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2 weeks a/f today but big new problem

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    2 weeks a/f today but big new problem

    I've made it for fourteen days without alcohol now and I'm so thrilled about that but I now have a huge new problem. I can't stop eating ice cream and I mean the full fat cookies and cream stuff. Since I stopped drinking, I only think about ice cream. I thought I'd lose some weight and instead I'm gaining it. Does anybody have any idea what I can do about this? Have you ever heard of this happening? I'm so disgusted with myself. Here is it at 8:24 in the morning and I'm already thinking about my ice cream in the freezer. What in the world? I've always loved ice cream and have had a terrible time staying away from it but now I just can't. Not even sure it's connected with not drinking, but I've never been this ridiculous. I have zero will power when it comes to stopping.
    Not too many problems with not drinking though. My challenge comes this THursday evening when I have a big spring party and then again on Saturday night with a big black tie affair. I will do my best but am afraid.
    Time 2 live

    2 weeks a/f today but big new problem

    I think this has happened to us all to some degree. AL is full of sugar and by not drinking your body is still craving sugar.


      2 weeks a/f today but big new problem

      Time - I think this is very common. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but yesterday I bought "buy one, get one" Klondike Heath bars - and ate TWO. Sooooo goooooood.

      Sounds like you're doing well AF - I wouldn't worry too much about the ice cream at this point. Maybe add some more exercise? (Always a good habit!)

      Good luck at your functions. Any soft drink you have will look like alcohol drink... so no explanation needed. And then you can sit back & see if there are any funny drunks!! And YOU won't be one of them... and you'll have no regrets the next day.
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        2 weeks a/f today but big new problem

        Hi time2live,

        In my first few months AF I ate more ice cream and cheesecake and drank more cherryade than I ever have in my life! I very rarely used to eat sugary food. The way I look at it is it's SO much better than drinking. I found that it fades away too - it takes a while for your body to readjust.
        If you're worried about the forthcoming parties, can you just not go?
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          2 weeks a/f today but big new problem

          Me, me, me!!!

          The worst is the last 3 months when I quit smoking and it's just been eat, eat, eat for me.
          I have since the beginning of May cut out ALL refined sugar and replaced it with Xylitol and stopped eating white flour -- a difficult one. AND my aim is to drink 1.5lt of water a day. The water get's tricky when I'm travelling but I have it on good authority that the more water I drink the more weight I'll loose.
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            2 weeks a/f today but big new problem

            CONGRATULATIONS on your two weeks AF! Thats fantastic!!! Hey, your ice cream problem is not as big as the alcohol problem. I DO have some advice for you. Try reading about L-Glutamine. It is an amino acid, found at any health store or online, that is used for alcoholics to curb desire for alcohol, AND as a curb for sweets. It just might work. Do a little web searching and you may want to add that to your diet. I just recently learned of this, Sure wish I would have known that years ago. Worth checking out! Good Luck and keep on going with the AF!


              2 weeks a/f today but big new problem

              Two weeks is great - keep Going! I ate soo much chocolate at first - now I'm not so bothered - I'm actually craving fruit now - so still sugar but no fat!

              Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                2 weeks a/f today but big new problem

                Congrats on your 2 weeks, great job

                I hate to tell you this but I'm at 6 weeks now and still craving sugar! I'm forcing myself to substitute with carrot & celery sticks when possible. I never craved sugar before but it's better to be clear headed & happy.

                Let's keep going...........
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  2 weeks a/f today but big new problem

                  Hi Time
                  I'm 8 days AF and have just demolished a bag of sweets 3 choccie biscuits and an ice cream - Aaaaagh it really frustrates me. I know its much better than getting pissed, but i'm back into my working out & it has just counteracted all my hard work. I'm going to take up Over's suggestion & get these supps, good luck.


                    2 weeks a/f today but big new problem

                    Thank you to all of you for your encouraging comments. I wonder if I do have sort of a compulsive personality -- finally stopped drinking, but now shoving junk into my mouth faster than you would think humanly possible.

                    Ezzmae, I never realized this sugar thing was such a common problem when one stops drinking.
                    Savon, I don't think I can add more exercise. I go to the gym every day but Sunday and that was one of my reasons for not drinking! It makes me mad that I work so hard every morning and then just undo it all every afternoon with the damn ice cream. By the way, I'm eating it now as I'm typing.
                    Marshy, no I can't not go to the parties. Thurs I'm hosting a shower for a close friend. HOwever, my other friend is responsible for the drinks and intends to make fancy cosmos. I am going to do my best not to drink and stay with water. I'm feeling pretty strong now but I'm substituting ice cream! I wouldn't have guessed in a million years I'd be doing this.
                    DeeBee, I just googled Xylitol and it sounds great. I had never heard of it. Do you use the gum? Where do you get it? I am doing pretty well at drinking water and tea though.
                    OverIt - the LGlut is a great suggestion. I had read about it curbing alcohol cravings but never thought it worked to curb sugar cravings also. I will get some, maybe this evening.
                    SweatyBetty -- good for you with the fruit. I sure wish that worked for me. I filled the refrig with wholesome fruit, veggies, yogurt, etc and now it is all rotting. I just want my ice cream. I feel like a little kid but I'm truly serious -- I can't stop craving it. I sure hope the Lglut works for me.
                    Lavande -- you're right of course, it is better to eat sugar than drink, but I am almost waddling when I walk. I am packing on so much weight so quickly.
                    Vogue -- you sound just like me. It is exasperating. I don't know why I'm so worried about the two events coming up. Probably won't even fit into my dresses.

                    Love to all,
                    Two ton tillie -- going on three!!


                      2 weeks a/f today but big new problem

                      time2live;607977 wrote: I can't not go to the parties. Thurs I'm hosting a shower for a close friend. HOwever, my other friend is responsible for the drinks and intends to make fancy cosmos. I am going to do my best not to drink and stay with water.
                      Can I make a suggestion? I think if everyone's having cocktails, you're going to feel deprived with a glass of plain old water, and may be tempted to join them (been there, done that!). Can you ask your friend to make some interesting non-alcoholic drinks too so you don't feel left out? There might be other people who'd prefer not to drink too.
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                        2 weeks a/f today but big new problem

                        Thats a great idea Marshy...when I am in the pub, I often drink fruit juice with soda water to make it a long drink and not so sweet
                        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                          2 weeks a/f today but big new problem

                          Savon and the others are right -- AL is chemically almost identical to sugar, so when we stop drinking, our bodies still want the sugar. RJ talks about this in her book; try to avoid succumbing to those sugar cravings, because it can increase cravings for AL. That said, if you're trying to quit drinking, ANYTHING is better than AL! Keep on keepin' on, though!

                          As for the cocktails, you can drink just cranberry juice instead of the cosmos, and no one will know.


                            2 weeks a/f today but big new problem

                            The same thing happened to me when I first went AF. I could not get enough ice cream. I do love ice cream, but I have never in my life eaten as much as I did the first few weeks I didn't drink. It will pass and as CS said anything is better than drinking AL!!!


                              2 weeks a/f today but big new problem

                              Hi, time2live

                              Have you tried fruit? I read your thread yesterday and then this morning saw a commerical with a big plate of beautiful fruit on it. I'm not a big fruit eater but it does provide the sugar your body is seeking without the calories.

