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hi from grr

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    hi from grr

    so this seems like a great place to hang out i have already made friends in the chat room what is really bugging me right now is my long nails and my lap top
    so yeah i drink to much i am 45 have a great job good husband great daughter on her way to college and i am like ok what now??? i feel like i have given so much of my self up
    once in a while i get a glimpse of who i used to be and i say oh yea remember her?
    where is she? where did she go?? so now what i feel like i have to reach way down deep to pull that girl who is drowning in the lake back up to the surface does that make sense

    hi from grr

    so i am replying to my own post how sad is that? no one wants to talk to me? seems like my life story, maybe i sounded to superficail or something? i have a hard time getting close to people and i guess even on these type of websites it comes thru
    my husband says i look stuck up and cold really iam just super shy and yes i am shy but geez i would like to be able to relate to people and reading all these posts i can relate :new:


      hi from grr

      Hi grr. Things can be a little quiet here on a Sunday. People spending time with the kids, and having a lie in. This is a great place to be, and there are plenty of threads throughout the site, where there is usually someone around at some time or another. Have a look at the army thread and next day thread on general and the daily alc free thread, odat threads. There are many more, and you will find so many here ready to help in the long road to recovery.
      All the best. Cy.
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        hi from grr

        G'day Grrr :-)

        I didn't think your post was superficial, sounded more like honesty to me..

        Lots of us on here are shy and/or suffer anxiety, it's what started a lot of us drinking..

        So welcome and I'm happy to chat to you :-)

        David, Melbourne x
        What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


          hi from grr

          thanks t0 all for replying i have just been kicked off two times prior to this after typing these long soulful responses so i really am not chat/blog room friendly
          but in a nutshell i will say "be kinder than neccesary because everyone is fighting their own personal battle" or something along those lines...


            hi from grr

            Welcome grr,

            Your post caught my eye when you mentioned your age! 45 was the age of 'awakening' for me as well. That was 10 years ago for me and guess I'm just lucky to still be here. That was when I developed my drinking career - largely due to increasing frustration and unresolved conflicts. I wish I had made some better decisions back then..........

            Be happy that you found MWO, it has saved my life. I knew I had to make some major changes in my life and the community here has been a Godsend. You will find lots of useful information, support & encouragement here to get yourself back on track. After you read the MWO book, sit down and make a good plan that you can stick to and commit yourself. You won't be sorry, I promise I am almost 6 weeks AF now and very grateful.

            All the best,
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              hi from grr

              Hello Grrr and Welcome

              I can relate to what you have said. I am 47 and nest is almost empty; one more with me and she is planning to move soon. I gave my life to my kids and Now what? Guess it is time for me to get well and have some ME time in my life. Anything is possible if I stay sober. Again Welcome aboard. Let us know how we can be of help.
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                hi from grr

                'Morning G

                You probably hit the nail on the head for a lot of folks. Both addicted and not. So many of us have preconceived notions of what "life" is supposed to be. Get married, have children, a good job, and all will be just fine and peachy. But these notions are instilled in us when we are children.

                After many years of "accomplishing" this happiness, we begin to wonder what is next as we have devoted our lives to the happiness of others, instead of ourselves. We don't know what to do next when these needs are no longer there.

                Time to make new goals. AF is the start. Without this, any goals we might set will never be achieved.

                My opine and outlook.

                All the best.



                  hi from grr

                  Hi Grr - sorry ppl didn't post quickly to your first post. Believe me, they Will respond (just keep hitting refresh button - lol!)... Sunday mornings are the least active, though...

                  I have to admit that when you said "great job, great husband, great daughter" - I felt a pang of envy, since I have none of those at this time... So I have to figure out how to make myself happy all by me lonesome!!

                  I am finally figuring out (much bashing of head on wall) that ALCOHOL has been major reason why my life hasn't gone that well... (duhhh) Now I'm in the process of this AF journey - very difficult, and waiting anxiously for the "it's worth it" part!!

                  At worst, I'll just save a lot of money... and at best?? I want to see. And Patience is not one of my strong suits...

                  Anyway, welcome aboard to this crazy place called Sanity!!
                  Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                    hi from grr

                    Hi Grr,

                    You sound like me except without the husband. 47 years old, one son left at home, heading to college in the Fall. I'll be an empty nester.

                    We will need to reprogram a little bit. I guess on the positive side, I will have more time to pursue my interests etc., which I'm still trying to figure out what they are.

                    I totally get the shy, keep people at arms length mentality. But, if I (we) are going to make changes, we need to push ourselves outside the comfort zone.

                    Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.....I've heard.

           the name Grrrr. I usually say Aarrrr! Hang in there.


                    Everything I need is within me!


                      hi from grr

                      grrr;605967 wrote: thanks t0 all for replying i have just been kicked off two times prior to this after typing these long soulful responses so i really am not chat/blog room friendly
                      but in a nutshell i will say "be kinder than neccesary because everyone is fighting their own personal battle" or something along those lines...
                      You haven't been "kicked off". Long messages result in server timeout. When you write a long message, do it in a word processing program then cut and paste it into your post. Hope this helps. Keep talking with us. We want you here.
                      Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                      AF May 23 09 to July 09
                      AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.

