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There is a first time for everything!

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    There is a first time for everything!

    My first time too!

    Hi Loose the booze,
    This is the first time I have ever posted anything anywhere. I feel like you too. After drinking too much last night (my weapon of choice is wine) I have decided to quit drinking for good. I have decided this several times before without success... a week or two was the best I could do. I never told anyone or talked about it as I did not want anyone to know I had a problem. But today is different ( I hope)! The booze are slowly killing us and will only complicate and compromise our health as we get older. I too am in my early 40's. This is our life...not a dress rehearsal!!! Let's do this together. As I read some other posts I know the people here are really supportive and are ready with lots of advice. Good luck.


      There is a first time for everything!

      :welcome: losethebooze and forme! Happy you are here and have "chosen life"!

      I do the supps, drink lots of water, cds but don't take any drugs except zoloft. I would love to drop that also as I've read that it makes some people drink out of control..

      I'm doing abs now as it is the best way to get your body cleared out .

      There is a lot of info that cv has posted so read all you can on that. She has save me $ in the book area .

      I look forward to hearing how its going for you.

      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        There is a first time for everything!

        Thank you for support!

        I just checked back in tonight, was feeling really raw about what I wrote the other night. But am very heartened by the people who have made other posts and feels like they know EXACTLY what I am trying to convey. This is, what, the 3rd night without going bonkers with captain morgan. I worked late on purpose two nights in a row to make sure I got past that "curfew" that I put on myself where I don't allow myself to drink. Lame, but effective.

        Had a great day today, doing a big tradeshow and had lots of support, but some crazy guy yelled at me right when I left (or course after the construction guys left) and made me really sad. Of course, I want to drink. Been on the computer doing work at home, playing with the dogs, doing laundry, anything to keep from getting in the car to go to the store. Ahhhhhhhhhh. It's too late here anyway and time to go take my contacts out.

        I feel so much better, like I could actually let that breath out, knowing that there are people like me out there somewhere. My DSL is in control of my life (it goes down a lot lately), but I will try to log on everyday for moral support and sense of community. Other newbies, let's stick together!


          There is a first time for everything!

          dear loose the booze:
          i really have enjoyed reading your threads: they are very funny.
          you are doing great. we are all in these freaking mess together.
          i think about MWO constantly. i am in my car, at the store, doing laundry, in the yard, in the garden, on my bike, etc. etc and i thing " gotta git to my computer to see what's going on on MWO". What's new? who has posted something interesting or informative , etc.etc.
          It's is always interesting to come here to see what people have to share.
          Keep up the good work and keep posting. It is a tough road to hoe but there is so much support here and we all seem to know what pain the other feels.


            There is a first time for everything!

            Gateway and Loosethebooze;

            You both sound like very strong people and are really committed to starting recovery. I know only to well about the CURFEW HOUR! It does get easier with time and the support of the people here at MWO!



              There is a first time for everything!

              Caleb, If you go to the General Forum, into RJ's blog line, there is a link to that and a free link to download the pdf book for a limited time. If you hurry, you may still be able to download it.:H


                There is a first time for everything!


                I just found this site, and I swear, I could've written nearly the exact same story, but I'll start my own thread. I wish you the best, and good luck!



                  There is a first time for everything!


                  First of all, GATEWAY, I think you and I are of the same cloth. Your thread reads pretty much like mine. So I just scrolled down to my first post and saw that I actually wrote that I gained so much weight, BUT I went to my meeting tonight and I lost an awesome FOUR AND A HALF POUNDS in one week. Which means that I had to tough it out on many nights with pushing the captain to the curb (I did give in three nights), but I am REALLY encouraged by my progress. Best of all, I have just been plain eating more healthfully.

                  This site is really know that folks are out there struggling with the same stuffi instead of talking to people who, yes, are your best friends, but JUST DON'T GET IT!

                  Tomorrow is the first day of the county fair that my company is sponsoring and, of course, my booth is RIGHT ACROSS FROM THE BEER GARDENS. I have to play it off with my co-workers, "yeah guys, I did this for you." lol blah blah blah. But I am a little afraid for me. However, I will have supervisors, more or less, so I will do better. Maybe I should just move in with my parents. My eye just twitched. Not sure when I'll be back, the fair is over on the 4th.

                  Thanks for all the support, this is GREAT.


                    There is a first time for everything!

                    cv1 wrote: Caleb, If you go to the General Forum, into RJ's blog line, there is a link to that and a free link to download the pdf book for a limited time. If you hurry, you may still be able to download it.:H
                    I already paid for the book. Thanks.


                      There is a first time for everything!

                      mw451 wrote: Caleb,

                      I just found this site, and I swear, I could've written nearly the exact same story, but I'll start my own thread. I wish you the best, and good luck!


                      Good luck to you too!


                        There is a first time for everything!

