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It's Another 4 day AF Binge!!!

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    It's Another 4 day AF Binge!!!

    Hello everyone! It is only Sunday evening for me, but I thought I wouuld start us off! Who is up for another 4 day AF binge???? I hope lots of us join!!!

    Yes, we aim to go 4 days AF and pull out all the stops to get there, but sometimes 4 days doesn't always happen. That is ok!!! One day is better than no days! Join us no matter what. We are all cheering each other on no matter what!

    Who's with me this week??

    It's Another 4 day AF Binge!!!

    I'm in! It's been a blue kind of Sunday, here so I can really use the happiness of the 4 dayers. Here we go, guys! I hope we all have a wonderful week!


      It's Another 4 day AF Binge!!!

      Yep, me too. I'm new to this site and have that beginners enthusiasm, like when I go on a diet - which never lasts! However, I am more determined with this as I am sick of feeling crap.

      I don't know about any of the medication or much about the MWO system but I might download the book to start me off. Anyway, as its Monday and I've not drank since Saturday night I'm on day 2.

      Good luck everyone. :l

      B xx


        It's Another 4 day AF Binge!!!

        I'm in!

        Thanks for starting this Chopper! I have to start tomorrow, because I had a little Mother's Day wine tonight. But none at lunch, while the rest of the family was drinking... Boy, I have a family that likes to drink!! I've been stringing together AF days, but always have a lapse in between lately. Good to try to go the 4 AF days this week. Looking forward to hearing from everyone! :happy: :egg: Just figured out how to do the icons, and the egg "cracks" me up...


          It's Another 4 day AF Binge!!!

          Welcome Boozygirl....well done on day 2!!! Glad you joined us!

          Mica and Sandy, I am so glad to see you back!

          Mica, sorry your Sunday wasn't so good! Here's too a very positive week!

          Sandy, I am joining you tomorrow. I had a Mother's Day wine too. So glad you figured out the icons. They are fun

          Here we go all....


            It's Another 4 day AF Binge!!!

            Hi Chopper, thanks for getting us going again. Sandy, Mica, Boozy, welcome aboard another AF train for the week.

            No Mother's Day wine for me, but mostly because last night was a bit of a blow out for me and I was over it today. I'm really looking forward to actually having 5 days this week since today is day 1 for me and I'm going to go through Thursday this time.

            Big deal for me today, I sent the bottle of red wine that my hubby had bought for mother's day home with my mother in law (she was the only one who had had any with dinner). I told her that it wasn't my favorite kind, but I actually told my husband that the reason I sent it home with her is because I find that when I have red wine in the house I drink too much of it. This is the first time I've actually come out and SAID that I might have a problem with drinking. I don't know if he has realized it himself, but he has never brought it up with me and clearly if he bought a bottle of vino for Mother's Day dinner he is not trying to get me to stop or something. Weird. He didn't make a big thing out of it when I said this, just went on with filling the tub for our three-year-old's bath, so I decided it didn't have to be a big deal but it made it more REAL for me to have said it out loud and it will make me think twice before stopping at the liquor store again anytime soon since I have put it out there with him now.

            Have a good week all!


              It's Another 4 day AF Binge!!!

              Im in had a few yesterday for mothersday and feel a bit disapointed with myself.


                It's Another 4 day AF Binge!!!

                Yes count me in, I just hope I can make it through the week this time, I have a good feeling about this week, I might even be able to manage it
                :dancin: enguin:
                starting over


                  It's Another 4 day AF Binge!!!

                  Never mind tenderfield, today is a new day. I'm only on day 2 because I felt so ill from the night before's vino. Will probably be fine tonight but later in the week will be hard.

                  Well done scrubbly on getting temptation out of the way and opening up to your hubby.

                  I think all these time differences are hard to get head round, some of you are still on Sunday but it is lunch-time Monday here. I've just made some healthy lentil and vegetable soup and a tuna and veg pasta sauce. Healthy food to help me detox!!!

                  B x


                    It's Another 4 day AF Binge!!!

                    Welcome Boozegirl and Tenderfield:welcome:

                    :thanks: Choppersmom for getting us going! Good to see some familiar faces are back this week.

                    As for me, I am happy that I didn't drink either Friday or Saturday night. Friday night I was sorely tempted but I came to MWO and went into chat and two lovely people there managed to distract me until the urge passed. Saturday I went to the pub for a friends birthday and that was easy cos I offered to drive. So I did drinking friends a favour and kept myself sober at same time. These were other mums from school so I really didn't want to embarrase myself in front of them!

                    But last night , disaster. Kidded myself that I would just finish the bottle of wine that was hanging around. Drank a litre! So back on the wagon for me. I am really having trouble with moderating!
                    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                      It's Another 4 day AF Binge!!!

                      hello i am in this week . last week this thread gave me the push i needed to rack up af days hang in there everyone rudemama


                        It's Another 4 day AF Binge!!!

                        Hi Blue Sky

                        Thanks for the welcome!

                        Well done for Friday and Saturday and your story about your Sunday sounds so familiar to me. I don't think I can moderate at moment, if ever. Really p****d off with AL so plan is to try stay off it all together for 30 days.


                          It's Another 4 day AF Binge!!!

                          Count me in.....I drank like a fish this weekend I am new :new: and very motivated to make it through the week.
                          Heres to an AF week. I have loaded up my supplements and have planned to work out at the gym every day.
                          "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance


                            It's Another 4 day AF Binge!!!

                            good for you 4 day. I t is not is too control the craving. Since I am not interested to seek help with AA. I went to see my doctor.. Refer me to a counselllor. Moderating for me will not work. Because my body is use to 4 to 6 glasses of wine. If you have
                            it craving last about 20 minutes.. Usually it comes around 4 and at that time I am trying to go running and it is gone. Or it somethings lite . Take your supplement

                            I t can help!!!! Right it down about your day.. Write about how you feel.. Have a good week
                            sigpic Brand new


                              It's Another 4 day AF Binge!!!


                              Hi friends,

                              I want to be AF this week, but I already know I will be modding (hopefully). My brother w/ sis in law and 2 great little kids came to visit us from Europe and are staying till end of May. Hoorray! Plus my 3 kids and oldest daughter's BF are here! Full House!!
                              That is why I do not have any time to log on and keep in touch.

                              I hope everyone is doing great!

                              Miss u all.
                              Love, MamaZ

