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Made it 8 days with site

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    Made it 8 days with site

    Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I truly believe a higher power lead me to this site and I have been reading everyday for 8 days. I don't know how I let my wine habit sneak up on me the way it did, but found myself drinking a bottle every night (or more) then having do function for 12 hours the next day, every day. I was slowly killing myself and my family life with my drinking. It is hard to be a good wife and mother when you are hung over and tired. I finally had enough last friday after about a gallon of Sangria and decided I had to try and give it up. Thanks to all of you for your post- great support!

    Made it 8 days with site

    Hi MsFritz and :welcome: ! It is great that you have posted and introduced yourself. Have you read the book yet? This site is amazing and you will find so much support and encouragement. Good luck on your journey and I can't wait to get to know you better. Congrats and again welcome!


      Made it 8 days with site

      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        Made it 8 days with site

        Welcome aboard the boards. I am so glad you found us and I look forward to getting to know you.
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          Made it 8 days with site

          Welcome msfritz!

          Congratulations on your 8 days - that's great..........
          Keep it going, stay close and continue reading & posting for all the support & encouragement you need. I'm sure that someone else (who hasn't signed up yet) will see your success and be encouraged themselves. This is what we all need, a whole community holding each other up.

          Great job,
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Made it 8 days with site

            Welcome, MsFritz, way to go!


              Made it 8 days with site

              Good Luck-I love this site-AF 10 days and feeling great.


                Made it 8 days with site

                Stick with it and your life will change for the better in many many ways!
                If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                  Made it 8 days with site

                  I drink about a 1/2 or more wine every night. Week end is worst. I will be out for 5 days going to my son's
                  I am worried about my over drinking. Help to get into this site. when I get back.
                  I leave this Wednesday. Thanks,


                    Made it 8 days with site

                    I am older. My 12 year grand daughter is comming to live and go to school here.
                    I want to give up this wine. I have gone to AA. It works . I just don't want to go back.


                      Made it 8 days with site

                      Hi Modell,


                      Grandchilden can be a great motivating factor to quit - it was for me. Our first grandchild was born several months ago, what an awesome experience. But, the first time I held him (sober but kind of hiungover) I realzied this HAS to change. Did I want to spend the rest of my life being afraid to interact with him or worrying that my son & his wife didn't want me to be near him? Certainly not!

                      I am 55 years old and have spent the past 10 years of my life in a wine induced fog. I thought I was hiding from all of the major disappointments in my life. The worst ones were the ones brought on by a few major players in my life. I had (have) no control over them but I have found that I can control my reactions to them and their shitty behavior. Deciding to go AF was for my benefit, it was a good decision for me

                      Going on 5 weeks AF now and I'm feeling great, happy and confident. Restoring my self esteem before quitting was essential for me. It was a lot of work, but totally worth it. Give it a try, you & your granddaughter will both benefit, promise.

                      Keep reading & posting, make yourself a solid plan and just do it...............

                      All the best,
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

