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weekender just starting out

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    weekender just starting out

    Hi there this is my first post im a weekend drinker sometimes it affects home sometimes it doesnt 88 percent of the time my husband and i sit at home and drink rum together and have a good time watching movies, but i dont know when ever i go out with this certain friend there is no containing myself, i leave my daughter with my husband which he hates to no end, and i go to the bar or i go to a party and dont show up home untill 6 in the morning. I had a long history of cheating and so thats what the husband is assuming that im doing. i can drink with my husband but with no one else it seems is it that wierd, oh and i black out too. I do have to drink every weekend and before my child it was everyday i feel the guilt and the shame and everything that goes with a AL problem. When i go out i cant just have one or two but recently i managed to go out all night and not black out i drank very slowly and i hid my drinks from everyone telling them it was AL and it was just pop, thats a good step right. I only black out if i drink really fast to get drunk fast is that normal as well

    Thanks for reading and helping in advance:thanks::new::blush:

    weekender just starting out

    Welcome Crystal! You have come to the right place. Keep reading the posts there are so many encouraging people here and great information. Hope to see you around.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      weekender just starting out

      Hi Crystal and :welcome:! Glad to have you here and hope to get to know you better. Have a look around, read, post and stay close. The support, information and encouragement here is the absolute best.


        weekender just starting out

        hey crystaltears20
        i am a psychology graduate student, so i think i might have some insight.
        i can tell you all about blackouts and forgotten nights. I know how it feels to hide your drinks and pretend that it is just juice. I can also tell you that it has never done me any good. I have always found that honesty is the best policy, no matter how cliche it sounds. I think that the first step that you need to take is to be honest with your husband. Tell him that you need a girls night out and that he can trust you. Then after that, have a night that is completely dedicated to him and your daughter. He needs to rebuild his trust over time. I am not assuming that he is perfect because i know that there is always two sides to a coin. one step at a time. Go out, but tell him when you will be back. Then come back when he expects you. This is a long and difficult journey, but the rewards at the end are wonderful.
        love Loobi


          weekender just starting out

          Hello and Welcome Crystal
          It is not how much or how often that you drink that makes it a problem. It is how it affects you. I am glad that you are here. I recommend reading the MWO book as a good starting point. Best wishes and we are here for you.
          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


            weekender just starting out

            Welcome Crystal

            I too have (had) a tendancy to only drink at the weekend, once a week and a tendency, although not by any means always to overdo it. There is lots here that can help you. I have only used this site, I have not read the book or followed the program in any other way. For me it has been a combination of the people here - who are bloody fabulous - drink tracker (which makes me feel accountable) and the fact that I am now thinking head on about what I am doing with AL. I have a real awareness of it. For me I am aiming to still drink occasionally (this is working well on the whole, although still early days). For some this is an option, but for many it is not. You will find you path.

            I recommend you read and read and read. Post whenever you want to know more or chat. Try drink tracker it helped me. Obviously, the book is good, many swear by in it. THen there is diet, exercise and vits, meds...CDs the lot...loads to try.

            You will find your path. I wish you loads of luck and hope you find what you are looking for here

            love Moo
            "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
            but in what direction we are moving."


              weekender just starting out

              Welcome Crystal,

              It sounds like you have a couple of different thing going on................
              Do you know why you drink so fast to the point of blacking out? Is it to escape other issues, possibly with your husband or family life?
              Maybe you should change your usual routine. Make other plans for the weekend that do not involve staying out all night drinking. How about some family time, go to the park, the zoo, the beach, some pleasant outdoor activity! A change in routine is always a helpful starting point.

              Best wishes,
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                weekender just starting out

                Crystal, nothing about blacking out is NORMAL. We should never drink and get to that point.
                You are getting a serious warning about your drinking style. You are in the right place. Keep posting and reading. We can all conquer this together.



                  weekender just starting out

                  Still thinking

                  there as been a lot of drinking and drugs in my family and never really had the oppertunity to see what it is like to have fun wihtout drinking, alot i would find myself trying to have fun and thinking man this would be more fun with a few drinks... like many other things i have read here there is alot of the same kind of stories and they give me hope and im sure everyone has some excuse or other reasons that are different then everyone elses, i do have the loving family and a good home and a good job there is no reason for me to be depressed, i dont have much in the way of friendsand its hard to make new when i work with all men in my profession, my husband is a complete home body and im social i like to be around people and i think that is where some of my thought prossses comes from, im lonley i guess in not so man words....if that make sence, sorry for rambling

