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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Afternoon ODATers

    Welcome one and all! Day 16 for me today - can't believe it's passing so quickly.

    Strange week with husband away until tomorrow night and my baby boy (well he's an 11 year old rugby prop but he will always be my baby) is on school camp in Wales until Friday.

    April showery here today and everyone seems to be obsessed with dying of flu' - don't know if the media in the rest of the world is quite so OTT about it as the UK's but is driving me to distraction (but not to drink:H thankfully).

    Stay strong and remember to keep it ODAT.

    Luv Bx

    ODAT - Tuesday

    SORRY - Mad Mum - I cross-posted... and can't delete my ODAT thread...

    BTW - here was my horoscope for the day (after drinking yesterday:

    Rememberthat insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Don't fall into this trap of habitual blindness to the truth of an emotional issue. There is no need for continual victimization on your part. Take responsibility for your feelings. Dig deep to find the courage to fight. There is nothing you can't accomplish as long as your head is focused in the right place.
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

