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It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

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    It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

    Hello everyone.

    I'm absolutely sick to death of giving up drinking.

    I've know for a while now that I can't drink sensibly.
    I give up for a bit, try and get fit and healthy and then when I'm feeling bit better, I think well it's Friday night, why shouldn't I have a beer or two?
    Then, three days later, I'm ringing in work with a stinking hangover and a crate of beer chilling in preparation for yet another bender.

    I've reached a crossroads where I either drink myself into an early grave or sort it out once and for all.
    I've chosen to try and sort it out.

    I've not had a drink today, well it's about 13 hours actually, and I don't intend on having one.

    I've managed in the past to go a good while without a drink. In August last year I managed 74 days. I don't think I'd fully committed to the fact that I'm an alcoholic. So the 'why shouldn't I just have a few drinks with friends' came in to it again and, well there you have it...

    I'm here because I would like a bit of help from other people with drink problems and I'd also like to make some online friends. All my 'real life' friends just get pissed and I've just about had enough.
    Keep on keeping on!

    It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

    Welcome Haircut (good name by the way) make sure you keep busy there are meds. that you can take to help you although I dont but someone here will be able to advise you on that. love ronnie xx
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

      Hi FantasyH,
      I am new here too and have been wanting some friends that would be supportive of my decsion. I have actually had people laugh @ me when I say I'm quitting drinking..great 'friends' huh? I think what you are feeling is a distrust in yourself. After having proven yourself reliable for 74 days then to fall off I'm sure you have beat yourself up. well don't!...As Onetoomany said you have PROVEN yourself capable of a long term abstinence. just brush off the binge and try again. trust yourself.
      I still don't know if I am here for complete abstinence or moderation... but I know I have to do 30 days AF to maybe just promise yourself that much...
      We need you as much as you need us so keep writing and don't believe one day at a time... it's more like one second at a time...
      peace love and hugz1


        It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

        Hi Fantasy -

        Why not join us over on ODAT (one day at a time) thread? I'm at same place as you are... Altho I can't say I've EVER done 74 days!! Wow.

        Yes, that Stupid little voice that pipes up with JUST one... really gotta banish that voice.
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

          Hi Haircut

          Welcome, welcome. You are amongst friends and all of us can relate to your message.

          Keep posting and I love what you said about your real life friends - I have some just like it!



            It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

            Haircut, Hang in there!! Don't beat yourself up, we've all been there, stop thinking about happened to make you slip back and just think about today. You have today to begin a new start. Hey, you did 74 days!! :goodjob: You can do this!!! Think positive!! I've received some great advice here, I've grown attached to some great people all over the world (which blows my mind!)!! who have helped me stay sober. Forget about what has happened in the past and look forward to the future, life's to short to miss a day of it!!!!! What's nice here is...when you need someone...someone is always here to help, or just talk. I find posting is incredible therapy! Feels good to get it out, because I usually hide my feelings, but I'm learning. StartingOver gave me good advice..write down how you feel when you drink and the next you feel when you beat yourself up and read it when you are thinking of taking that drink, it helps!! Go Fantasy Haircut Go!! :wave: You can do this!!! :happy:
            Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible


              It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

              I want to say a genuine thanks to you all.

              I'm feeling a touch fragile at the moment, I'm sure some of you will know what I mean, the hungover tiredness that makes you very emotionally raw, so your kind words are very touching.

              It's the Champions League semi-final tonight. Under normal circumstances this would be a green light for the beer monkey to get on my back.
              But not tonight.

              Keep on keeping on!


                It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

                A great big welcome to Fantasy Haircut and Skywriter

                There's loads of support & encouragement to be had here! Just stay close, keep reading & posting and you'll see!

                Fantasy, you've taken the most important first step by admitting your problem and reaching out for help. Read the MWO book, decide on an action plan that you can commit to and we'll all be here to help.

                I too have experienced crappy attitudes from friends & relatives and received no support from them whatsoever. I'm sorry now that I even told them about my plan. Screw them! Everyone seems to have an opinion although they have no knowledge or experience in this area. I rely heavily on the support I receive here. I am now 5 weeks AF and couldn't have done it without MWO!

                Best wishes to you both,
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

                  Hi to Haircut and Skywriter! A big, huge :welcome: for you!

                  Haircut....74 days...absolutely fabulous!!!

                  You have been given great advice. Stick around, post and read. Looking forward to getting to know you both!

                  Stay strong!


                    It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

                    Hello and thanks Lavende and choppersmom.
                    Keep on keeping on!


                      It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

                      I love the phrase, "green light for the beer monkey to get on my back". Mine is the "Vodka-Ape" named Stoli, we have a very intimate relationship. He appears when I get near a liquor store, and I try to fight him off all the way to cash register. You would think he would at least drive me home after winning! :H But, no more, I have banished the ape and I feel much lighter, not to mention the extra room I have in my car now! Now that he's off my back, I can lean back and enjoy the ride!
                      Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible


                        It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

                        Wow, you what makes me sick? That my wine is so readily available at any supermarket. And ladies HAVE to go to the supermarket. I will invent things to go to the supermarket for so I can buy wine.



                          It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

                          Yea, exactly...I'm very inventive also. It's even harder here because supermarkets, drug stores, small convenience stores at gas stations, etc. all sell liquor, beer & wine 7 days a week, Holidays, and as long as the store is open, it's 24 hours...not a problem!
                          Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible


                            It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

                            I didn't manage to make it to day one I'm affraid.

                            I had three drinks last night, I don't know why I did...apart from the fact that I'm an alcoholic!

                            I didn't want to give any bullshit, so I thought I'd come clean.

                            Anyway, lets have another go today.
                            Keep on keeping on!


                              It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

                              Well done bdd.

                              I went for a run to try and sweat some of the crap out of me. Just because I hate the cold, shakey, sweaty, sleepless night that I know is ahead.
                              Keep on keeping on!

