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ODAT - Thursday 14th May

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    ODAT - Thursday 14th May

    Hi ODATers

    It's my last day in the office today and I did have something to do - but now I've done it so I'm sat again. But it has been a change and given me something else to think about apart from housework etc.

    Hope you all have a good day!


    ODAT - Thursday 14th May

    Hi MM

    What day are you on now? Must be nearly a month?

    Sounds like you've enjoyed a change to routine. I'm heading your way on holiday at half term. Lets hope the wether improves!

    Hi to all the ODATERS to come.
    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


      ODAT - Thursday 14th May

      Hi Bluesky

      Day 32 today or Day 5 depending on which way you look at it! I think 32, because I really didn't enjoy the wine on Saturday night and didn't drink very much of it - just don't seem to want to drink now, which is weird.....

      Where you going for your hols?



        ODAT - Thursday 14th May

        Great that you have lost the taste for wine...wish that would happen to me! Just be careful if you do try to modd, I found that my tolerance had dropped way down and I was much more suseptable to hangovers than before.

        We're off to Falmouth and will visit friends in Newton Abbot too. Praying for sunshine!
        If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


          ODAT - Thursday 14th May

          I love Falmouth - see if the rescue dogs are doing their demonstration in th harbour. They're Newfoundlands and they dive in and tow a boat ashore and also take a float to a man and bring him in ! It's brilliant.

          Will say a few for sunshine!



            ODAT - Thursday 14th May

            That sounds great! Daughter is dog crazy! Any other ideas on places that 8 years olds will love? We're probably going to the National Maritime Museum and Goonhilly as I've got my Tesco discount vouchers.
            If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


              ODAT - Thursday 14th May


              Looks to be a pretty day here. The cooler weather has been quite nice. Never did get around to mowing though.

              Going on a fishing trip again wtih the fishing chapter tomorrow morning. AF last time was a breezeeven though I was a little worried about a weekend with strangers. There wasn't much opportunity to drink other than dinner (out). One guy was going on about something at dinner and the remark was later made "How much had _____ had to drink?" I just smiled to myself thankful that for once it wasn't made in reference to me.

              Best fishes for a great weekend!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT - Thursday 14th May

                hi everyone

                day 4 now & I feel ok .....I'm sure logging in here & just reading peoples post makes an unbelievable amount of difference . I still feel gobsmacked that there are so many people out there with a drink problem similar to me , able to function well but unable to control the amount of evening wines etc ! It always seemed like there was AA ,its equivalent or nothing .And that left me feeling so alone.

                I plan to stay AF till next Friday ( my birthday !) when I do intend to have a very nice red wine , then go back to AF for the rest of the 30 days . Dont know if I'll manage that but for now I just want to make it till next week. This must be the first time in a long time that i've hit a Thursday off the booze & thought that just this once I may manage a FRiday without succumbing !

                And mad mummy --- thanks for the info about Falmouth , my girls would love that --they are obsessed with Newfoundlands

                Sorry this is such a long prattle . Hope its still going well for you all & thanks for being there



                  ODAT - Thursday 14th May

                  I'm on day 4 as well and looking forward to a AF weekend - lots to do - I am making sure of it! We live in PA (USA) and we are dog people as well. My dog Seamus is like a son to me! I ADORE Newfoundlands and have been trying to get my husband to get one, but alas, it is either another dog and a divorce - or be happy with what we have - I guess I will settle for what we have. lol

                  Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Today is my friday as I am chaperoning a school event with my daughter tomorrow! Yay!


                    ODAT - Thursday 14th May

                    wishng you support and where can I order campral

                    have jsut joined and cant work out how the site works and how to contact people (and I havent been drinking) just like to wish you all the best and say seem to have the same prob evening wine - but sometimes at weekend its breakfast wine like everyone else I expect I want to be in control and cant quite find an alternative to the quick fix - tried to order campral on the internet presecription free and when you click on order - it says not available - c an anyone tell me where to order campral or antabuse on the internet without a prescription - I would be really grateful - big hug to everyone


                      ODAT - Thursday 14th May

                      Hello all ODATers
                      Big Welcome to Hunny
                      Fishing Greenie, ay? I can't put a worm on a hook, cuz I don't want to hurt the What a wimp I am.
                      Where is that Savvy hiding today?
                      Another Big sports Night for Boston tonight, so I will be here screaming at the
                      Hope you all have a Great day!!
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        ODAT - Thursday 14th May

                        Overit still around, if anyone cares, LOL!!!

                        Been kinda lurking on here a bit... Im actually having a pretty good week, as far as the drinking thing goes. Drank last on Monday, today is Thursday. Thats pretty good for me. I just kinda have a case of the blahs... Blah this blah that.

                        Savon is fine Sea! I talked to her on the phone this morning, she is pretty busy today, but Im sure she will be back on and up to her spunky self soon.

                        Love Overit.
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!

