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How long to abstain?

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    How long to abstain?

    Ok, my goal (at least for now) is to eventually moderate. From those of you who have done this, how long do you recommend abstaining at the start before moving to moderation?

    How long to abstain?

    Hi scrubbly

    Can't tell you the answer. I went 67 days AF - in 80 days I'd had 5 drinks. Then I blew it completely. Stress got to me and I binged. I considered myself a very strong person but when push came to shove I wasn't.

    I do believe that you can't even think of modding if you are still thinking about having a drink constantly. If you can go a certain period AF and not be thinking of wanting a drink after a time, you may be ready to try modding.
    Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
    AF May 23 09 to July 09
    AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


      How long to abstain?

      Hi and Welcome Scrubbly,
      The recommended goal is 30 days Alcohol free before trying the moderate drinking route. I personally did 60 days AF before I felt that I was ready to drink again.
      Have you read the book My Way Out yet? It explains the MWO program in detail and can help you set yourself achievable goals.
      Also check out the "Long Term Modders" threads to get a git of insight as to how others here have adapted a Mod Plan.
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        How long to abstain?

        I did 31 days then attempted modding. It was not a success at first, after just one drink I lost all willpower and kept finishing the bottle (wine). Being alcohol free is actually easier than modding.

        I have now written my modding rules and posted them in the modding forum. Am trying it out for a period. If I can stick to them great, if not I will be going alcohol free again.

        At an absolute minimum I would recomend 30 days AF. It that seems daunting or even impossible (and it does to everyone at the beginning) focus on One Day at A Time (ODAT) or join the 4 day AF binge thread. Once you've made a start you may be able to keep going. It is worth it. I feel so much better and happier and less anxious.
        If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


          How long to abstain?

          30 days AF is a standard well recognized here on this forum.

          During that time, you'll begin you understand the phenomena where the more you quit, the harder it s to deal with the beast. I never felt I had a huge battle until I started AF days. Suddenly both my brain, and my body, have become enemies, with feelings and reactions of their own, trying to trip my chosen goal.

          Mod later involves insuring that you are functioning as a whole and rational person, and don't have sneaky body parts that take advantage of any opportunity or emotional weakness. Overall it's easier to be AF because that is cut-and-dried. You can test in a minute "Did I have a drink"?

          Going Mod means you had a drink, but still need to be confident whether you did it because you "didn't care and this is enough" or "I'm feeling bad and hoping the AL will pick me up". The latter will get you restarted on the program since the AL pickup is temporary, and the AL letdown much more insidious.

          All the above is my opinion, of course.


            How long to abstain?

            Hi Scrubbly,

            How long to abstain? Good question, I think I know the answer for me..............probably forever.
            Last week when I hit my 30 day mark, I asked myself if I was ready for a glass of wine and the answer was a definite NO! I know that I would never be satisfied with just one glass - so why blow it now?

            I'm calm, happy, feel good and my self esteem is growing daily. It was such a struggle to get to this point and I'm just not willing to risk being that miserable, unhappy person again for the sake of a drink!

            When you reach 30 days, ask yourself if you really think you can handle just one drink. No one knows you better than yourself.............

            All the best,
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              How long to abstain?

              :thanks: Everyone.

              I have read the book and do recall now that RJ recommends at least 30 days, but I wanted some anecdotal accounts from others here too.

              I am on the 4 day AF binge thread now, and am on day 4 today. WOOHOO! I don't know if it's the topamax, the CD's, the herbals, the message boards, or what (I suspect as RJ does that it's some combination of all of the above) but it hasn't been too hard so far. I'm sure those words will come back to haunt me at some point but for now I'm just utterly grateful that this isn't a terrible battle for the moment.

              Blue Sky - I will look for your modding rules in that forum, thank you.

              I'll keep an open mind and just do as many AF days as I can before making my decision!

              Thanks again.


                How long to abstain?

                I have never been able to go back to the drink and 'mod', i just end up slipping back to where i used to be!


                  How long to abstain?

                  hi ,scrubs,lot of good answers,i came here last june,ive been doing this get off al thing since 1982,been drinking since 1971,i truly beleive,cause we have to think about it,it makes us different,ive found over the years,when hesitating [stopping]to drink,id get to months on end,start,then like a dog in heat,im off to the races,i also beleive , how much do you really want sobriety,when you get a few days under your belt,it will make you wonder if you should or shouldn't.hope it helps gyco ps read the other threads they mt be interesting to you


                    How long to abstain?

                    Hey, Scrubs!

                    I have Proven to myself that I'm an "all or nothing" kinda gal. I shudder to think that I can Never drink again... but I know I am not a "modder" now.

                    And even when I've gone 30 days and tried to mod after that.. didn't work out too well (note I'm on Day 2!).

                    I don't know your particular situation, but I think it's good to at least go 30 days before deciding anything. You may find that being sober is a pretty good thing!!
                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

