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Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

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    Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

    Hi Ronnie

    I on day 11!!!!!Never achieved before. I know its because of the support from all you guys. Did have wine thoughts after work yesterday and even had a little debate in my head, 'it'll be okay' 'I can have one' 'I'll only do 2 weeks instead' what an idiot!!!!Didn have any though cos kept thinking how bad I would feelin the morning and how crap it would be coming back on here after having some.

    You've done many more days havent you? Did I read that you have lived in Scotland ? Where about, when? I am Scottish but moved down to Somerset with my sons in 2000 and love it here.

    Keep in touch it really helps

    Love Taz x

    Ps Izzy great first start - said that in another thread - keep posting you'll be amazed at what can be achieved together.


      Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

      Hi Taz, WOW 11 days A/F you are doing really well, you should be so proud of yourself, please dont cave in, not after you have come this far. how many days A/F do you want to go to?
      I lived in different places in Edinburgh about 19 years ago i think, I was only there for about one & a half years but I thought it was a lovely place.
      I am now on 31 Days but I am going to try to start to mod but I am going to take very small baby steps on this one as I dont want to muck it all up and be right where I started again.
      Keep up the brilliant work Taz you are doing GREAT
      Love ronnie xx
      :dancin: enguin:
      starting over


        Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

        Hi everyone, welcome Taz, Blue sky, Izzy and Swans great to see you all here. Looks like we are all at different times in our journeys but all looking for 4 days AF.
        Taz, you are doing great and it's normal to have these nagging cravings, they can be very powerfull, well done on resisting them. Are you taking any supps to help?
        Blue sky I think its very hard to know at times exactly where we are on this journey but we will get there in the end.
        Ronnie I am in grand form, glad to hear you are too and I think treating yourself to a nice new hair-do is a great idea. You deserve a lovely treat after working so hard at this.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

          Hi Ronnie, Well Done on your 31 Days. When I started attempting to modd I was told to really think about how I wanted it to work and write down my 'rules'. Have a look at the monthly modd board, there are lots of good threads and suggestions there. Unfortunately I was incapable of keeping to my rules as once I had a drink my willpower went AWOL! Hence I am back here on Day 10.

          So far have been doing this on will power alone but today went to herbal shop and bought a whole load of supps. Will be interested to see if I feel any noticeable effects.
          If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


            Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

            Ronnie and Ktab thanks for your motivating words! Plan to do 30 days prompted by a diff thread (but Izzy it started with 4 days AF...keep at it you done the first big step). No supps at the moment just going to see how it goes with lots of support from my sons and connecting with you guys on this site - so powerful. Ronnie 31 days - big respect amazing, will be very very interested in your modding - good luck with it. I am from Edinburgh and would have been living there 19ys ago. Hows the hairstyle? Hope you got lots of pampering!

            To everyone on this thread keep up the good work, small steps lead to bigger ones...

            Best Taz x


              Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

              Hi all
              Blue well done on day 10, and thanks for the modding advice, I need all the advice I get at the moment, but I am on day 32 now and I am feeling great, at this rate I dont think I want to drink as I am really happy at the moment as I am, and I am sure my good friend KTAB will agree with me!
              Taz, I have no doubt in my mind that you will get to 30 Day A/F you are doing so well, YOU GO GIRL!!!!!
              Where abouts in Edinburgh did you live, you never know we might know each other!!! would'nt that be weird!!!
              Well here I have had rain, thunder & lightening already today and its only 10.15 am so I think I am in for a wet day.
              I had loads cut off of my hair but kepted the same style and guess what??? my boys and my hubby have'nt even noticed!!!! but hey thats boys for you!!!!
              Well id better get on and do my hubby's accounts ready for the financial year end
              I hope you all have a wonderful day today and dont forget KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, you are all doing really well.
              Macca - Where are you girl????????
              Love Ronnie xx
              :dancin: enguin:
              starting over


                Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                Good morning all

                Beautiful day here although the news threatening big floods - weird! Ronnie I grew up near the Hearts football club, then went to college at cramond (PE), lived in morningside, New town and Corstorphine - how about you? Where did you work/study? Its a small world. I hope you are right and I can do this 30 days, I think the most powerful thing is thinking about tomorrow and coming back on here, not wanting to let you guys or myself down, its working anyway! I am getting my hair cut today, will let you know if any male in my house notices lol!!! Blue sky - you and me bout the same AF keep up the good work. Big Hi to Ktab and swans too. How goes it Izzy? Keep reading and keeeping in touch


                Taz x


                  Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                  Good morning everybody, hope the day finds you all well. How are you all keeping?
                  Taz you are doing great, nearly half way to the big 30, you can do it for sure.
                  Us men and the new hair do, what can I say :hitme:
                  Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                    Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                    Morning everyone

                    Izzy, are you still on board? Let us know how it's going.

                    I'm feeling good, the peacefulness that started Sunday evening is still with me but I have a nasty suspicion that the beast will be back for the weekend trying to tempt me again. :teeter:

                    HB is back from his trip tonight and on Saturday his company are hosting a family day with free alcohol. This is normally an excuse for me to get blotto but I think I'm going to offer to drive. I drove last year too as getting drunk in front of his colleagues is really not on! :tsk: But I recall last year I came home sober and then started playing catch up to reward myself for being so well behaved. :sigh:
                    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                      Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                      hi guys !!computer been playing up. looks like your all doing really well keep it up. got a wedding this weekend not looking forward to it but they are usually the best. well we went to the cinima saturday night and it was a really good night we then met up sunday with the kids and went bowling then out for dinner, he is still as keen as ever texting every day and calling although i don't answer the phone as he rings at the most awqward of times. still don't know how i feel, no spark but he is nice abit too quiet for me maybe he will come out of his shell in time.
                      will chat to you all after the weekend keep up the good work 14 days af now lol


                        Another 4 Day AF BINGE!

                        Hello guys.
                        Macca great to hear from you again, your doing great AF. You probably wont see this till after the weekend but I hope the wedding is enjoyable and all goes well for you. Your new friend sounds very nice, he is prob just a bit shy, give him time, you never know the sparks might fly yet. Anyway keep in touch.
                        Keep safe
                        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?

