Well, will wonders never cease! Today is Day 7 (or should I say 1 Week!!)... Haven't done that in a long time.
Even tho' I'm sorta proud of this, I haven't had any emotional traumas or been in any drinking situations this past week. I've really only been tested about not buying any... And not buying any resulted in me not drinking.
When I look back, I only had 2 Really strong urges - the other ones were more like passing thoughts.
I Still can't think of Never drinking. I'm not sure if that's a bad sign...
Maybe I'll make my next goal another week. ONE day at a time, of course. I could fall at any minute. It's like hanging on edge of cliff and a strong breeze could push me over. ACK.
Sooo, When does the part of "my life changing for the better" part happen?? Sure, I haven't had a hangover - but I very rarely do... OK, I guess I'll have to settle for the fact that I'm in the process of Healing my poor brain!

Thanks, again, all of you (you Know who you are!) for all your encouragement. I know for a FACT that I wouldn't be close to "here" w/out you bunch.
BIG hug! :armsaround:
(PS - A thought that's been running around my head for quite some time: Alcohol does a good job of making you forget the bad times, BUT it also makes you forget the Good times... It doesn't pick & choose!)