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THOUGHT also posted on General Discussion

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    THOUGHT also posted on General Discussion

    Why is it that we have a few drinks and feel ourselves getting drunk and know we should stop and go back for more and more until we?re incapable of stopping?

    For me, it is a trigger in my brain. Since I have experienced being AF for a longish period of time I notice the trigger starting when I do drink. Hence I stop if I am being sensible.

    If I am emotionally upset I ignore that trigger, even tho I know what will probably happen. I know that it will cause me HUGE grief. I know that I will regret it. I know that I am being stupid. I know I am better without AL in my system. So WHY?

    I am looking at myself in a new light now that I managed to get of the AL after so many years of abusing myself. What I am seeing is a pattern of self abuse. I don?t need to drink. I feel happier when I?m sober. But that happiness is not something I deserve in my mind ? I think.

    Another MWO member suggested this to me and I haven?t stopped thinking about it. I don?t think I do believe I deserve happiness, so I destroy it. Thinking back, I have destroyed so many relationships. Good relationships and WHY? Because those men I believed were too good to be involved with me.

    I still believe I am not good enough to be loved by anyone and after reading some research posted by another member, I am starting to understand. My father abandoned us when I was 8. I was also nearly raped when I was 8. My quick thinking saved me. I have always been quick on my feet. However, I felt guilty about that near rape for most of my life. It wasn?t my fault, I know that, but I still felt guilty. The fact that I still think about it makes me wonder if I have been hiding my emotions behind a bottle because of the abandonment and that assault. Only a couple of people know about the assault because I have always felt ashamed.

    I had some sessions with a psychologist a couple of years back and I tried to talk to her about it, but she was more interested in getting me to practice Buddhism. I can see what she was trying to do, but she just was not really helpful.

    I find it very hard to talk about my feelings. LOL. You would never think so after some of my posts. It?s easy being anonymous, but I don?t feel anonymous here anymore, so all I can say is being here is making it easier to look at myself and try to love me for being me. Other people seem to like me, so why don?t I like myself?

    A post that did make me think when I was newly AF was ?What Do You See When You Look in the Mirror?? I saw the person I wanted to be. That was the first time I?d seen that person and I liked it.

    After my recent stupid binge I saw the person I?d always seen before. Someone I hated.

    Anyway, just a post that I felt I needed to write. I still have some major self examination to do.

    I've posted this twice because from what I've read on Starting Out, some newbies don't know how to navigate around the site.

    I'm just posting this to help anyone who may have been feeling the same.
    Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
    AF May 23 09 to July 09
    AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.

    THOUGHT also posted on General Discussion

    Pan, this has really struck a chord with me...
    My father abandoned us too after nearly destroying himself and us with his drinking.
    I too have felt unworthy and unlovable for most of my life and along with that, guilty of some of the choices I have made.
    For me too, I have pressed the self destruct button for many years. Now, I am just coming to terms to with many of my thoughts and feelings i.e. allowing myself to feel them and work through them. I have been sober for almost 10 months and although it not such hard work to stay sober, it can be deal with the emotions.
    I still dont always feel worthy, but I am getting to a point where I am beginning to like myself more.
    Thank you for putting this into words, it really does help to not feel so isolated with these feelings.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      THOUGHT also posted on General Discussion

      I feel exactly the same way-I have a love-hate relationship with AL


        THOUGHT also posted on General Discussion

        For some reason we don't love ourselves as much as we love and care for those around us - perhaps if we invested as much in ourselves as we do in other people then we wouldn't turn to AL so much - don't know - it was a thought put in my head by a personal trainer . . . . . but it goes along with your thinking . . . P
        Short term goal 7 days AF


          THOUGHT also posted on General Discussion

          Patricia - I agree. A lot has to do with self-esteem (a concept that is thrown around a lot these days...).

          Often, a bad habit like drinking, smoking, drugs Start with a feeling we're not worth it! (Sometimes we say it's about being "cool" when we start, but, really - isn't it More cool to NOT have crutches?)

          I guess, too, when we're young, we feel Invincible!! I remember when I started smoking telling my Dad that I could quit at any time. That was too many yrs. ago to calculate at this point!

          Same thing when my brother (years & years ago) warned me that I was drinking too much and was playing with fire. He said we have relatives who had drinking problem, so we may be more susceptible... Did I listen?

          The sad thing is the very thing we lacked at beginning (self-esteem) gets worse & worse with these habits... And now we Know that, we are so hooked that it takes willpower that even most "normal" people wouldn't have!! Superhuman willpower.

          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


            THOUGHT also posted on General Discussion

            I totally agree with all that has been said here x I have zero self confidence & very little self esteem & the spiral of feeling ashamed of my behaviour (drinking till in a stupor) does not help with that, my Dad didnt abandon me but parents split when I was 7 I was devastated, I was a daddy's girl thinking back it still felt like being abandoned. Yesterday was me day 1 AF and today is going to be me day 2


              THOUGHT also posted on General Discussion


              Great posts from all. A lot of opening up and realizing what may have been the root cause of our problem. I think it is important to realize that self-esteem is often destroyed by our perceptions of what others think and/or feel about us. And in most all cases, it is a perceived idea that is not based on reality. Where or why we get these perceptions is beyond me but they are there regardless.

              I believe that everyone on MYO should be darn proud of themselves for being here and learning all they can from others so they can learn more about themselves. It has been an eye opener for me and I have been here for only a few days.




                THOUGHT also posted on General Discussion

                Welcome, com1. You say great things.
                Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                AF May 23 09 to July 09
                AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                  THOUGHT also posted on General Discussion

                  hi pan,im glad to see your doing better,i beleive sobriety is a long and winding road,just like drinkin ,i hope all works for you,gyco


                    THOUGHT also posted on General Discussion

                    Just did the clearing CD track 1 & 2 x was supposed to do it yesterday on me day 1, but a friend came round so didnt get chance :h anyway I believe it can help us peeps with negative experiences and feelings x I feel better

