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ODAT - Wednesday 29th April

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    ODAT - Wednesday 29th April

    Morning ODATers

    A lovely morning here so have just taken my new running shoes out for a jog in the countryside.

    Then spent far too long searching for mobile phone, calling work to find out if I had left it there, searching car, taking sofa to pieces and then I found it IN MY HANDBAG:H:H Is there any hope?????

    Day 17, I think, today. Have started to lose count which has to be good doesn't it?

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.


    ODAT - Wednesday 29th April

    :goodjob: Hi Mad Mummy

    Enjoy this wonderful sunshine! Day 17!!! Fantastic, getting on with it and the days are adding up. How much better do you feel?

    Bank Holiday weekend coming up, for me they are always a trigger to get plastered. Even worse, we have been invited to a BBQ so the booze will be flowing and temptation will be great. Last time this friend had a BBQ we took the train and I can't really remember the journey home and I left my handbag there. I have a cunning plan to drive this time.

    Lost your phone? For me it's keys....I can never find them and it's so fustrating when we are all ready to go and late and I'm running round the house getting more and more stressed! Must get myself one of those bleepers you attach to your keyring.
    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


      ODAT - Wednesday 29th April

      Hi Mad Mummy, Blue and all to come

      Lucky you MM, its wet and ughy here. However did manage to get a walk in with the doggies so thats a plus. Congratulations on the 17 days, you feel so much better dont you.

      Good luck with the BBQ Blue, good idea driving, it always works for me, takes the whole will I, wont I out of the equation.

      Big hello to everyone to follow, got to run, a million and one things to do.



        ODAT - Wednesday 29th April

        Morning all you ODATers!

        Ohhh, yes - have "lost" both keys And phone on numerous occasions... Luckily, I still have land line, so I can call my cell to hear where it's hiding!!

        Day 2. Day 17 seems soooo far away... (Congrats, Mad Mummy!!)

        One day at a time...
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          ODAT - Wednesday 29th April

          here again at day 1 odat rudemama


            ODAT - Wednesday 29th April

            hi mad,congrats on day 17,yes it is good to stop counting,i guess thats why its called odat,if we go beyond that like your phone we can get lost,have a wonderful day gyco


              ODAT - Wednesday 29th April


              mad mummy you are doing SO well!!! I can just feel how proud you are & how good you feel.

              blue, seems like you have a lot of bank holidays. Before long they won't be a challange!

              rustop it's great to see you over in monthly abs. You rock!

              Savvy :l nice to see you here and still trying. Keep on, keep on!

              rudemama, oops. You can get a jumpstart on May! Don't let this get you down!

              hey gyco!!

              Hello to everybody to come.......good luck on your goals today!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT - Wednesday 29th April

                Yeah Greeneyes!
                We have Good Friday and Easter Monday at Easter and then one for May Day at the beginning of May and another one at the end of May (spring). It seems like the kids are hardly at school this time of year. But then no more Bank holidays til the end of August.
                If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.

