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Questions from a neophyte on e-communities

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    Questions from a neophyte on e-communities

    Hi, Guys, and thanks again for all the words of encouragement. This is the only on-line group I've ever joined, and there are a few things I don't know how to do.... silly old me. But I'm sure you do!
    1. How do I find all of my own posts? There have been a couple threads I posted on, but can't find now. I want to check out how the thread is going.
    2. I've gone to the Chat Room a few times, to the Lobby. Even when someone is there, it seems as if I must be doing something wrong, because I don't get answers. And, do people arrange to meet there, or is it just chance? And are there other rooms besides the lobby? See I told you I am a neophyte with this stuff.
    3. I have heard about the Tools, but don't know where to find it.
    4. I know I have more questions but can't think of them now.....

    Oh, my goodness, I know that you all must think I'm a total dunce. I really am new to this stuff!:thanks::h

    Questions from a neophyte on e-communities

    Hi Mica . . .

    Click on Search key in the Name your searching ie Mica, or whoever and Click on Thread or Post and Enter. You will get various threads or posts depending on how many are involved.

    As for Chat I had a problem until I Updated my Java. Just follow the screen prompts.

    Tools good question?

    Good to See You Here . . . No-one is a dunce, we are all learning and this forum is vast, so explore and have fun and ask lots of questions, the pple are always here to help.

    What is a Neophyte?


      Questions from a neophyte on e-communities

      Hi Mica and Welcome! Please keep asking questions. There is a "tool box" in the section called Monthly Abstainance. Except that I don't know how to spell it but it is in the big topic called Goals. There are a lots of coping tools to help us is all kinds of situations. I guess a good motto is "be prepared". To find your own posts you can go to your user CP (control panel) or just click on your name in one of your posts and there is a prompt to "find all posts by...." The Chat room has busy times and slow times. It kind of depends on what time zone you're in. A lot of people seem to chat in the evenings, which for me is the afternoon and when I go in the evening everyone else is asleep (or should be). Some people will show up in the threads asking for someone to chat. I don't know if there is a regular group and time. I guess I'm out of the usual. Sometimes I've gone there and it looks like someone is there but never answers. Maybe they've stepped away. Anyway, I hope this helps.


        Questions from a neophyte on e-communities

        hi mica ive been here almost a year and i still ask questions,welcome and dont stop asking,youll figure most out yourself gyco


          Questions from a neophyte on e-communities


          Hula Girl, Gyco, et al...
          Thank you so much for your answers. I will definitely try them out.


            Questions from a neophyte on e-communities

            And, ok, Hulagirl, Kauai is one of my favorite places on earth. I am going to think of you there, enjoying the beautiful island, and imagine myself there too. Thanks!:l


              Questions from a neophyte on e-communities

              Yes it is beautiful! And we need visitors! (Just doing my part for the local economy)!


                Questions from a neophyte on e-communities

                Here's another question...

                Obviously I missed quite the dust-up in the General Discussion Forum, and the original thread seems to have been disappeared. Does that happen? Does someone take away threads that are too inflammatory?

                And believe me, Hulagirl, I will be coming back!

