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ODAT - Wednesday 5/13

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    ODAT - Wednesday 5/13

    Good Morning all ODATers the world over!

    Day 4 here... and feeling fairly confident (for one thing, I joined the 4-day thread, so that would be pretty bad to cop out on 4th day! Altho I'm not sure that's stopped me before... ugh.)

    I had good day yesterday, starting with going to free personal trainer session. OK, I WISH I could describe this guy!! I think I'm a pretty good judge of physical beauty, and this guy has to be a 9-10. (He would be a sure 10 if I knew more about his "inner" beauty - :H)

    I did other things, including buying a new hanging plant. I mention it because I had to debate with myself to buy it or not... since I'm trying Hard to be careful w/money. And then it occurred to me that it doesn't take much for me to justify buying Booze if the fancy strikes me!

    The booze would last me a few hours... and the plant (hopefully!) many Months! And the plant was Cheaper, to boot!!

    Whassup w/that??

    Food for thought.

    Have a Wonderful Wednesday, oldies & newbies both near & far! (OK, I have to come up w/a better word than "oldies" - eek.)

    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT - Wednesday 5/13


    Good job on day 4 savvy!! I've got to go tend some plants myself in a moment.

    Slept with window open and woke up dawn to birds singing. Love that!

    Running on! Have a good one!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Wednesday 5/13

      Congrats on your 4 days Savon!

      I too have been using my drinking money on small happy things, plants, lunches out with friends, etc.
      What a happy thing

      Keep up the good work, I plan to!!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        ODAT - Wednesday 5/13


        Yes the money we spend on drink is quite shocking isn't it? Suddenly hit me with this week's shopping bill from the supermarket, I guess it's another thing we choose to ignore/deny

        I love plants but I'm not good at looking after them inside but out doors, and it helps to live in the UK, the rain takes care of them most of the time!!

        Keep aiming for those goals



          ODAT - Wednesday 5/13

          Hi eveyone

          this is day 3 for me & iI do feel quite chuffed that even tho I still think of booze quite a bit I really dont think I m going to rush out & buy that bottle or 2 tonight ( which is quite something for me!!)

          your idea of buying yourself a plant is really nice ---like you I m always thinking I shouldnt buy this or that but then happily go off & spend a tenner a day on booze.

          Maybe I ll improve my garden cos like you , mad mummy Im in the Uk & remembereing to water isnt too much of an issue.!!

          So glad you re all here , just logging on & reading helps me want to keep going

          Thanks big time


            ODAT - Wednesday 5/13

            Day three here as well! I have done this before, but this time seems different. I am really noticing how much time I wasted drinking - puttering around the kitchen so I could sneak another glass of wine, etc. I spent time hanging with my girls, watched Sesame Street with the baby, cleaned the kitchen...amazing. Not that around 4:00 I did not think about having a glass of wine while I was finishing a stressful day at work, I did, but I logged on and it passed. I feel so much better. I pray this lasts. I really want it to! Good luck and Good Job to all ODATers! Happy Hump Day!



              ODAT - Wednesday 5/13

              ok, I'm just figuring out odat. Striving for 4 days AF? I think I might just be able to make that commitment to myself....Is there a day & 1/2?
              Guess I'm gonna try...start tomorrow of course.
              I can pop in here daily, eh?


                ODAT - Wednesday 5/13

                Well its day 1 for me again after a two day slip up. I'm grateful i didn't drink today or buy any. Heres hoping for a good day tomorrow and a good mights sleep.


