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It's Monday, Time for another 4 day AF Binge!

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    It's Monday, Time for another 4 day AF Binge!

    Almost 5:00

    It's almost 5:00, but I'm doing ok. My sweetie came home early, and we are just going to order pizza later. Time to get out the pom juice...... I'd love to have a glass of wine, but I don't want one or would be the whole bottle. So, none for me today.

    Good luck everyone! Have a great weekend!


      It's Monday, Time for another 4 day AF Binge!

      :goodjob: for posting Mica! Enjoy your pizza and your pom juice. I will be rooting for you all weekend. You can do this Enjoy your pizza and the time with you honey. Have a fabulous weekend. :l


        It's Monday, Time for another 4 day AF Binge!

        Hi, Mica, I am with you. It is super hard right now. I wish this thread went through the weekend as it is the only "group" one I have been on. I am glad you are hanging in there. Love, Ladybird.
        may we be well


          It's Monday, Time for another 4 day AF Binge!

          Hi Ladybird. We cross posted. Keep coming in over the weekend. I will be around some. Or check in on the ODAT thread or the Newbies Nest (both in the just starting out section) We would love to have you in the nest!! You too Mica!


            It's Monday, Time for another 4 day AF Binge!

            Thank you Chopper. You are always such a sweetheart. I noticed where you and Mica took your names from your pets. I loved it. I was really moved by Mica honoring her Chesapeake. I lost my best buddy, a twenty-nine year old parrot in February. I had her for so long. I know you guys get it. L.
            may we be well


              It's Monday, Time for another 4 day AF Binge!

              Hi, Choppersmom and LadyBIrdHeart, and everyone else, too.

              LadyBIrd, I'm sorry about the loss of your parrot. We have a double yellow head parrot, too. He is 17 years old, now, and I appreciate having a longer lived critter, than the dogs and cats. (We have three of those, too, one of whom is sitting on my lap, totally bummed that I'm typing instead of full-fledged petting.)

              ChopersMom, I'll check out the Newbies Nest. I have read some of it, but don't think I've posted there. Thanks for the invite!

              So, last night my sweetie and I had our good music on, he had his scotch and I had pom juice. We had a good talk about how hard it is to deal with the craving. (He's giving up pipes and cigars to support me during this 30 day thing.) We went for a walk, played a board game, if you can believe it, for the first time in eons. And then we watched Numb3ers, and for the first time not only was I awake to watch it, but I actually remember what it was about! I had usually fallen asleep, every other Friday, before that time, due to "one" too many wines. So it was a lovely and successful evening, but there probably wasn't more than 20 minutes of that time I wasn't wishing I had a glass of chardonnay instead of pom juice. I know that with time the thought and craving will end.

              Have a great weekend everyone! Talk to you soon.


                It's Monday, Time for another 4 day AF Binge!


                :new: This will be the first thread I join, I have been working through the MWO program for a few months, weekends tend to trip me up, although I could drink the whole week if i let myself. I would like to commit to being AF Monday - Thursday and that is sacrifice and hard work, but I want to do it. I am taking my supplements and working on all the other things like exercise, diet etc etc.
                You all seem like a great group, here is to AF weekdays.......
                "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance


                  It's Monday, Time for another 4 day AF Binge!

                  Hiya Swans,

                  Like you I am new here. I too have committed to MYO although I haven't received the supplements, Meds or tapes yet. I have chosen abstinence instead of the alternative probably because of 40 years of hard drinkin' as a way of life I kinda figure if I never have another, I have had enough to last many lifetimes. Although my health is good in my mind, I'm not to sure what a Doc might think. Plus, the alcoholic mind doesn't have a great capacity for logic as we all know. I'm breakin' a rule and did a work-around with the meds. I'm sure I'll get a little feedback on that. Best of luck on the next 4 days.


                  If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. ~ Will Rogers ~


                    It's Monday, Time for another 4 day AF Binge!

                    Hi there Swans and Bluzgtar! :welcome: So glad you joined here. I look forward to getting to know you both.

                    We will start a new thread tomorrow morning, I hope to see you both there! :l

                    You are going to get so much support and encouragement here. Keep posting and reading and asking questions!


                      It's Monday, Time for another 4 day AF Binge!

                      Mica, sounds like you had a great time! I love board games and I want to see that movie!!! Good for you, I am so proud of you. Please do come to the nest! I hope ladybird joins you there! It's a great place to "nestle" in!

