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    Here's another question for you all.

    How do you like the MYO cds? I tend to either love them or hate them. I used the hypno ones a couple weeks ago, and have been using the subliminal ones this week.

    Any thoughts?


    Hi Mica . . .

    MWO Cd's I can't not help you here I have never used them but 'I can't wait to hear the response'. I would like to know more about what the subliminal message is actually saying.

    I have 2 cd's for relaxation and meditation: Pure Moods and Sea of Dreams (non-related to MWO) one of them has an odd bkground voice, I can't remember which one it was but one of them made me feel very unsettled. Since however, I have found Louise Hay's tape I CAN DO IT and I find it seems to be helping me.

    I presume the CD's from MWO are developed to help a person, breath and relax and learn.

    Tranquil listening everyone . . .

    Mica, by the way Puppy is too Cute is she or he yours?



      I know, Polaryzed, it drive me nuts that I don't know what the actual words are in the subliminal tapes.... sometimes a squirrelly thought comes in that it might be something OTHER than what we expect it to be. I would REALLY like to know the actual words!



        Hi Mica,
        The CDs didn't do it for me. I guess they are good in getting us to relax in ways other than AL (alcohol), but I found the whole thing kinda weird. The guy's voice creeped me out (many here have said the same). But, another approach may be to just not overanalyze them, and see if they help. Good luck.



          Hi Mica,

          I know a lot of people have said they don't like the CD's but why not give them a chance?

          Granted, the speaker's voice is a bit strange but you get over it. I don't worry about the subliminal message - it's nothing to worry about I'm sure. As long as it works.......right?
          The CD's really helped me break the anxiety rollercoaster I had been on for many years. It's just impossible to relax when you're dealing with crippling anxiety. I don't try to analyze them either. I'm just happy that they've helped so much.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



            The CDs have helped me very much. I have the set of four which includes the two hypnotic ones and the two subliminal ones. They came with list of FAQ and one was something like ?what if I don?t like the hypnotherapist?s voice, accent, inflection?etc?. One was encouraged to listen with an open mind, and, forewarned that he was likely going to be a bit unusual and could be off-putting, I did. I did find him mannered and odd but in a quaint way, and after a while this became just part of the ?experience? that I came to value. I now love his ?very pleasant escalator?, the ?hummock?, the various forms of ?deeper?, and the funny ways he says numbers at times. My understanding is that subliminal parts in the latter two CDs are the same words he uses when he talks specifically about drinking. I just surrender to whatever is going on and it has to be better than what was putting into my own mind all by myself. When I awaken during the night I listen to the stream, remember the sense of ?clearing?, give over any worries to my subconscious to deal with, and enjoy the sound of the water as I drift off. I actually look forward to it. I have also used the clearing and hypnotic tracks when I have really, really wanted a drink. It made that half-hour wait not only bearable but rather sweet.
            may we be well



              I stopped using the CD's but maybe I should go back to them. The program was working better for me when I was listening to them. I was not crazy about them, but they somehow did work to help me not want to drink as much.
              The subliminal CD is just relaxing and helps one drift off to sleep. It cant be saying anything harmful for sure....
              "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance



                I did not like going down the esculator, I thought it was weird to go down into a deep dark place to heal. That being said I did the 28 day program exactly as it was laid out and found it to be extremely helpful, especially the parts that allowed me to do my own program. I programed myself to lose weight (put the fork down when you are full) and lost 38 lbs.

                I think the best comes from following them as instructed, for 28 days. What have you got to lose? I did it, and I'm not insane.
                vegan zombies want your grains



                  I have the CD's but found they didn't work so I put them away. After reading this thread i might try them again but I can't remember how I should be using them. Can anyone help me out?:thanks:



                    I had to make a list for myself to put on my work calendar so I knew which tracks to listen to which is the sequence as recommended in the set of 4 CD's:

                    Day 1 - Clearing Tracks 1 & 2, Subliminal (which I run for a few turns while working at my desk, it doesn't have any words), and Sleep running while sleeping at night
                    Day 2 - Hypnotic Track 1, Subliminal and Sleep
                    Day 3 - Subliminal and Sleep
                    Day 4 - Clearing Track 2, Subliminal and Sleep
                    Day 5 - Subliminal and Sleep
                    Day 6 - Hypnotic Track 2, Subliminal and Sleep
                    Day 7 - Subliminal and Sleep

                    Then repeat for 3 more weeks for the full 28-day cycle! Enjoy the ESKEELATOR. HA HA




                      Oh, my goodness, what a help you folks are. Thank you so much for your input. I do keep trying them, and know that bit by bit they will help me beat this monkey.
                      I know that I need to take his voice with a grain of salt, and will from now on try to view it as "kind of quaint" ! Thanks for that suggestion!

                      By the way, the directions for using the cds are also in the MWO book... I am going to go back to the 28 day plan as it is listed there.

                      Again, thank you! I love you guys.:h:thanks:

