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i'm new on here, need some support please!!

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    i'm new on here, need some support please!!

    :welcome::welcome: to Fab Abs and Boozygirl ! I hope to get to know you both!


      i'm new on here, need some support please!!

      Thanks very much, choppersmum. Is that your little dog - how cute...

      And Fab Abs, I'm sorry for hijacking your thread - I didn't mean to take over. I look forward to hearing how you're getting on.

      B xx :blush:


        i'm new on here, need some support please!!

        Hi BoozyGirl, and welcome FABS...

        I joined earlier this year and went 28 days and felt great. My jeans didn't cut into my stomach anymore, my wife and I became closer and my overall outlook on life was great.

        Then my father died after a long battle with Pancreatic Cancer. I have read so many posts here about not using excuses and just pushing ahead...but my heart hurts.

        I used to be a binge drinker every weekend, starting on Friday and drinking each night until Sunday. Monday I would make the common vow to "never drink again", only to find myself drinking again on Friday. The weeks were battles to sobriety, and once there the hangovers seemed a distant memory and it would start again.

        I have gone back and forth, AF one weekend then AL the next...and I fool myself into thinking I can moderate. You will find some here who can...but right now, I can't. I hate thinking there is something I can't do...but right now, I have to go without.

        Take it day by day, but know your weak points. Mine is right around sunset starting Friday night. I have thought enough about it and have come to the conclusion I talk myself into making the night better by drinking. All with no regard for the next day. The night is good enough (I tell myself); and the morning after will be unlike anything I can remember. More Saturday's and Sunday's have been spent recovering in the last 20 years. When one goes AF that first weekend seems unreal, the second weekend seems easier, the third weekend you don't think about it much and if you are lucky enough to go 4 in a row (I know you can do it by the way) others will notice a change in you.

        My Mother was in town on my fourth weekend AF and she mentioned she "saw the spark back in my eye" and noticed my face was thinner.

        Good luck to you, and welcome again to a great support system. Lots of good people here, just like you.

        My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


          i'm new on here, need some support please!!

          thank you for sharing that aidanspapa, I found it very supportive love ronnie xx
          :dancin: enguin:
          starting over


            i'm new on here, need some support please!!

            Thank you so much, aidanspappa for you kind, helpful words.

            I'm so sorry about your father and well done on what sounds like success for you in being AF.


            Also, I do feel bad about taking over Fab Abs thread, I wish she'd come back on.

            B xx


              i'm new on here, need some support please!!

              I'm sure that FabAbs will be back soon.

              And good to see you back again BoozyGirl. If you want you can start your own thread on just starting out and introduce yourself. Some good threads to join are The Next Day Thread for us on the other side of the world, ODAT (one day at a time) and heaps of others.

              AidensP, another inspiring post, thank you.


                i'm new on here, need some support please!!


                Hey Boozy Girl.....u haven't hijacked the post - u keeping it going!
                Had a busy day working....only managed to get on here bout an hour ago, and have been reading the posts ever since!!
                Just came back to this thread...yes day 2....I know i'll be fine for 3 or even 4 days...but then after that the booze will be calling
                I want to do 30 days, and I'm so glad you are doing them....but I know I am out on Saturday night, and again the following weekend, and I'm wondering if I can just modify on these nights....2-3 drinks. I t will only be 2 nights out of 30...
                I feel like i'm giving myself excuses already...I just can't stand the thought of not drinking.
                But I also love what aidenspappa said...and would love for the first time in years to feel fresh and clear headed again.
                See i'm confusing myself and its only day 2...I've stressed myself about it all day???
                Anyway will be fab if we can keep it up. WE CAN. Hope your day has been good.
                Hi to ezzmae long have you been AF?...How do you cope socially?
                Speak soon everyone :h


                  i'm new on here, need some support please!!


                  oh, my. Your post really touched me. I have lost my dad, too, and miss him very much. Good luck with your new choice of life, and keep up the good work. It's great that your mom said such positive things... Please know that I'm saying a prayer for you, and that your heart begins to heal.


                    i'm new on here, need some support please!!

