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The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

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    The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

    I thought that it might a nice idea to start a Weekend Thread for weekend binge drinkers.

    I have sure that there are many of you like me out there who can go easily Monday to Thursday without a drink. The weekly cycle of feeling like crap on a Monday, promising yourself that you will stop and by Wednesday the good feelings come again and you convince yourself that you are just having a drink like everyone else. That is my cycle.

    I thought that this thread might be a good place to come on the weekend when you are feeling tempted or just want to connect with people that have a similar problem to yours.

    Since joining MWO I have clocked up a lot of AF time but still struggle with the weekends, old habits are hard to break.


    The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

    Ezz, thank you for starting this thread! I was just thinking that a weekend thread would be great. Weekends are a trigger for me, so it will be nice to have a place to come. I am on the 4 day thread, but am up to go through the weekend too. Thanks again!


      The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

      Ezzmae, that is a great idea, eventhough I am AF since Jan, weekends can still feel like a struggle. Looking forward to tuning in.


        The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

        yes, ezz. its the weekend that's often the bummer. my problem is being a cross addict. started off with soft drugs, got hard on heroin, got off heroin in 1991 and been off for 17 years. during that time, i did alcohol occasionally but it was'nt my trip. moved on in life and career and 4 years ago, discovered social drinking with friends and colleagues. seemed like the normal thing to do. however, weekends turned out to be pure binge drinking, parties, women, song and of course plenty of booze.

        my problem now is that i am living alone, had a fight with my wife over drinks and presently living in a middle east country where alcohol is prohibited officially but it is as easily available as water. of late everyday is becoming a weekend day and i need to get off. any ideas??


          The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

          Welcome Rollerball. I hope that you stick around, read as much information as possible. We are all here to help. The best thing is to make a plan to do something different this weekend that won't lead to you drinking it all away.


            The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

            Welcome Rollerball,
            Have you read the book "My Way Out" yet? It is a quick and easy read which will help you get your game plan together.
            You have managed to conquer one addiction - YOU CAN beat this.
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

              Weekend Thread

              Good idea Ezzmae,

              I had been thinking same after a post that Ladybirdheart wrote on the 4 day AF thread. The two threads could be used consecutively to make an AF week or independantly.

              I find Saturday night particularly difficult and last Friday evening was only AF cos I went into chat here and two kind people distracted me until the urge had passed.

              I think it will be very popular.
              If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

                I know that it is only Wednesday but I thought I would put the idea out there now to see how popular it is and to let people know that this thread will be here at the weekend to help us stay AF. Like many others weekends have always been my weak point, especially Saturday and Sunday afternoons.


                  The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

                  Brilliant idea.

                  Ezz, its is exactly what so many of us need. Well done for starting it. I am slightly ashamed I didnt think to do

                  This has been exactly my issue and although its all going well...I would be delighted to have this here for those weekends I want to be totally AF which is many or most.

                  Lets keep this one running.

                  Hello everyone by the way

                  love to all you fab personages

                  "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                  but in what direction we are moving."


                    The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

                    Thanks so much, Ezz. As the others said, "great idea!" Last weekend was my first AF weekend in 20 years. We've had a longstanding tradition of Saturday morning brunch and mimosas -- but guess what that turned into Sat afternoon & evening? It was followed by beer for breakfast Sunday morning to ease the hangover, and then, well, you know the rest. Monday mornings were awful!

                    Last weekend, I stayed too active to drink during the day, and was too exhausted to imbibe when night rolled around. 'Seems like the difficult part is not so much the cravings (supps help with that) but just figuring out different things to do and then doing them. I'm curious what the hard part is for other people, and how they overcome it. Anyone?
                    "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                      The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

                      Following for LilBit's post, the hardest thing for me has been, and still is, Friday late afternoons. I'm at work, looking over everything I've done and not been able to get done that week, planning my schedule for Monday, and inevitably ... the "wouldn't a drink be great right now" voice pops up. I have totally given up wondering when it will not pop up. Maybe it will always pop up, which is depressing but probably more realistic. What I try to do is begin planning for it as early as Thursday evening, what I will do when it comes the next day, how I will get home and keep the driving wheel pointed toward home. What I will do when I get there. Planning ahead with Mr. AJ about what he will do so if he decides to have a beer, so I don't see it. How I will feel after a good night's sleep without waking up all dehydrated at 3:00 am. What I will do with my Saturday morning when I wake up early without a hangover. All of that planning - exhausting !!! After I get done with all of the planning not to have a drink, then I really need a drink -- just kidding! It really does work most of the time.

                      So this is a great thread. Maybe I'll still have to do the annoying planning, but I know I'm not alone.


                        The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

                        Im in too, weekends are the same for me, I can make it though the week but once fri comes im buggered, all good intentions out the window! Hate it on mnday thinking 'am I going to be stuck in this cycle of shit for ever?"! I love the idea of living an af life but my short term gratification oalways wins out over my ideal long term gratification!


                          The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

                          Ezzmae, this is a great idea. I am very much the binge drinker. Last weekend was the first sober i have had since I was bout 15 (now 30), I found checking in here a great help and was so proud when monday rolled in with a clear head and bright eyes, not blood shot (yuck)!!

                          This weekend is going to be a tough one I am visiting my best friend and drinking partner on Friday for a party on Saturday during the day, I have committed myself to driving home on Saturday so that solved one problem, I have told my friend that I really do not want to drink so she has promised not to push me, heres hoping my forward planning will pay off with a lot of determination thrown in!!:goodjob:
                          Good friends are like stars you may not always see them but you know they are there


                            The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

                            Wow! Another great thread!

                            OK, I am so in for this thread. This is exactly what I need. I've said before, Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons are the hard times for me.

                            Rollerball, welcome! Keep reading and posting. You can do this!

                            Starlet, I'll be thinking about you this weekend. You are very brave to try to stay on the straight and narrow with an old drinking buddy. Good luck!


                              The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

                              I'm looking forward to reading how everyone makes it through the weekend when temptation hits. Breaking the old habits. I'm going to have to use my old line, and tell people when they ask why aren't I drinking that I quit cause I'm back on my healthy lifestyle change I want to get this last 15lbs off.....our neighborhood is like desperate housewives on weekends, hang around the pool cocktailing....not anymore. I really want to get back to where I was before last year. totally in control.....

