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    It's a funny creation, alcohol - why on earth did someone want to create it ?????

    Its scary and real to see how many of us within the human race who have over used or abused it for various reasons - either within our control or not.

    I really pray and believe that my decision is going to change my Life for the better and bring so much more love.

    I realise now that my over drinking has not brought fulfilling relationships with men. Always flirting with the man who pays me the most attention - only to be let down (by me not them, becasue when I met them it was not the real me, just the drunk me. )

    Seeing the Light and reality...


    I'm new here too.
    I think a symptom of our disease is that we become users.
    Of AL of course, of friends, family, of people.
    If anything we try to use men or those kind of relationships to make us feel better, as we all feel a certain sadness or low self esteem because of AL.
    And of course it goes wrong because of AL.
    You are not to blame AL is.
    Hearing you so bad huni
    Take care xo
    To see a world in a grain of sand
    And a heaven in a wildflower.
    Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
    And eternity in an hour.



      Oh Eagle, I hear ya. I have often wondered why on God's green earth someone invented the poison myself, it certainly has caused more harm than good.

      Your right, as far as relationships. I think that almost any relationship that involves alot of drinking is almost bound to be doomed. You think your having "fun", but when the fun turns into trouble, or isnt fun anymore, then what? I am yet to find a relationship, but I believe the best ones would start as real friends, and not getting plastered.

      Best of luck to you, you seem real nice, and keep posting and reading!!!



        I hear you all...I've just ended a 4yr was my first serious rel since my hubby left...feeling a bit raw,but know it's the right thing to do.

        I went 8 days dry last month and that's when i realised i had nothing in common with him,he wasn't funny,he was irritating and for the first time i found myself asking what i was doing with this man?
        It was a drink fuelled rel,me not him,but i had my blinkers on and couldn't see the wood for the trees.
        Think i stayed with him cuz i knew no-one else would want me cuz i was an alkie....he put up with me...
        I wasted 4 yrs with a man who allowed me to drink my way through life,he rarely complained.....suited me to a t....i loved him for that....(not blaming him by the way)
        Not for who he was.

        Over it ur right,getin plastered is not a good way to start anything...will be sticking to water on future nights out.

        And yeah eagle,i think at times that it should be illegal,it's as bad as any drug i know...and causes so much heartbreak,not only to the drinker but to anyone involved..What ramblings,sorry all.

        Hi lost soul,glad to see you today...Me and u are day 1....

        Anyway sorry for my ramblings,didn't mean to write an essay!

        "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
        Bring it on!



          Hi all - please do not worry about your ramblings anniemac - I think its great that we have the space to express ourselves without being judged or critisized. This is a great site and am so glad that I found it.

          Thank you for sharing...

