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Wow, found a great article

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    Wow, found a great article

    Overit - EXCELLENT link!! I bookmarked so that I can read & re-read.

    It's made me even re-think about AA. I've never like the idea of it somehow... but I may give it a try at some point...

    From article: "Remember, every relapse, no matter how small undoes the gains your brain has made during recovery. Without abstinence everything will fall apart. With abstinence everything is possible."

    This is something I didn't want to face. I thought, well, if I "fell" and drank, I'll be fine when I get sober. NOT TRUE!!

    And I think I've really seen that lately with my 3-4 day AF, 1 day w/AL... Each time I've done that, it's been HARDER.

    The hard truth (for ME) is that I have to abstain. No "one drink" with friend while out.. (I have been able to mod when out - mainly because I don't want to drink & drive!)

    I have to STOP with the excuses!! Grow up, fer god's sake! And maybe, just Maybe, give myself the chance for some happiness in what remains of my life. (I'm 56 - and I'm just Now realizing this!!)

    Thank you Very much, Over, for posting this. Fantastic!
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      Wow, found a great article

      Great link. Yes I do know that my whole life will need to change. It's just making the commitment to change that is difficult. It is so easy to stay in the rut. Harder to push yourself forward. Over the past year, I have slowly reduced the events that include alcohol and turned down going to dinner with friends, because we always drink wine. On the flip side, that leaves me lonely. Working on filling those areas with other activities that don't include alcohol. Fitness and exercise is always one of the better ways to do that. No one at the gym will be drinking.

      Everything I need is within me!


        Wow, found a great article

        Wow, GREAT posts everyone, I am so glad so many of you found this interesting, and got something out of it. We are definitely on the same page.

        We all definitely have the opportunity to change our lives if we want. Im grateful for that chance. Its what we do with that chance is what matters. I know, easier said than done. I always knew recovery meant changing. Where do I start? What do I do? Its hard to start, and its even hard to know where to start. Its just plain HARD. BUT, like a song I heard at church today... "The Joy comes in the morning, troubles they dont always stay" The wonderful part is THERE IS HOPE if we are willing to try, and our Joy can come in the morning.

        Love, Overit


          Wow, found a great article

          For Gyco,

          Gyco, I have been on MWO since 2007, but am still floudering about with my addiction. I am a binge drinker, and can manage as much as 4-5 days AF then my disease of denial caves me in and I drink, ALOT. Then I get depressed, straighten up, and the cycle starts again.

          The problem is, I remain stuck where I am. Not much growth, so therefore not much change in my life. I stay stuck in my patterns, like many of us. But... I am learning.


            Wow, found a great article

            I hope I am not boring anyone today, but as I was reading these posts, something just popped into my head. Check it out.

            I was married one time to a very nice guy. Unfortunately I did everything wrong, and regret so many choices I made in that relationship. Due to my so many mistakes, we ended in divorce.

            Now, if I am lucky enough to ever marry again, would I make the same mistakes? The answer is no. I have learned through my mistakes, and know I would not do the same things over in a new relationship. Through my bad choices and experiences, I LEARNED.

            I see this as the same in my recovery. Taking all the mistakes I have made, trying to learn from them, growing, and changing. And along the way learning to love myself and forgive myself too.

            Love, Overit


              Wow, found a great article

              Changing life can be exciting also if you are someone used to a changing lifestyle. Some people don't stray too far off their course so it is hard to change but great things are waiting for you on the other side. My friend is having a terrible time with alcohol for ten years. Everyone loves him, when he is sober. He is annoying when drinking. He is trying to separate from his wife but the change in life is scary for him. She kicked him out several times then he gets depressed and drinks. It hurts me to see him in such emotional pain. Our family has an uplifting attitude and he enjoys our laughter and craziness. He had worked with us for a long time years ago. She was having an affair and left him alone for months. My family made sure he had power and food in the old part of winter. She didn't even know how he got food. She did not care. Well her affair is over. And suddenly she says they are working things out. He says they are not, he can't be strong enough to put up barriers for his property and home. She storms in. Coincidentally, he has started drinking, calling us again and is in pain. Tomorrow I am going to offer him a vacation in the mountains. He needs a change. I want to him to have no pain and he is ready for a change. I am encouraging him to laugh, and look to the future. He is pretty good at encouragement too. I just want to help in the right way. Thansk you for the info you have provided so far.

              "Like a phoenix ever rising slowly,
              From the ashes of my life,
              With a power I had not known was in my soul,
              We must all look within and nurture that last ember,
              Find our own power, lift up and rejoice," I am blessed!


                Wow, found a great article

                What a true and loving friend you are Prairelady.
                It sounds like you are doing all the right things for him
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Wow, found a great article

                  Haven't read the whole article (just time to skim right now) or the whole thread, but it looks really good. Thanks for posting.

