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It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

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    It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

    I've noticed everyone calls you oney, so cheers oney. :thanks:

    It's a hot bath, Chamomile tea, and the UEFA cup semi-finals for me.
    Keep on keeping on!


      It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

      Well that's day one out of the way, and it's almost day two.

      Slept well last night which was a bit surprising. Probably down to the run.

      it's a bank holiday here today so I took the kids on a bike ride.

      It's a bit of a test tomorrow, we're going to a kids birthday party. We've been asked to stay afterwards for a curry and a few drinks.
      So I'm driving.

      Have a nice weekend everyone.

      And thanks oney, I didn't need the kick up the arse in the end. :goodjob:
      Keep on keeping on!


        It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

        Hi Fantasy and everyone

        New here too - Day two for me. Designating yourself driver is a great idea. It seals the deal before the old bargaining process can get a hold on us eh? You can do it and have a great time with the kids :-)



          It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

          Hi Boo boo, :welcome:

          good luck with day two.

          I've just done my second day and in a couple of hours it'll be three.

          Just got back from the party, ran around in the sun playing football with all the kids.
          Had way too much to eat, and if I had to have another diet coke I'd pop.

          The people who we visited today are newish friends. I've actually be pushing our relationship as the husband is not a big drinker. So many of my mates are power drinkers (like me) and it's nice to be with people who aren't to bothered if they're drinking or not. He had one beer in 7 hours...I wish i could do that.

          I look on the tool box thread as suggested by oney, one of the things I saw was that 'no-one is really interested in what's in your glass' or words to that effect.
          So true.
          If you asked any of the kids which adult had been the most fun, and the best footballer, they'd have all said the same thing...the one who wasn't drinking.

          I don't need's just shit and it f**ks up my life.

          Have a nice weekend! :l
          Keep on keeping on!


            It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

            So that was day three.

            A decent sleep, without the sweats.

            The posivive effect of not drinking for me are almost instant.

            The hard yards will come, I know it, and it'll be when I least expect it.
            Probably when I'm feeling strong.

            I just wish I didn't feel so tired.
            Keep on keeping on!


              It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

              Hiya Fantasy,
              Great going on 3 days!
              I can relate to the will go but for me it took a while...
              Prepare yourself for the tough times by writing a list of all the reasons you dont want to drink anymore? That helps me....
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

                It's a good idea stratingover. :thanks:

                I've actually asked my wife tp write me one. Telling me why she doesn't want me to drink.

                She hasn't finished yet...after three days...oh dear!

                It sounds stupid, but yesterday I felt really good. We'd been on a massive bike ride the day before and I just felt all achey, but in a really nice way...does that sound stupid?

                Anyway, because I felt good my brain was telling me that could probably have a couple of drinks.
                I didn't listen.
                Keep on keeping on!


                  It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

                  Your wife is probably having a field day!!! :-)

                  Sobriety brings all sorts of great feelings with it, I LOVE the feeling after going for a long hard walk...

                  Be prepared for your brain to play tricks on will from time to time
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

                    "Your wife is probably having a field day!!! :-)"

                    Tell me about it
                    Keep on keeping on!


                      It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

                      hi fantasy,very interesting story,not everyone's an alchoholic,even the big book at Aa says that,ive been in and out of AA for 10 years,more out,the 2nd part of the 1ststep i beleive is my life,unmanageable,as far as alchoholic,its a stigma of the imagination,even the late founders of the Aa program ,bob and bill,could not STOP ? if you can,to me are you alchoholic,i no its just a word,but beleive me,admittance in the public eye,is like having leprosy,it will bite you in the butt,you are when you say you are,i wish you well gyco by the way welcom


                        It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

                        Hi Gyco, thanks for the welcome,

                        I'm an alcoholic.

                        This is something that I've struggled to accept for 15 years.

                        I'm aware of the stigma attached to the word. Which is probably why I've come to a website where I can stay anonymous.
                        Trust me, it's not a badge I want to wear.

                        Almost all the good things I've achieved in my life have been in periods of either abstinence, or very low consumption.
                        This is something that my wife has told me. And I've accepted it as the truth.

                        The problem is, the low consumption is unmanageable. Which leaves me with only one option. Finish it.

                        I said at the start of the thread that I'd done 74 days, and in truth they weren't that difficult.
                        The problem for me is when the tap is turned back on.
                        It devours me, like an all encompassing monster.
                        The first day is put there just to trick me, it's never that hard.
                        It's day two, day three, day four, five and six.
                        Until I'm a shuddering wreak of a man, on my hands and knees.

                        That is the main reason why I've made a decision to join this forum at a point when I'm relatively strong. Which at the moment I am.
                        There will be a moment when I call on everyone in this place to hold my hand. And tell me 'no, you don't kneed a drink'
                        This forum for me at this moment in time, is me creating a safety net.
                        Keep on keeping on!


                          It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

                          Gia, what you just said has very nearly drawn a tear.

                          I think it's being in a place where other people understand where you're at. :thanks:
                          Keep on keeping on!


                            It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

                            Hi everyone,
                            Just checking in to make sure you don't think it's all gone tits up.
                            I'm in to day five.
                            Feeling good it has to be said.
                            Keep on keeping on!


                              It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

                              Woo hoo!
                              Great to hear fantasy. It will get even better you know!
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                                It's hard to think of a suitable I suppose this will have to do.

                                A big thanks people.
                                Keep on keeping on!

