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AF April 29

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    AF April 29

    Just two more days. Tomorrow is the big ice cream party! I'm ready for it! Hey, Chops, did you decide what we should do about party hats?

    This is going to sound odd, but I am going to miss AF April. It's been really an important and wonderful time in my life. Thanks for sharing it with me! I hope you feel the same.:h

    Pnut and Strawman and others interested: SD, Lil, Chops, SBetty and I check in regularly (daily for some) in the Newbies Nest to support each other and keep in touch. Feel free to stop in there to let us know how things are going. I don't want to lose touch! I missed you, Pnut, after MWO thread fell apart!

    Have a good day!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    AF April 29

    Dill-I agree, I'm going to miss the April thread too. I'm so glad I had this chance to get to know everyone a little better. I had a difficult couple of weeks in there and the extra support really helped me. Thank you all so much.

    Strawman, Pnut, Lavande-I'm going to second Dill's invitation to join us in the newbie's nest. You already know most of us.

    Tomorrow is the big party! Yahh! I'll start decorating ballons and everyone can add what they would like.[/video]]YouTube - Party Join Us
    AF since 7/26/2009

    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


      AF April 29

      Good Morning Dill & Lilmea, :wavin: and of course everyone else. Hey, never mind that you're going to miss the AF April thread, the AF May thread will be starting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happy: What a great day, today. I woke up early today, got to work early, had the tunes cranking in the truck on the way in, doing a little driver seat boogie!!!!:alf: I actually did something for myself over the weekend, I made myself a root beer float..EXCELLENT!!!!. Tomorrow it's Hot Fudge all the way!!!! I'll check out the Newbies nest. As always, great to hear from you. I'm 20 days AF and seriously loving everyday of it!
      Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible


        AF April 29

        Good morning everyone,

        I too will miss but will always remember this special month of April. I can't even remember the last time I had a completely AF month. It's been many, many years..........

        My resolve to stay AF grows stronger each & every day, I'm so happy Couldn't have done it without MWO. The support here is fantastic. I'm not even thinking much about drinking these days. When I do get an occasional drinking thought I find that it is quickly followed up with a "I don't do that anymore" thought. I honestly think the the Hypno CDs are responsible for that and am so grateful.

        Count me in for the party but hold the ice cream (lactose intolerant) - eeeewwww - don't want to get that thing started LOL.

        Have a great day everyone and I will check out the Newbies nest as well.

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF April 29

          I was thinking the same thing...I love coming here everyday...I will miss it!! I know I go to the nest as well though...I hope to continue to see everyone there. I will continue to check the AF May thred if one is started...I'm just not sure my intentions in May...I have no idea...I'm playing it ODAT...I just don't know???? I LOVE how I feel right now...and it sounds like Strawman does too:H That's awesome!!! But you can count me in for the party tomorrow!!!! FOR SURE!!!! Well I have to take the 5th graders over to the Middle School for their SCARY Middle School Visit toughies
          Gonna be a great Wednesday!!!
          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



            AF April 29

            Morning - ditto to everything. This thread has gotten me through. The last week I've been thinking about just a glass of wine, but the accountability I get from coming here daily and successfully getting through April without a drop of AL has done the trick. I have a homeopath appt this afternoon, and will be pleased to tell him about my success!!!

            SD - my plans for May are a bit sketchy yet too - but I know I will have some beverages on a couple of occasions. I am going to keep trying to arrange early morning workouts with my friends on the weekends in an attempt to keep the friday-night drinking habit at bay. Already, I have plans for this weekend!!

            Dill - I felt the same when that MWO PRogram thread fell apart - I missed you and everyone there, and did not manage to be completely AF! Dedication to a thread like this really helps! What are your plans for May?

            I do sometimes check out Newbies Nest but never post there, because I don't really feel like a Newbie - although, alot of peeps on that thread have been here quite a while! I think it will be ODAT for me and some AF Binges!!

            So just two more days and it's party time!!!!! Ice cream party, that is!!!!
            Everybody have a great Hump Day - keep busy, get some exercise and be strong!
            xoxo peanut


              AF April 29

              I can't believe we are almost to the end of the AF April! While I didn't make it AF the entire month...I have had some good runs and I am happy about that.

              Congrats to everyone who has made it AF....bring on the ice cream!!!

              Dill, as for the party hats...let's see...I am thinking those pointy hats with HAPPY BIRTHDAY on them (the one's the kids use :H). I am going to decorate them with pictures of ice cream and lots of flowers. After all, April showers bring May flowers! Any other suggestions for the hats?

              Lil, thanks for doing the other decorations

              Good Morning Peanut, SD, LaVande and Strawman! Congrats to all of you (and Dill and Lil) for your AF achievements. I am so proud of you! :l

              We must continue to stay in touch and support each other.

              Have a great day....and let's all get our ice cream ready!!!


                AF April 29

                Hey guys - I just realized that I've been a member of MWO for over a year!!! Join data April 17, 2008. Can't believe it's been that long - and wow, what a learning experience it's been. When I first joined I had a May1 planned start date, and although I had a couple of good stretches in May, I was far from beating the beast - it was quite a white-knuckling month. Topa started June 1 for me and 33 days AF, and good successful modding in July before things went downhill. Since then, I certainly have not drank at the same level as before joining MWO, but it was always a struggle, going 2,3,4 days, then the bottle of wine every night for a few days. I am hoping not to struggle so much in the future, take things slowly and try not to obsess so much about drinking or not drinking! I just know that I am loving getting up in the mornings on weekends and getting out there for a run or walk or whatever. I plan on keeping it up!!!
                Thanks gang!
                xoxo peanut


                  AF April 29

                  Pnut, that must have surprised you to learn that you have a year at MWO. It sounds like it has been a good thing for you for sure. You ask me what my plans are and I have to say, I've been asking myself that, too. I've never strung 35 AF days together since some time in my early 30's and I will be 57 tomorrow. I should just keep going, but I have that nagging little question in my head: "Can I control it now? After all, I went 35 days!"

                  Whatever I do, I'll stay in close touch here, because my goal is to be sober. No way do I want to return to my daily habit of over-indulging. No way.

                  Strawman, wow! A root beer float?! Mmmmmm.

                  Lavande, Chops, SD,:wavin::wavin::wavin:

                  Lil, thanks for the party song! Really put me in the mood!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    AF April 29

                    I know about that niggling little question Dill! I have just been to my homeopath, and I'm afraid even small amounts of sugar seems to set off the yeast in my system and give me a rash. So basically it is like an allergic reaction to the yeast in my system, and wine = yeast + sugar.. Ugh!! Isn't that, like, being allergic to wine????? I may just have to keep trying to be AF for the most part in May - I will only let myself drink on two occasions that I know of.

                    Can't wait until the birthday party!!!!
                    xoxo peanut

