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ODAT Tuesday 12th May

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    ODAT Tuesday 12th May

    Good morning all

    Today is a big change for me because I've gone back to the land of working in an office! Only for this week though (looking after 2 kids of my own and 2 fostered etc etc is more than a full time job for me) as a friend is taking a holiday and I'm covering for her.

    As you've probably guessed it isn't incredibly busy here today!!!! But it is a change and the last time I did this was last October and I remember having terribly hangovers and finding it really hard to be here for 9am and that was the start of my realisation that drinking was getting out of control.

    Hooray for today though because I'm stone cold sober and intending to stay that way.

    Greenie - great to have you back your hols sound wonderful.

    Bluesky, how're you doing??? Thanks for the modding tips - I'm not good with rules, like to break them too much, just ask my Mum (well you could except she's been dead a while, well you know what I mean:H

    Greetings and welcome to all the newbies on the boards, I hope MWO is as much help to you as it has been to me and many others.

    Luv to all to come

    ODAT Tuesday 12th May


    Nothing like waking up to the sound of a cat puking. No chance of going back to sleep after THAT ordeal. Running down the hall holding a wretching cat while little doggie works out on the spot on the carpet. Ewww.

    That's OK, I get to see the sun rise and I have a busy day. Very cool this week which is good as it's electric lawn tools time again. It wouldn't really need it if it weren't for the weeds.

    Hello to all and especially any new folks on board. Have a happy day!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT Tuesday 12th May

      Hi Greenie, how on earth did we manage to post at exactly the same time???? Spooky. And of course for you, puky as well. Cat's are delightful creatures aren't they - with that special way of waking you up.....

      It must be very early with you, 6am or something?



        ODAT Tuesday 12th May

        Yes, it's 6:30, but the cat thing was an hour ago. I've got to hit the ground running at 8:30 at the hole and I really need to cut my hair this AM and make some hummus. I think I'll have some coffee and see how many things I can do at once. :H

        BTW, you are sounding fantastic these days. It is as if a beautiful flower opened up and you stepped out. :l
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT Tuesday 12th May

          Morning all

          Everything I need is within me!


            ODAT Tuesday 12th May

            Greetings, Madmum, Greenie & all ODATers!

            (Hey greenie - I try to match color of cat's food to... carpet! :H)

            After not so good few days last week (I think I needed to get out my system? OK, that was my newest excuse... I thought somewhat creative?!)... today is Day 3. And feeling pretty good.

            I joined this new gym last week (Anytime gym) & will go for free personal trainer session this morning at 11. One of the best things about this gym is the Dry Hydrotherapy bed!! (I get free for a month as part of "deal".) Wow. Best, by Far, massage by "non-human" that I've ever had!! (And better than Some humans - lol!) I do it at end of workout - nice "carrot" to go. (I'm someone who needs Motivation!)

            Now... if I could Just get a JOB, things would be quite peachy. I'm actually thinking I would like working 1-2 part-time jobs. The variety would be nice. Surely - sooooon (pls w/sugar on top?).

            Hope all have a great Tuesday.
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              ODAT Tuesday 12th May

              Hi all,

              I don't have a cat . . . I woke up at 230 this morning to my husband jumping out of bed and running outside because a car ran across our ditch hit the brick border and spun around crashing into a tree. The car was totalled and the driver ran. Sirens and excitement in the wee hours of the morning. I hope he is alright. It is a neighbor's son and the thought is he was drinking and did not want to be caught!! This alcohol thing sucks!!! It was a sobering experience!! Poison . . .. poison . . . poison!

              Greeneyes, MM, Savon and Brightlite - good morning!!! Have a good Tues!!!


              PS Savon - I have a yellow lab. When we recently bought carpet I asked the sales lady to bring me yellow lab colored samples!! That dog sheds a whole dog every week!! LOL


                ODAT Tuesday 12th May

                Good Morning ODATers
                Job interview seemed to go well. I will know by the end of the week. Very busy today; trying to find a dentist to fix my tooth, while I have no insurance or money, and lots of other little things to take care of, phone calls, etc.... Hope you all have a fab day. Big night for Boston tonight. Boston Bruins must win. Celtics and Red Sox are playing too.
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  ODAT Tuesday 12th May

                  Good Morning Everyone!

                  Sounds like everyone has had some adventures this morning, isn't life grand? At least everyone could deal with lifes issues sober, thats great!

                  Overit NOT drinking today... Have to go to court early this morning (YUKKKKK!!!) to deal with a child support issue. Been to court soooo many times over this, I wish it was just over!

                  Oh well, thats life!

                  Have a blessed day everyone, good to see everyone so "fiesty" this morning!


                    ODAT Tuesday 12th May

                    Good morning all,

                    A great morning here and they all are soooo much better with a clear head. I am only on Day 13 AF and I haven't done that in 13 yrs. or so. What a wonderful change.

                    But ODAT and I will keep looking forward. Congrats to all who are here, whether it be Day 1 or much much longer. We are here for the support from all who know from whence we came.


                      ODAT Tuesday 12th May

                      ONLY day 13? I think that is AMAZING! :goodjob:

                      Last week I made it to day 7, and that was it! Day 13 is fabulous!!!
                      I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                        ODAT Tuesday 12th May

                        Good morning all! I'm back. Cat puking in spring is probably furballs because she's shedding. I found the best thing is just brush the fur out every day this time of year. Our cat is a long-hair himalayan and is too old to really deal with all her long fur. Brushing really helps.

                        I'm finally mostly over my binge from last week. I suppose day 4 now. Finally getting human again. Headaches still, but I got to sleeping ok last night. Boy I hate Day 2 and the feeling of total anxiety.

                        Have a great day all!


                          ODAT Tuesday 12th May

                          Happy Tuesday All! Day 2 for me and feeling less fuzzy and very hopeful. I didn't even crave any wine last night which was odd. Had a sad family tragedy (30 year old cousin of my husband committed suicide a few days ago - alcohol and drugs played a huge part) so I was very upset, but I refused to dive into the box of wine that I would have before. Need to have a clear head to be strong for my husband and kids! Hope everyone is well and I am glad to be back! (Ashamed at my prior behavior, but glad nonetheless!)

                          Good thoughts and hugs to all,



                            ODAT Tuesday 12th May

                            Hi to everyone

                            Its lovely to hear of life going on all over the place .! Today for me is day 2 , kept thinking about alcohol at work but came back home & took my supplements & listened to the first CD ---feeling bit more able to do this now .

                            I guess this feeling decreases over time . Dont know what the time is with you but here its 4.15 & I need to go & think about getting the girls some dinner! have a good rest of the day .

