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2 weeks a/f today but big new problem

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    2 weeks a/f today but big new problem

    Hi Everybody,
    I appreciate your responses so much. Today is Day 15 A/F for me!! I'm so happy with myself about that. I truly want to do 30 days and see what it feels like. ALso, just back from the gym where I REALLY worked out and that always makes me feel a bit better. Also purchased some L-Glut and will begin taking that when I get the urge for sweets. I must confess though that I've already lifted the ice cream container in the freezer to assure there's enough for later. There is! I will finish it tonight and then not buy anymore. I did also buy some little cartons of stuff called yogurt parfait, hoping that maybe I can get by with one or two to sort of taper off the ice cream. If it's not one thing, it's another, that's for sure.

    Yes, tomorrow night is the shower at my house with the cosmos my friend will whip up. If I get to the store before then, I'll make sure I have cranberry juice. Right now I am determined not to drink. I just hope I can survive tomorrow evening. Hubby and I stopped at a sort of tavern place for lunch last Friday and we both had ice water with lemon but I have to say I was so very tempted to have a glass of cabernet. I didn't though. When I'm home, I think I'm not so tempted as when there is a social event or when we go out to eat. Although I had a good friend call me in the late afternoon yesterday and she was just happy and mellow and friendly and I know she was having a cocktail. She doesn't have a drinking problem though (at least I don't think she does) and it made me want a glass of wine too. Isn't that weird that over the telephone just knowing she was having one, it made me want one. I thought about that all night long. Only you guys understand! I'm so happy you also understand about the ice cream. Ugh.

    Must go clean the house!!



      2 weeks a/f today but big new problem

      [QUOTE= What in the world? I've always loved ice cream and have had a terrible time staying away from it but now I just can't.
      Not too many problems with not drinking though. Time 2 live[/QUOTE]hi time its what you call,or specialists call addictive minds, i am the same,what ever i do,eat ,drink,sports you get the drift other then sleep.TO MUCH,im addicted to,the thing is i can stop,but i cant stay stopped,are kind are many,go outside and see, fat people,skinny people,over eaters,we only have an alcohol problem,just think if you had to walk around with and xtra 250 libs.,i wish you well gyco