                        losethebooze wrote: I breathed, no, heaved a sigh of relief when I did a search to find some help in quitting the boozing like I do in the privacy of my own home. Like many of you I have a secret problem, I drink too much. No one really knows how much but me and MAYBE the guys at the three liquor stores and 2 drug stores that I rotate through every week so no one can really keeps tabs on me.

                        I marvel in a sick sort of way how the human body can adjust to drinking massive quantities of booze practically every night (not unsual on the weekends to knock back a fifth of rum) and get up for work at 6:30 every morning with nary a hangover in sight. It started with beer, then beer and the occasional vodka, then got sick of that and beer and crown royal and then I quit drinking beer and just started drinking captain morgan and diet coke (like the d.c. would make it all better).

                        Over the last week, I have had a couple of very shocking things (to me) happen. I went back to Weight Watchers last week because I have gained massive quantities of weight, the gain coincides with my 10 year descent into this drinking nightmare. Yes, over 100 lbs. God, I can't believe I actually wrote that down. And this morning, my housekeeper was due so I took out my recycleables that I gathered up from around the house this weekend. All told, I had FIVE empty bottles of rum ranging in size from a fifth to the big boy. Yes, there were about 30 water bottles and a handful of empty diet coke 2 liters in there, but what struck me was the sheer quantities of liquor bottles that were strewn about my home in the last week or so. What the helll is going on in my head and my body?! I am a well respected professional and I look at myself and wonder what the hell went wrong. WHO IS THIS PERSON?!

                        My paternal grandfather died of alcoholism, two uncles on my dad's side died of other addictions. Parents and brother don't drink. My dad is very sensitive to any sort of alcohol consumption so I work harder to hide it from my folks. Too bad I can't paid for all the efforts.

                        How did I end up with this? I struggle with it. I want to severaly moderate my drinking, I don't want to quit altogether, but I want to be "normal" and be able to have a couple of social drinks and then go about my life. Not have it BE my life. I mean, how sick is it to be in a work meeting around 3 p.m. and start thinking about where you are going to stop on the way home to get your fix. I'm over myself. Tonight I had to physcially, consciously make myself pass up the drug store, even though I had about 10 "reasons why I had to stop": mascara, dish detergent. But I did it. I got home without a bottle of booze rolling around on the front seat. Ah. One success!

                        Well, I hope to find the support that I've been seeking and the anonymity to be able to be totally honest with people who understand the pain, the shame, the utter waste of time and money and want to get to a better place in their lives. I just turned 40 and I've been doing this crap on a sliding scale towards worse since I broke off an engagement 10 years ago, it is time to regain my life. I have ordered the vitamins and book and CD's so hope that will get me on the right road. Tonight is the first night I am not on my way to being half in the bag in a very long time.

                        Thank you for being here. I feel like a weight just came off my shoulders just at the ability to put this pain out into cyberspace and pray for help.

                        I'll be around.

                        You sound a lot like me. My mother is VERY sensitive about alcohol use. When I was in college I had to live with my parents because I could not afford to live on my own. Almost every night I could get the liquor into my room using my backpack. If I could not get it in with my backpack I would sneak out after my parents went to bed to get the alcohol. My mother would be devistated if she knew the state that I am in.

                        I went to the doctor on Monday and I told him almost exactly what I said when I started this thread. I think he was shocked that I just came out and told him what was happening with the alcohol. I got the impression that most of his patients come in if they need Antabuse because of a DUI or something similar. He wants me to talk with a person who specializes in alcohol abuse and then sometime next week he will probably give me Campral.

                        I should try to post to this thread more often. It would also be nice if there were a general discussion thread where you could talk about football, music, or whatever.


                          There is a first time for everything!

                          I just saw the General Discussion thread. I will go check it out.


                            There is a first time for everything!

                            Roberta Jewell wrote: Hi, Caleb. Roberta Jewell here. Welcome, I’m glad you found us.

                            I have to admit, I also got a kick out of your message, as I’m challenged to find enough time to simply *read* the posts here. But certainly, there’s nothing wrong with a healthy dose of skepticism and I’m reminded that many who drop by may share your concern. I also think it’s really important you feel as positive and confident as possible before starting the program, so your honesty and candor are much appreciated.

                            By the way, we’ve recently moved our message board here, but if you look at our earlier one, you’ll see on the bottom the cumulative stats representing the number of members, posts, messages, etc. since October 2004. I can attest from reading our web logs, membership represents only a small fraction of those who visit, as there is much interest in this program. I also receive a lot of email each week from individuals who have found success with it.

                            I hope you’ll give it a try and keep in touch!

                            (Isabella2: Sorry to hear you've had a difficult go of it, but congrats on re-grouping. It's not unusual for people to get sidetracked, but very possible to succeed when re-committing.)

                            This forum is at 29,082 posts right now. The more active we are in posting the more people will join (I think). The more people join the more support we have.

                            Here are the statistics for the old site.

                            Total visits 1,386,279
                            Total posts 26,137
                            Visits per day 824
                            Posts per day 2

