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Marathon Runner ?

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    Marathon Runner ?

    Is it possible to be a HEAVY drinker to then cut right down and run a marathon in 4 months? i need a goal to get healthy and focus away from the sauce?

    Marathon Runner ?

    i guess it all depends on how you define a HEAVY drinker. How many drinks/glasses of whatever do you have a day? I guess that any alcohol can impede your athletic success. If you have not drunk any alcohol for four months then i guess that you will be ok to run a marathon. However, do not stop drinking before your marathon and then continue after especially if you honestly think you have a problem with drinking.
    let me know how it is going.
    Do not let your marathon be an excuse to temporarily stop drinking.


      Marathon Runner ?


      Personally, I think ANY goal that gets the focus away from drinking is good. The more time you spend planning, exercising, working towards a goal, the less time you have to drink. But I agree that your running shouldn't be the reason you cut down. Cut down for YOU, and let the running come along for the ride. I have fantasized about running a marathon, and will love hearing about your progress. Keep posting, ok?


        Marathon Runner ?

        i guess

        i drink 3-4 wines a day

        I have enrolled for the run and have 6 months to trainne , i just wanna get fit but need a bug hairy goal to see how my progress go`s
        i am looking forward to the biggest challenge of my live !!! thats for sure i can barley run 3 k ha ha
        the key will be nutrition and little booze


          Marathon Runner ?

          Welcome Time,

          I don't know a thing about running marathons - I would think it's a good idea to get a medical clearance first, for your safety.

          Have you actually started the MWO program yet? Have you made a good solid plan for yourself?
          Do a lot of reading & research on this site for more info. The general rule of thumb is to make your goal of going AF for 30 days befoe thinking about moderating.

          Good luck,
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Marathon Runner ?


            i have not done the mwo plan, i will look at a dry period as i start my training , i was at the docs a while back and he was happy ! so off we go....... the booze hasent been bad recently!!! i have new babys so cant be pissed up


              Marathon Runner ?

              Depending on how old your are and your physical condition. As long as you are under a doctors care I would say go for it. Good luck
              AF since 7/26/2009

              "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

              "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                Marathon Runner ?

                There are a few of us at the minute who are 'training' for runs of various lengths - have a look at one of the couch to 5k plans (google it). A marathon is really ambitious - could you do a shorter distance?.

                I hope you get into it and it helps change your focus. xx

                Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:


