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30 Days Anyone?

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    30 Days Anyone?

    Anyone up for 30 days?? I have been a long time visitor to this site but have not posted in quite awhile. Trying to go it on my own and not doing so well. I am desperately in need of 30 days and there is no time to start like the present. I usually start the first of every month or on a monday or on the first day of lent or . . . . the list goes on. This time to mix it up I will start on a Tuesday:H Actually it is Cinco de Mayo. How poetic!!!! At any rate I would love to have some partners along for the ride!!!

    30 Days Anyone?

    Evergreen: I am up for trying for 30 days. Maybe together we can all do it. I am soooo like you - Monday never going to drink again, Tuesday feeling good, my Wednesday can convince myself I can handle it and away I go again. Gotto love what we do to ourselves. Anyways I will support you (and myself all the way). Anyone else what to go with us?


      30 Days Anyone?

      good luck to you both,take it a day at a time,when the little bugger that comes on board,after a while shows up, say no,i no you both can,i hope to watch your progress and follow along,im on my tenth year of what your trying,i to have the same problem,not hard to stop,staying stopped and wanting to,is the question good luck gyco


        30 Days Anyone?

        Morning Eve and Rag,

        AF day 6 for me and I will go for 30 with you all. Nothing like going for a goal with others.



          30 Days Anyone?

          good luck com1 and congrats on 6 days


            30 Days Anyone?

            I am new to this site and have been waiting for some one to give a call on 30 days AF great to know other peeps are out there doing the same as you!! I am on day 3 AF and totally up for the 30 days!! Good Luck!!!!
            Good friends are like stars you may not always see them but you know they are there


              30 Days Anyone?


              Thanks for the quick response. After I posted I thought . . . well if noone responds it will be another excuse not to stick to my convictions! We CAN do this!!!!:l

              Com1 and Starlet congrats on the head start - we are right behind you!!!:goodjob:

              Gyco - thanks for the encouragement. Is that 10 years AF or 10 years trying. You are so right about staying AF and wanting to - that is so key!!

              Happy Tuesday all!!



                30 Days Anyone?

                Hey Guys...

                An email of support and encouragement from me. I am going for a second AF period of 54 days. Have just done this recently and it went great, then had a couple of weeks were I have allowed myself a few drinks (modding) which has been fine, but I decided to go another eight weeks to really cement my thinking. So in short, yes I am definitely into supporting people with a similar long terms goal.

                I hope we can support and learnt from each other....loads of help on this site.

                I found the first couple of weekends the hardest on my first run, but it got much better after that. I am much happier and confident starting out this time, but I want to share my enthusiams and have buddies to work with all the way.

                love to all who join us mooooo
                "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                but in what direction we are moving."


                  30 Days Anyone?

                  Thanks mooderator it is the weekends I am dreading the most its good to hear that you found it easier after the first couple it's given me something to aim for
                  Good friends are like stars you may not always see them but you know they are there


                    30 Days Anyone?

                    Im with you Evergreen and everyone else. YES, I remember you from before, and Rustop. I think we have been coming and going, around the same times. I have been here two years, hard to believe!

                    I've recently had a REAL attitude adjustment and it seems to be sticking in my brain. I have also made a friend from this site, and we talk over the phone almost everyday. Would you believe its turns out we are just a few miles away? That amazes me. I have really learned it takes alot of support to do this. No one can do this alone, and there is no shame in this. It takes a strong person to admit a problem, and do something about it. We are strong!

                    So, yes... count me in too!


                      30 Days Anyone?

                      Hi Im in. Keep dipping my toe in the water then running away again!!

                      I seem to have the opposite problem to most people... I drink during the week but don't often drink weekends.... The stress of work.....Come 5oclock the little monster starts niggling away at me & then I justify it in some way & decide to start again tomorrow.

                      So 30 days AF would be great. Im on day 5 yet again.

                      Can't get to on line very often but will do my best to check in whenever I can.

                      Good luck to one & all


                        30 Days Anyone?

                        Sense of a goose...

                        I had a messy tuesday but am defo in today.
                        What is it they say better late than never?
                        Story of my life haha.
                        No time like the present??

                        And yeah the 'goose' things bout the whole flying v formation, where they get to where there going faster on the upthrust of another and if the leader gets tired they drop back and let another one take over... bla bla bla... Off on a tangent I know...

                        Good luck to all of us
                        To see a world in a grain of sand
                        And a heaven in a wildflower.
                        Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
                        And eternity in an hour.


                          30 Days Anyone?

                          Hi All,

                          Ragdoll - It's day 2! Yippee. We are off and running. I slept great last night. How about you? We can do this.

                          OverIt - I do remember you. It looks as if we joined about the same time. It feels better knowing that I am not the only one who can't seem to lick this on the first go around. In many ways I feel that I have come along way . . . in others I feel I haven't budged!!! Let's get moving!

                          Whoosh . . . . dive on in the water's great. 5 days is a super start. Check in when you can!!

                          Mooderator - 54 days! Wonderful. Was moderating hard. I want to be able to do that but am not sure that it is possible for me.

                          Lost Soul - I like the geese formation idea. We can pull each other along. It's good to have someone to draft behind periodically . . . as long as we keep our tail feathers clean.

                          Com1, Starlet, Gyco . . . happy Wednesday

                          Have a good day all!


                            30 Days Anyone?

                            Count me in...

                            On day 1 today and def up for 30days!!

                            Every day's a struggle for me and the weekends are a double whammy!
                            Intend to spend my friday,saturdays and sundays on here...

                            If you don't see me lurking ask wer the f*** i am!!!:H

                            We can all be accountable for each other....


                            Let's do this!
                            Stay strong...

                            "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                            Bring it on!


                              30 Days Anyone?


                              We just crossed posts - I was on another thread responding to you!
                              Accountablity is why I am here. I seem to be unable to be accountable to myself!! We are a go!!! Weekends used to be hardest for me but lately everything seems to be a trigger!!

                              We can do this!


