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ODAT - Tuesday, May 5

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    ODAT - Tuesday, May 5

    G'day, ODATers! (Think the Aussies here are affecting me! lol)

    Day 8. YIKES. As many of you know, I was on this One-Two-Three... BLOW it syndrome for a long time. Just shows that a Little determination goes a long way.

    Having said that, I have to be very careful. Always!

    For those of you with sleep problems - I must tell you that I slept like a Baby last night with no weird dreams!! Ahhh, it's the simple pleasures..

    I think the moral of the story is: never give up!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT - Tuesday, May 5


    You made it through the weekend.
    Keep going strong Savy!

    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


      ODAT - Tuesday, May 5

      Hi Savon and ODATers (Aussie and the rest)
      Hope you don't mind but I'd love to join in again with the ODATers. Have been lurking but not posting in quite a long while. I am starting a 30 day stint today (along with 30 days of exercise and salads!) 8 days is great. You must feel wonderful. I can relate to the one -two - three blow it. Been there, done that, have the tshirt!! Sleep IS a wonderful thing . . . especially at my age!!!
      Have a super day!!


        ODAT - Tuesday, May 5

        Hi ODATs

        Hope you've all had a good weekend - we had a very hard day yesterday as visited inlaws who drink on a very BIG scale! But we came through it and didn't drink phew - so today is, I think, 23 :goodjob: Almost at the big 30 and putting together a plan for after that time. Tho' I think I've broken the habit of drinking most nights and it doesn't feel odd any more - am hopeful anyway.

        Savvy you're doing great, I know all about that 123 blow it routine I'm particularly talented at that one.

        Hi Bluesky and Evergreen and love to all to come.



          ODAT - Tuesday, May 5

          Well Done Savvy and MM
          I know all too well the 1-2-3 blow it routine. Sux.
          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


            ODAT - Tuesday, May 5

            Hi all ODAT'rs

            Was away for the week-end so have a lot of catching up to do. Wow, Savon, well done. As you say determination and the right frame of mind works wonders. You are on a roll, keep going. You too MM, first month nearly over. Hi Evergreen, remember you from before, join in, we are all on the same journey.

            Have a lot of catching up to do in the house after being away, just wanted to check in quickly.



              ODAT - Tuesday, May 5

              Looks like the O-Datr's are doing great!!!

              Lets keep it up gang! Support and Honesty with ones self are KEY to recovery. I think we are all at a place of getting honest with ourselves. We are not normal drinkers, NEVER will be, so.... So what! We will kick this problem in the ass, learn from it, and go on.

              If you notice, I changed my signature on my profile here. The words mean alot to me, they are really helping me.

              The KEY word below is IF. IF you use this opportunity for change.... IF is a choice. What do you choose?

              Love, Overit


                ODAT - Tuesday, May 5


                Okokokokokokok, I'm back. Sorry I ditched out on y'all for a bit. My husband traveled for work ALL last week (though part was to the Keys fishing) and, I don't know, perhaps that was my trigger. BUT that being said and done, moderated yesterday, clean and clear so far today. ODAT May 5 here I am! Hope y'all are doing well and will log in later when I have more time to see where everyone is and what's been going on.


                  ODAT - Tuesday, May 5

                  Overit, can I just say, that I read your signature the other day and I think it's BANG ON THE MONEY!!
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    ODAT - Tuesday, May 5

                    THANKS DEE BEE.

                    Would you like to read the paragraph I read that has changed my whole attitude around??? When I get some GOOD recovery time under my belt, I may post this paragraph just on a thread of its own, but I dont want to jump the boat, just yet.

                    You don't recover from an addiction by stopping using. You recover by creating a new life where it is easier to not use. If you don't create a new life, then all the factors that brought you to your addiction will eventually catch up with you again.

                    You don't have to change everything in your life. But there are a few things and behaviors that have been getting you into trouble, and they will continue to get you into trouble until you let them go. The more you try to hold onto your old life in recovery, the less well you will do.

                    I am going to post this on my Fridge, carry it with me in my pocket, ALWAYS remember its about the BEHAVIORS that have to change. The ones that get me in trouble and mess up my life!

                    Love, Overit


                      ODAT - Tuesday, May 5

                      I have copied it if thats ok x I am on day 5 I need to tweek the way I live to prevent triggers


                        ODAT - Tuesday, May 5

                        Of COURSE you can copy that! Im so happy you would want to! ALong with MWO (Of course) really understanding that paragraph has changed my whole attitude around!
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          ODAT - Tuesday, May 5

                          OverIt - you are so right. The life has to change to change the habit!!

                          Rustop . Hi!!! I do remember you. As I recall we had alot in common! How have you been doing?

                          All ODATers hope your day is going well.


