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I slipped again

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    I slipped again

    Well after 17 days af i slipped up yesterday and drank a lot of wine. The craving got too much and i caved in. I'm disgusted with myself but i'll get to an AA meeting today and try get back on track. This demon drink is so powerfull i thought i was stronger. All i can is do is keep going and try to stay af as long as possible. Just thought i would share this as everyone is is alcoholic sure struggles daily i know i do.


    I slipped again

    Hugs Firefox

    We've all been there.
    Try not to be too harsh on yourself, we all know the self hatred felt after losing our way.
    It's a real deadner..
    But you're straight back on track today,good for you...commend yourself for that:goodjob:

    Sending you my best wishes and prayers..

    And also to you Bdd,keep up the good work!!!!

    "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
    Bring it on!


      I slipped again

      Jump back on!! Good for you for getting back your goals immediately.
      Several times I have gotten to 17 or 18 days and really slipped. I think that we start to get a little cocky!! Feel like we have a handle on this (or at least I do.) It is a very sneaky condition!!


        I slipped again

        Good ol' AL is always there to welcome us back under his wing. AL will always be there whether it be 1 day or many. We need to be vigilant as we travel this road and do our absolute best not to take the AL detour. But sometimes AL throws up roadblocks that are difficult to avoid no matter our driving experience. All we can do is our very best at the time.

        But our problem does make the maneuvering very easy. When we do detour we need to get back on the road again asap.



          I slipped again

          Thank you all for your suport and good wishes. I'm so glad i found this site it means a lot to me to among people with the same struggles. Thank you for your replies and i wish everyone the best of luck. Hugs Lin.


            I slipped again

            Yep, al sure is sneaky. I never knew i was that smart!....Welcome, and take care folk's!

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              I slipped again

              Fox, are you taking any supplements? I have been taking L-Glutamine and the Kudko, but not all that regularly. I really believe that the supplements help with the cravings, at least I have found that to be true. Ill be honest, I slipped up yesterday as well, but it was a different kind of a slip. I actually didnt even really have a craving, I guess I just did it, well, cause thats just what I do! If I had been in a stronger frame of mind I could have said no. I think I was just bored or something.


                I slipped again

                I remember those awful cravings. They just seemed so over powering in the early days of recovery. The more AF time that I got the easier they are to deal with. I really counting on Meds in the beginning and I found that buying Baclofen from an On Line pharmacy was the best thing that I ever did for myself. If you want to go the natural route then L~Glut powder under the tongue will surly help stop those cravings. You can buy it from Ebay and plenty of the health food stores will ship to Ireland for a few dollars more. Get the sups you need to help you thru the next time the cravings come a knocking........which they are sure to do !!!
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  I slipped again

                  Good work getting back!

                  Hey, Firefox,
                  I'm so proud of you! You can do this. Please know that there is a person here in Montana sending you strong thoughts to get through the weekend. Don't kick yourself....



                    I slipped again

                    Hey, we all have slipped from time to time, it is a lesson in progress, pick yourself up and start again. I find that the more slips I handle the more I learn.

                    Keep your chin up........
                    "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance


                      I slipped again

                      Come on- take our hands- we'll lift you back on the saddle again It's happened to many of us, and I have taken the advise from many of my friends at MWO, Dust yourself off, take some deep breaths, and put the guilt away. Time to look forward to tomorrow!
                      Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                      And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                      • Yesterday is History
                        Today is a Mystery
                        Tomorrow is a GIFT


                        I slipped again

                        I also slipped

                        My mondays are always blue, but come friday - drinking drinking drinking. Monday I'm very angry at myself again. How does one quit this demon???


                          I slipped again

                          Hi again i haven't tried any of the supplements i have seen here but i will look in to it. I do take vitimin as heavy drinking depletes it from your body. I'll check the med section of the forum and do more reseach thanks everyone.

