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The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

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    The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

    Hi everyone, sorry there are to many of us to remember all the names, which is a really good thing it means that each and everyone one of us can support each other when times get tough!! Well I made it through Friday night and I found it quite easy, I only had a couple of urges but they didnt last for long. I am now on Day 6 A/F, this was the longest that I went for the last time I tried and I am determind to get further this time!!! I am meant to be going round a freinds house tonight and I am driving so thats sorted but hubby has a head cold (man flu) to the women on here, sorry fellas!! so he is going to see how he feels this afternoon to see if we are still going, will try and check in later but to everyone here a big WELL DONE together we can do this!! and hope you all have a great weekend lots of love ronnie
    p.s Thanks 1 Day I am doing great xx
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

      Sat arvo 3.30pm feeling like a drink but I'm gonna wait & go to the gym at 5pm...should be OK after that.



        The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

        Hey Angel, do some housework or some ironing, I have tons of ironing to do but I am waiting untill I get a real bad urge, talk to me please dont drink!!
        :dancin: enguin:
        starting over


          The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

          Angel have you been to the tip then?
          :dancin: enguin:
          starting over


            The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

            Hope you are OK Angel, you have the right idea about the Gym, I wish I was as energenic (sorry for the spelling) as you I just dont seem to get the time for the gym mind you walking the dog is enough excersie for me, I hope you enjoy the rest of the day and dont forget if you get the urge again just keep posting thinking of you ronnie xx
            :dancin: enguin:
            starting over


              The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

              good on everyone for sticking to their plans. Gym sounds like a great idea Angel. Ronnie, ironing, are our sure you wouldn't want to get out in the sunshine, its a beautiful day here, again.


                The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

                I'm fine Ronnie - thanks. Got plenty of ironing to do but I think I'll hang 'round here for a while!!


                  The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

                  Angel - I dont blame you ironing can get a bit boring
                  Ezz - Yes its a lovely day I might even pop into Bunnings today for some flowers to plant my boys seem rather keen to help me.
                  Keep up the good work everyone
                  Love ronnie xx
                  :dancin: enguin:
                  starting over


                    The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

                    Hi all

                    Checking in as promised. So far, so good!

                    I kept busy and out of the house for most of the day (I gave my wallet a bit of a workout, but I guess that's better than my liver) and now I've passed most of the danger zones! In an hour it will be the time I normally come home from work, and I can usually manage moderating from then on.

                    PS - Just realised I'd better check - Is it OK for me to join this thread if I'm trying to mod or is it just for those who want to be AF?
                    There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                    You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                    I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                      The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

                      Hi there all in OZ and NZ. May your Saturday evening be AF.

                      Glass, of course you are welcome here, whether your aim is abstinance or moderation. We are all fighting a battle and need some support.

                      Ronnie, well done, keep strong!

                      Wishing I was 'down under' with you guys, the weather here sucks!
                      If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                        The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

                        well hello everyone, great idea for the weekend thread, we can do this all together. i am on day six af and wow i am pleased with myself thats the longest i have been with out a drink for a few years now and with all your support i am determind to do more. it's nice to see some familier names too from the 4 day site.

                        well i have a headach today but not alcohol related i was hit in the head by a football in the kids playground, very hard i am suffering from concusion, i just think it reminds me what i feel like if i had over done it last night, everyone is doing so well, keep going ronnie and all the others from the 4 day site still getting to know you all so don't mean to miss anyone out.

                        i am helping out at my daughters may fair all day but have to pop to the pub to get my wages, a nice orange juice and lemonade is in order i think will let you all know how i went


                          The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

                          where are you from blue sky?


                            The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

                            HI ALL

                            Hi all, and well done for getting this far.
                            If you think about it, these 2 days of the weekend are the busiest of the week, we normally have hubby and the kids home claiming our attention all day. Give them your attention, it will stop you from thinking about yourself. Don't use these 2 days to give yourself a reward for being A/F all week. If you want a reward, treat yourself to some chocolates, flowers, perfume or do something that you really like doing, anything so long as it does not involve Alcohol.
                            ronnie, if your hubby does not won't to go out tonight, why don't you and the kids go anyway. your hubby would get some peace, the kids would enjoy themselves and you would be safe as you would have to do the driving.
                            Keep busy everyone, it's better to feel very tired at the end of the day, instead of very drunk. Good luke to you all and let us know how you get on. love x


                              The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

                              Everyone seems to be doing so well. Of course you are welcome Glass, this is for everyone that struggles with the weekends.

                              Late afternoon here and about to make dinner soon. Not an urge in sight, thankfully. I am off to check the drink tracker to see what day I am on but this is my second weekend AF in a row.

                              Blue Sky, that is exactly what we have been having here everyday this year. Please send some rain our way and I will try to send the sun.


                                The Weekend Thread for Binge Drinkers.

                                Thanks Ezzmae

                                Macca - so sorry to hear about your concussion - that's awful!

                                6.30 pm here and I'm feeling quite proud of myself so far and looking forward to waking up with a clear head tomorrow.

                                Sunday is always my hardest day, because the whole day seems to be full of things that just seem to invite having alcohol added to them. A lazy Sunday lunch (or even brunch); cooking yummy things for the week ahead in the afternoon; sitting on the deck a bit later with a book. I just have this awful habit of accompanying them all with alcohol - stupid I know, and I don't know why it's become such an automatic habit.

                                Hopefully if I wake up feeling better and more energetic than usual it may be a bit easier to keep the momentum going. I have a meeting at work at 8.30 on Monday morning that I really need to be totally present for (being there in body with a spaced out/hungover head just won't cut it) - so please feel free to give me a swift kick up the butt tomorrow if I even think about drinking during the day.

                                one2many - what tattoo are you getting? Are you able to share or is it a private one?

                                Hope everyone else's weekend is going well so far.
                                There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                                You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                                I didn't come this far to only come this far.