                    Hey Fab Abs, seems that people who have the best success commit to a minimum of 30 days AF before they start to moderate. Those 30 days give you time to clear all the alcohol out of your system and repattern your habits. Look at it this way, it's not like the liquor store is going to run out of booze anytime soon. If your intention is to moderate, 30 days without alcohol is not such a long stretch, you can tell yourself that if you can go 30 days, then it's likely you have a good chance of being a moderate drinker.

                    There are some great threads down on long term moderation you might want to review if that is your good. Whatever you decide, I hope you meet your goals. You do have a plan, right?
                    vegan zombies want your grains


                      i'm new on here, need some support please!!

                      Did you just read my mind???

                      Your post describes me to a tee! a couple years ago I stopped drinking over 21 days just to loose weight, after loosing 35lbs I got a promotion and went to dinner and had a couple glasses of wine. At that point I felt in control and would drink maybe once a week and was still loosing weight. That became 1-2 times a week and I justified it because I was walking everyday. I lost my Dad early in 2008 and drinking became more frequent. 8 months later I lost my Mom so since then I can say drinking is a daily habit. I?m not drunk every night by any means but usually on the weekend I can ?tie? it on pretty good where I don't remember things the next day. I?m a responsible Mom and drinking hasn?t affected my work running my home or taking care of our kids. I want to enjoy wine now and then with dinner but quit after a couple. I don?t know why my ?give a damn is busted? other than it?s a lifestyle change and at this time I just don?t care about my health.
                      Thank you all for the post I read them all on this page?.and I?m looking forward to support from MWO


                        i'm new on here, need some support please!!

                        Hi FabAbs

                        Was nice to hear back from you. I was on this site for hours yesterday as I wasn't working but today was back to work. Could've murdered a glass of wine tonight but I've done some ironing, now I'm on here instead. It is later in the week, then Friday night which will be a real challenge when I'm trying to wind down from the rest of this week at work. I think I'll just go to bed early with my book every night. I have a night out next weekend but think I'll take the car (first time for everything!!).

                        It is good you are doing the 30 days also. Have you decided if you'll try and mod or go AF on Saturday night? If you're like me 2 or 3 is never enough! Would be great if we could stay AF together for 30 days but you need to decide for yourself. Cyclefan thinks it may be best to try have a 30 day clear run. You could start again after Saturday if its important to you. God, its probably me who will cave in first!!

                        Hi TLC 2

                        I'm new too and so sorry about your Mom. I think there are quite a lot of moms like us on here, we are good to our kids, we go to work, we have a clean house, we function well but drink too much and struggle to cut down. Anyway you've done it before so, you'll do it again. I'm not very overweight but I do need to lose at least 14 pounds and really need to tone up. We can all support each other.

                        B xxx (Tomorrow will be day 4 af)


                          i'm new on here, need some support please!!

                          Hey boozygirl pleased to meet you,

                          4 days AF, excellent stuff. :goodjob:

                          Good luck!
                          Keep on keeping on!


                            i'm new on here, need some support please!!

                            Hi Everyone - I am on day two and as some folks said before, I will need to go 30 days AF before the thought of moderation enters my cranium. I am an all or nothing gal - the whole bottle, or none. I just can't do it anymore. I love feeling clearer. Before I came on here just now, I was thinking about having a glass of wine while I cook dinner tonight...yada yada yada...but then I jumped on here and have made my decision not to drink. There are alot of things going on in my life right now and I need a clear head. The booze just clouds my thinking. I pray that I can do this and I will keep all of you in my thoughts as well!

                            X X O O Kat


                              i'm new on here, need some support please!!

                              Thanks Boozygirl

                              I'd like to try the 30 days,and I'm going to check out the moderation threads.
                              I'm so focused at work and enjoy my day better with out the guilts when i don't drink during the week, it seems like a no brainer.


                                i'm new on here, need some support please!!

                                I am very new to this site and i thought a lot about your story. I am pretty young and i am thinking about starting my own family in the next few years. The whole idea of being hungover on mothers day really got me thinking. One of my greatest desires is to be a mother and i don't want to do it with constant hangovers, and constantly worrying what the kids will think when mommy is drinking just a little too much. i take such great inspiration from you...a person who is prepared to face the consequences and do something about it. So thank you for showing me what a mother is supposed to do for her kids: put aside our own desires for a greater and more beautiful good.

