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Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

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    Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

    Morning guys, its a beautiful day here so a few hours of hard labour in tackling my jungle of a garden is on the menu. I am quite groggy this morning, no didnt slip, I was on chat till 3am and found it really helpfull. Met some good people on there.
    Macca very well done on getting through yesterday in tact. Are you going anywhere nice? In regards to the AF wine and I can only speak personally, I tried that a couple of times in the past and it really didnt work for me. It was like my little demon was saying who are trying to fool.
    Sounds like you made a big impression on your date
    Keep in touch if you can, enjoy your break and stay safe.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

      Day 8 here and I am so happy - didn't have wine Friday or Sat on a HOLIDAY WEEKEND! I would make up an excuse to drink for anything! Bad day? Wine! Good Day? Wine! Kids get good grades? Wine! I am so happy that is over. I feel better and I am hoping that this continues. Good luck everyone!


        Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

        Macca that guy sounds really keen on you - I can see wedding bells (only joking) dont get frightened!!!!
        Capa - well done on Day 8, hang in there you are doing really great
        KTAB - Well what does it feel like to be 2 weeks sober? same goes to you as well Macca - Its great is'nt it, I really cant believe that we have come this far WHOPPEE
        Stashia - how are you doing?
        Well Macca hope you have a lovely holiday and PLEASE try not to cave into the booze, I will be thinking of you, everytime you think of drink, just remember KTAB and me on here, you have to stay strong for us!!!
        I hope everyone has a fab Sunday and keep up the good work everyone. Is it a holiday tomorrow in the UK?
        Lots of love & Hugs to you all
        ronnie xx
        :dancin: enguin:
        starting over


          Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

          Just a thought, Macca -- maybe AL-free wine will feel like "less than" and only make you feel deprived. Why not try something new and/or different that's good in its own right? I LOVE pineapple juice with sparkling water. Or a coffee with mocha or caramel. I try to drink these new favorites only at special times so they're a treat.
          "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


            Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

            Hi all you all sound so positive thats great!! Macca hope you have a wonderful holiday we will miss you sooo hurry back and let us know the goss on the romance luv sxx


              Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

              Macca I miss you already, come back sooooon, I need my daily update on your love life (how sad am I)
              Well its monday morning here its a bit chilly but the sun is out and it has stoped raining HOORAY!!
              I am feeling great today although I have a ton to do today in the house but never mind
              It looks like we all done a great job on our A/F days over the weekend Well done everyone, I am now starting week 3 WOW I cant believe it, I really thought this would be a dream for me to get this far. THANKS guys for being here for me
              Love you all loads
              ronnie xx
              :dancin: enguin:
              starting over


                Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                thanks KTAB, i too have been doing my garden and boy it's hard work i also got sunburnt, put sun cream on the kids but not on me what a prat.

                Capia well done you are doing great!!

                Ronnie, wedding bells arghhhhhh no lmao, thanks for your words of support will take them in my head and if i get the urge i will think of you all and hope you are also hanging on in there xx yep week three for us never thought i would see the day.

                Lilbit, thank you for that addvice tried pineapple with lemonade what a refreshing drink thanks again.

                Stasha, thankyou will keep you informed on the romance lol on the phone last night for an hour only hung off because the battery went dead lol

                well bye for now guys keep up the good work as will i and chat when i get back big hugs to you all xx


                  Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                  Hi all, just checking in, well the sun is out again today but still a bit chilly, but not bad concidering its is our winter over here.
                  Well I now have 2 ovens and a cooker top that are working!!! so no more takeaways HORRAY!!!!! I have just got to get hubby to finish the rest of the kitchen now, but its looking good.
                  I hope you are all feeling good about yourselves and that you had a nice Monday holiday (UK & USA)
                  Im off to the shops now, I will try and check in later
                  Love ronnie xx
                  :dancin: enguin:
                  starting over


                    Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                    Morning guys hope this finds you all well and healthy. Ron glad to hear your kichen is back in cooking mode, a body can only eat so many take aways. Monday was good for me and today is going to be better even though I have an 8 hr round trip down the country. Feeling really upbeat, this new sobriety is sitting well on my shoulders, long may it continue. Gotta run, check back in tonight.
                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                      Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                      Evening all day 5 for me and feeling optimistic! CAPPA how is day 9 going? BLUZ G how are you doing? LILBIT how are you hope everyone is ok RON my boyfriend started my kitchen 2 yrs ago am still waiting for him to finish it!! luv and best wishes everyone xs


                        Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                        Hi All!

                        I just wanted to say a quick hello. I was googling a problem I've been haveing with a dull ache in my right side aftyer heavy drinking when I found your site. I've been really impressed with what I've seen so far:goodjob: I think that it's pretty awesome tha you all have something like this as a support network.

                        Soooo..... with that all said. I will be starting on the journey of (what do you guys call it?) AF. Not exactly sure what that means, but it sounds like it stands for abstinant from. Well whatever it is, it sounds like that's what everyone is striving for.

                        Ok all, I will stop in at some point and see if anyone responds to this message.

                        Take care.


                          Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                          :welcome: CHYWLF glad you found us you will get lots of inspiration here i cant help you with the pain in your side but if it continues maybe you should have it checked out! AF means alcohol free. Hope you stick around and good luck xs


                            Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                            Hi guys, this is turning into a cheery little thread last couple of days, great to see everyone doing so well. It really is a case of strength in numbers, lets keep up the positive vibe all.

                            I am wrecked after a long day out. Hard work but it was good and I seem to be more enthusiastic in general, probably a case of having higher energy levels and generally feeling healther all round. I am suprised at what a couple of dry weeks and trying to live the good life can achieve.

                            Hi Chywfl37, welcome along, you have found a special place here. I cant help you with any ideas as to what the pain might be but would echo Stashia's comments about maybe getting it checked out. Keep posting.

                            Keep safe
                            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                              Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                              Good Evening All:

                              These long weekends are hard on me. I had a heck of a time getting back in the harness today. Course I spent a good part of my weekend here with friends and in my kitchen. I'm on day 21 today and things seem to be going according to the plan. Still hittin' the supp's, CD's, L-Glutamine and AA. I have received the Topamax but I'm a little nervous about the side effects. So, I'll just sit that out for now. I have been coming to this thread since the beginning of this process and have found some wonderful support here.

                              My best to all,


                              If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. ~ Will Rogers ~


                                Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                                Hi everyone,
                                Sorry im a bit late checking in, but I think i am comming down with something, so I have doesed myself up and at the moment I dont feel to bad, but it is nearly my bedtime so we shall see in the morning!!!!
                                But apart from that I am doing really well, I think today is the first time that I have'nt thought about drink but I have had other things on my mind, like how crap I feel. But us women have to keep going otherwise the home will collapse!!!!!!!
                                Keep up the good work everyone, we are half way through this week
                                Love ronnie xxx
                                :dancin: enguin:
                                starting over

