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The Halfway thru May Thread!

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    The Halfway thru May Thread!

    Okay Dill, Peanut, SD, this for you guys!!! And anybody else who wants to be AF for the rest of May!

    So today is DAY 134 for me!

    Will today be your new day 1? YES!!! We can do this together with each others support!

    Okay new one:

    If you keep waiting for just the right time, you may never begin. Begin Now! Begin where you are with what you are.

    Have a great day!


    "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
    -Alan Cohen

    The Halfway thru May Thread!

    Good morning everyone,

    Being AF the rest of May is definitely on my planner. It's 7 weeks today for me and I will not mess up at this point. I'm too happy, too proud and feeling too hopeful to go back now!

    I could not have managed this alone, without the wonderful community support I've received here.
    Thanks to everyone!

    To all those who are just beginning, I wish you peace & blessings. You can do this too
    Stay close, we will help each other through.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      The Halfway thru May Thread!

      ok - I'm in!!!
      I thought last night while dragging my sorry ass off to bed - I don't want to drink the rest of the month!! Is that too much to ask of myself???? Must remember what somebody else once said: "what is the worse thing that can happen if I don't drink today??"

      I didn't get to the gym last night cuz I was too tired from staying up too late the night before - see how drinking has such a negative effect on my training!!!! Nothing accomplished on that front at all yesterday. Why, oh why do I do this?!?!?

      Cat - I will think about that as much as I can, that today is the first day of the rest of my life - a new day, a new start. Congrats on your fabulous AF time! You too Lavande - you have been doing so well, so glad you have things under control.

      OK Dill, SD and everyone else - let's do this!!! I need you guys!!
      xoxo peanut


        The Halfway thru May Thread!

        Wow, Cat, Lavande, and Sheri! You guys are such an inspiration! It's day 11 for me and it feels FABULOUS!

        To anyone thinking of starting a day 1 and/or any lurkers out there, may I please add my own "You can do it!" to Cat's. If you're waiting for a "rock bottom," please be aware that it means different things to different people, and may not come in one single moment of epiphany, but a series of small revelations. Besides, who really wants to see how bad rock bottom can be, anyway? C'mon in, the water's fine.
        "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


          The Halfway thru May Thread!

          Thanks for getting this thread started, Cat!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            The Halfway thru May Thread!

            If you keep waiting for just the right time, you may never begin. Begin Now! Begin where you are with what you are.
            Well said, Cat!

            Pnut, what is it with us?!!! Sheesh!

            Thanks lilbit, sheri and lavande for your cheerleading!

            OK. It's the end of day one for me. I had a big upset today at noon, learning of the death of a young man who was a close friend to my son. It hit me really hard. But, I made it home without stopping for wine!

            Here we go, guys! We do seem to make a good team.

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              The Halfway thru May Thread!

              Congrats to all that try. Whether successful or not. We have to begin the journey at some point in time. Maybe it is now. How we proceed remains to be seen but at least we are attempting.

              Going for the month of May AF here.



                The Halfway thru May Thread!

                Hi, com1, cross-post! Good for you going for an AF May!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  The Halfway thru May Thread!

                  Hey everybody!

                  Golly, yall sound very positive! YAYYY!

                  So, today I found a new place to live and should be moving in a coupla weeks. So much ahead of me and so much behind me too. Very sad and yet exciting as well. Alot to think about...

                  Sure glad I am doing this sober!

                  Now listen up, June 1 is my Birthday and also my 5 month sober date - so I figure since I missed the last ice cream party, a redo is in order. A little ice cream never hurt anybody, and it is a hell of alot better than AL! So I vote for chocolate or blueberry ice cream!

                  And grilled Nathan's hotdogs, AND lemonade (homemade of course)! AND cake with ALL 38 candles! It's time to live!!

                  G'night everybody!

                  "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                  -Alan Cohen


                    The Halfway thru May Thread!

