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I have been a slave to that bottle

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    I have been a slave to that bottle

    Thanks to the help of people on this site, I have gathered enough strength to not drink Monday-Thursday.

    Not having that numbing alcohol in me has made me realize I was a slave.

    I started drinking a wine bottle a day about five years ago, I was looking to numb the problems I had at the time.

    I had a beautiful figure and I did not want to loose that

    So.......I would step up my exercise program so the extra calories would not show, it worked, until I became too fatigued to keep up with the exercise,

    So.......I started working an extra job, figured that would give me no time to drink........But.....instead I drank latter in the night and went to sleep.....gaining more weight. clothes sizes started to go up.......So I started to eat less.......the buzz was better.....but when drunk I was strarving so I ate mindlessly.

    I figured I would not drink unless I exercise........I would burn 600 calories on the treadmill and enjoy that bottle at night......and on and on the madness went.

    All for what????
    As I drink less the bloated look is giving way to that beautiful figure that lies underneath, to cheekbones that were hidden and facial features I have not seen in years.
    Our amazing body is so forgiving, I can just imagine what my poor liver has been through.

    I am now angry, good and angry at alcohol, because I have been a slave for too long.
    "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance

    I have been a slave to that bottle

    Good for you swans. I hate the bloated face and you don't realise how different you really look until you stop drinking. My face is younger looking. My figure may take a bit longer. It amazes me how many of us seriously exercise, and even how many people I meet at the gym who think nothing of drinking 2-3 glasses of wine a night. It is like an endless cycle of punishment.

    My trainer always says that you cannot exercise away bad habits.


      I have been a slave to that bottle

      Yep, al ages you - no 2 ways about it.
      My skin is plumper/younger since I cut way down...even though I drank litres of water I was always dehydrated!!!

      :welcome: Swans



        I have been a slave to that bottle

        A great post!
        In just the last couple of weeks of seriously cutting back due to illness and a good, long, hard look in the mirror, I have seen my face lose its puffiness. I have lost five pounds. I was a size 2-4 when I started drinking heavily three years ago. Now I am a size 10. I am small so that makes a difference...I feel so bloated and yucky. I have begun to feel a slight shift in how my body feels in just the last couple of days and that helps keep me motivated. I know things are only going to get BETTER!!!!

        It is so good to know I am not alone! That helps so much!


          I have been a slave to that bottle

          Eat like a bird..yeah, I know about that! I am looking forward to eating more in the weeks ahead since I won't have to add in the alcohol calories. ~smile~ And I will still lose weight. How's the new diet...getting sober!

          I think I am more thrilled about the weight off my shoulders. I feel lighter just knowing that I am not having to think about drinking. Yeah, I was kind of wanting some earlier but I knew I wasn't going to do it. There is open wine in the fridge that belongs to my housemate. I have half a bottle of nice will either be drunk by her or I will use it in cooking or it will go down the drain. I don't care. It just won't make me feel better. This makes me feel better. Changing my ways makes me feel better.

          Thanks so much for sharing...again, it is such a darn relief to get some of this stuff off my chest. It was such a burden and I didn't even know it. Geez!



            I have been a slave to that bottle

            ok folks,
            think I've found my motivation.
            Liver, relationsips, etc have not worked....vanitynow is huge. I did quit for a couple months awhile back. My guy said I looked 10 years younger. I thought ' yeah, sure'.
            Y'all are making a believer out of me.

            I actually quit smoking One of several times (been years now) because I did not want wrinkles around my lips..then found out they cause them around eyes, because you are squinting from the smoke and don't realize it.
            Black tarry lungs, reduced life prob...wrinkles aiiiiii

            Thank y'all for being around.


              I have been a slave to that bottle

              Hi Swans

              I lost about 7lbs when I went 31 Days AF without trying. In fact I was eating more chocolate than I usually would! My skin completion also improved and I just had this great relaxed look about me.

              Well, the day before I started AF I visited a friend. I haven't seen her since then (March 9th). Yesterday she came over and the first thing she commented on was how great I looked and how I had lost weight. She then said how tired I had looked the last time she saw me (I was hungover that day as usual but thought no-one could tell). I have confided in her about my attempts to stop drinking and modding and she is being supportive. We used to be great drinking buddies when we lived nearer each other and she has since managed to cut back too. We also discussed how excess alcohol causes great anxiety, to the point she was absent from work with stress.

              So much to gain, So little to lose. Give up the Booze!
              If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                I have been a slave to that bottle

                Alcohol made me gain weight too. I was drinking 2 bottles of wine a night and i gradually gained about 14 ibs. I have been tryin to quit the last month but slipped up twice. Two years ago i was af got 5 months and lost 20 ibs with no special diet just good food and no junk except chololate and a fruit muffin or scone ocassionly. Now my face is bit puffy and most days i still bloated so hoeful i'll stay on the wagon and lose weight again. I got loads comments when i lost the excess and i felt better. I quit cigerettes over a year ago and don't crave or miss them its just the demon drink. I have some clothes i can't wear be cause of the weight gain. I'm so glad i found this site as its been very supportive. Heres to af journey may we beat it.:l


                  I have been a slave to that bottle

                  Hey everyone,

                  I can really relate to this tread - am on day 17AF and have had comments already about how I look better and not as tired. I have noticed my puffy face gradually becoming less bloated and gross. I have also gained weight over the past four years (tried every weight loss under the sun and barely ate anything - the whole bird thing!!) and am slowly feeling it come off. I enjoy exercise again and it's nice to not feel hungover during exercise and have my heart go crazy.

                  One of the biggest things for me has been that I can't drink enough water!!! - I feel like I can't get enough into my body to try and hydrate my skin again. I guess it is so many years of being de-hydrated from alcohol and needing to replenish my body again!! In everyone's experience does this ease off eventually?
                  I am not complaining as I am sure it is good for me and helps with the craving to drink something - just wondering if it will slow down a bit.

                  Peace and happiness
                  AF since 26 August 2009- and loving it!!


                    I have been a slave to that bottle

                    Hi Luba

                    I've got this drinking thing as well - I put it down to being permanently dehydrated for last 19 years!!! I'm day 32 and if anything it's getting worse (or better depending on which way you look at it).

                    Conversely though I've put on weight since going AF which is no bad thing for me - I didn't eat breakfast because I was hungover and then didn't eat much for my evening meal as I had started on the wine whilst cooking it - aagh what an idiot.



                      I have been a slave to that bottle

                      I just started cutting back and had a 5-6 day or so AF streak a couple of weeks ago. I am now on my third day AF and the gallon jug of water stays by me. I am going to have to go refill my water jugs at the machine at the grocery in a bit. I am drinking so much water to quench this neverending thirst. My mouth seems parched most of the time. I drink a bit of herbal tea but mostly water. I've always loved water. I guess I never truly realized how much water was being leached from my body by the alcohol I was ingesting. Sorry body! I am going to get some lemons and limes to have with my water. I make lemonade with lemons and water and stevia and ice. Very yummy and no artificial sweeteners or extra calories. The lemon is good for me, too. Cleansing.

                      It is fascinating to hear about everyone's experiences with their bodies as they recover from the alcohol's effects. Thanks so much for sharing! Yeah, vanity is one more motivator! It's a great additional bonus to feeling better and thinking more clearly. I am looking forward to seeing how my body responds in the days to come.



                        I have been a slave to that bottle

                        It feels good to know that so many of us are in similar places, trying to heal our bodies from the damage caused.

                        Shery, there is a truth to the fact that lemon in water helps curb cravings.

                        Thank you all for your support and kind words; and keep up the good work.
                        "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance

