggle we have all been at for far too long!


                                Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                                I'm aiming for moderation also. I've been practicing not to have any drinks before I get together with others, never drink alone and to stop at three drinks and no more than three drinking days per week. Keep up the good work. I love having this site.