                    Hey there Cat!!
                    This is an AWESOME thread and a wonderful idea!!! This group of gals does work amazing's just such a positive group!!! I want to be very honest with all of you....all my sisters and brother and all my family is in town for my sister's wedding reception tomorrow night....I know there will be drinking tonight and tomorrow...I have promised myself and am giving my word to you all...I will mod...and plan on being the sober driver both nights (as I will have my son with me on both occassions). After life will be back to "normal"...I know this may sound like an excuse.....I really hope it's not...I KNOW how good April felt!!!! So I'm with y'all in just a couple days..but I'll continue to check in and cheer you all on and be very supportive!!!
                    Can I still join??
                    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                      The Halfway thru May Thread!

                      It's May, it's May!

                      I'm in for May! Cat, congratulations on a great thread! And happy birthday early. I simply love getting older, and I'm 'way ahead of you. I'm 53, and love each new year. Birthdays are grand fun!


                        The Halfway thru May Thread!

                        Hey gang!
                        Well - it's friday and thursday was a bust for me. All that early resolve melted away after I came home
                        from the pool. Problem is - I still have some homemade wine in the house. I managed to not let it bother me in April, but it is now calling me, wanting me to finish it off. I just know that if I can just get that first couple of days AF in, I will be fine - I just have to do it!! I will just have to keep trying I guess - I can't give up!

                        Dill - you're right with your sentiment "what is it with us??" Hope you had better success than me yesterday.

                        Cat - you sound so good and positive and happy! Definitely another birthday icecream party is in order! This separation from you husband doesn't appear to be a bad thing??? (I know I separated from my ex seven years ago, and I would get these sad looks from people, and 'oh, I'm so sorry' type comments, and I'd have to say no, this is a good thing - if we got along better, we would still be together, and besides, it was my decision to end the relationship. We do still get along, but all that fighting we were doing can't be good for anyone!!!)

                        SD - you can do it! I have faith in you! Especially if you have to drive and you have your son with you.

                        Hey Mica - I love your attitude about birthdays and getting older. I know a woman who hates her birthday and never wants to say how old she is (although I know how old she is anyway!), never want anyone to know it's her birthday. I say celebrate!!! Can't fight it so you may as well enjoy it!!

                        Gotta go - maybe have a little walk outside if it has warmed up. Have a big workout tonight at the ski hill with my running buddies and I'm really looking forward to it (strange - the things I consider fun!!!)
                        xoxo peanut


                          The Halfway thru May Thread!

                          Hello, I'm new and joining this half way through the month thread, as I've set myself the goal of 30 days and am already feeling I should set a half way goal too.

                          The time I find most difficult is when my small child goes to bed - trying to find other ways to unwind that are not wine.


                            The Halfway thru May Thread!

                            Okay, another one for today gang:

                            You will never face a problem that's not charged with oppurtunity.

                            So obviously, for us, our problem is alcohol.

                            What is your oppurtunity?

                            For me to stop drinking was an oppurtunity to face life and to enjoy life sober.
                            - to stop using AL as my coping mechanism
                            - to stop being angry
                            - to make new friends and be more open to life
                            - to laugh harder sober than I EVER did drunk
                            - to NOT wake up with a hangover EVERYDAY!
                            - to lose the weight I could never do while drinking - DOWN 30 LBS!!
                            - to be able to say "I don't drink"

                            So what is your oppurtunity?

                            Have a great day!

                            "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                            -Alan Cohen


                              The Halfway thru May Thread!

                              Hey, Cat! I would love to celebrate your birthday with you! Thanks for the invite. I love fresh lemonade, too. I like a marachino cherry in mine, please! 5 months sober?! Wowzer!

                              'Facing a problem that's charged with opportunity' is an interesting perspective. My opportunity? To face life sober is to have a more fulfilled life because I am more present, and I can remember the evenings! That's MY time, and I'm tired of losing it to alc.! I want it back!

                              SD, you be careful during these events. :wings: I'll be thinking of you! We will be here for you to join in with us whole-heartedly in a couple of days. Also, enjoy!

                              Hi, Mica, I'm 57! I don't mind getting older, but truthfully it will be hard when I have to say, "I'm sixty".

                              Hi startfresh! You can do it! Hang in there with us.

                              Pnut, JUST SAY "NO!" to the home-made wine. :no:Join me here. There are still a lot of days in May. We can do it!

                              I made it through another ride home from work without stopping for wine. I'm home free for today. I'm closing in on day 2 done!

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

