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    my sixth day AL free and all going ok ish.....Was gagging last night for a glass of chilled wine, didnt have any in the house thank goodness, so went without. The craveing only lasted for about 20 minutes and passed. The craveing came due to a moment of stress. I had just upgraded my msn to a new version, and "Crikey", wish i hadnt, because the new msn shows more advanced contact details than my previous msn. When u log onto it and the existing people in ur previous msn pop up with added details, who had joined whos network etc etc, photos and....there was the ex boyfriend, who has been very busy of late adding a string of women. I wasnt checking on him it just comes up!, ive looked into the new msn version and people can show or not show how much imfo they allow others to see, obviously hes either "stupid", or just dosnt care who sees what. Also it shows the person one has been added to networks, and if u they have put in contact details, address, surname, hobbies, pics, phone numbers it all comes up.

    Surfice to say i was busy making sure my msn didnt have to much personal details of me. Took me ages because its a new msn format and took some getting used to, to learn my way around it. Stopping alcohol and the break up of a relationship is hard, however both went hand in hand and were very very bad for me.

    Exs are Exs for a reason, he made me very very unhappy with mental mind games as did Alcohol, so i passed last night, level headed, had i had a drink, id probably contacted all his new women hes added on his Msn saying goodness knows what, soooo, i have a clear conscience this morning that i didnt let myself down.

    Gone on a bit, just fancied shareing with you all on here.

    Have a great day all. xxxxx


    Well done you!!!

    i'm pleased I skipped on the offer to upgrade my MSN -- that sounds like a mission!
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"




      wish i hadnt upgraded, what an invasion on privacy dont you think?. I was amazed, and its not easy to work your way around it, editing ur profile. Less is more i think definetley on the new msn, leaves one totally exposed, name, address etc, in fact everything that one has added. Also, shows ones posts, whos added who, date and time, yikes.... im going to be very careful. xx



        Hi Lucy,

        Congrats on your 6 days - good job
        Keep it going, you'll never be sorry.

        I know what you mean about the MSN update - did it too not realizing all it was going to entail. But, I'm determined not to let anything get me p..... off at this point.

        Just trying to remain calm & happy.
        Stay happy,
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



          Hi Lucy!

          Good to hear from you again girl! well done with 6 days - so glad you're coping - well done!



            Great News on the 6 days Lucy:wd::thumbs::yay:

            Phoning, texting and email - All best done sober!!!

            I also should add walking after some of the mysterious bruises I've woken up with!

            Apart from the MSN hassle how are you doing? Feeling brighter?
            If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.



              Blue Sky,

              thankyou, so much better, clear headed. Feel a diet coke and ice celebration coming on... ive just been going through lots of paper work, shredding, and came across some shares ive got. Forgot i had them, so called the office and and and, sold them over the phone, im a wheeler dealer, ha. Was quite exhilirateing and ive a very healthy cheque on its way. Not bad considering the shares were given to me free when the Abbey National changed hands. Going to book a holiday for the summer hols with it with my son end of July when he breaks up from School and visit my Parents who live most of the time in Spain. xxx PS:, id never have done this drunk... net alone have found the shares.




                This time last week OH MY GOD!!!!!, 7 days later and not touched Alcohol. Feel so tired though, is this a sign of Alcohol leaving the system i wonder!. Just been to the Garden Centre and bought some lovley plants for my garden, and had my hair cut. Im loveing not drinking, sleeping well, and just cracking on, just the tirdness, no energy but im making a huge effort to keep busy. Hope all is good with you all also. xxx



                  Hiya Lucy, and great job on 7 days. Keep going, there are no negatives!
                  Yep, i used to get a bit tired too. I think it's the body working to rid us of the toxins, and also repairing itself from the abuse, but others here might be able to go into more accurate detail. It was/is, a big job for my insides! Eat well, and drink plenty of water.
                  Best wishes...............G.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

