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ODAT - Friday 1st May

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    ODAT - Friday 1st May

    Pinch, punch 1st day of the month ODATs!!!

    Yes April has gone with all its showers and hopefully we can look forward to those May flowers!

    Another Bank Holiday weekend for us in the UK which can be difficult for staying away from the drink but I am determined now that I'm on Day 19 and feeling so good.

    No really, I've been running 3 times this week and it's getting better each time I go out (no hangovers or dehydration I suppose helps).

    My baby boy comes home tonight - I think I might have to ask DH to pick him up because I'm worried I might cry:upset::upset: How pathetic is that? But it is how I feel.

    So have a really good weekend.
    Luv to all

    ODAT - Friday 1st May

    Morning ODATers!

    Mad Mum (guess I shouldn't just call you "Mad" for short??!)... You sound Great and are an Inspiration!

    Day 4. (Maybe I can be an inspiration to someone on Day 1??)

    Wanted to share my "daily horoscope" for today:

    You may feel like a bug that has been flipped on its back today. Your legs are flailing wildly in order to get you back on your feet. The harder you wiggle around, the more exhausted you become. You might consider just giving yourself a rest and waiting for a breeze to come along and push you back over. Trust that you will be back on your feet soon enough. In fact, it may be good for you to lie there motionless for a while to absorb a bit of humor from yourself and your situation.

    So my plan for the day is to "lie here motionless, waiting for a breeze!"

    Hope all have a great day!!
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      ODAT - Friday 1st May



      Friday! mad mummy you are the bomb! I'm so excited for you!

      Savvy, you have had some great horoscopes of late, huh? I know day 4 has been a challenge before, but not today! Today will be a breeze. You'll make it a week this time!

      Hello to all to come! spend a few moments to day admiring and appreciating some simple beauty.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT - Friday 1st May

        Hi ODATers

        MM, you sound great! Has anyone around you noticed things are different? Enjoy the weekend. Hope your washing machine is ready for the assult!

        Savy, where do you get your horoscopes from? They are so funny. Anyway, keep strong and make May the turning point for you.

        Hi Greeneyes, always good to hear from you. You are always supportive.
        If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


          ODAT - Friday 1st May

          Hi everyone

          Just a quick check in as am really busy at the moment. I will be gone two days over the week-end but am driving so Al wont be a problem. Tomorrow we have the anniversary mass for my cousin who died last year aged 36 and on Monday my daughter has a pony show. Busy but I think it helps to be fully occupied, gives you less time to think of Al.

          Have a great week-end everyone.



            ODAT - Friday 1st May

            Day 5. YAH!! I feel fine. What a difference waking up without a hangover. Unfortunately I have a cold so still have a headache but it’s sooooooo much better than the shaky feeling.

            Ex has the kids this weekend – first time in 5 weeks so big weekend plans. But I feel confident I can stay sober.
            AF since 4/27/09


              ODAT - Friday 1st May

              Just wanted to add in my quick two cents. Me and my neighbor Savvy both on day 4 heading into hopefully a AF weekend for us both. Yesterday had not a craving at all for a drink, that felt kinda strange, maybe the L-glut working overtime. Had a long run this morning with my son and my puppy. Felt soooo good to be clear headed and strong. Beautiful day here in Florida! Feel really blessed today.

              Stay strong everyone, its a beautiful world to be in!


                ODAT - Friday 1st May

                Blue - I subscribe to "daily horoscope" sent to my email from:

                Horoscopes & Astrology: FREE Horoscope & Astrology by MSN Astrology

                It's really just for fun - but sometimes uncanny... or at minimum, thought-provoking!
                Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

