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Deep Breath........

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    Deep Breath........

    I am new to this site and I have decided that today I will stop drinking! For the 100th time in a year! I drink about 2 bottles of wine every night and whilst drinking I am fine but the effects are beginning to take their toll and am feeling worthless, exhausted and frankly tired of it all. I have a wonderful son, a great husband and a fantastic job so why do I do it???? I guess that's the question most of us ask.

    I went to AA once and it was the most depressing and awful experience and never went back. I really want to stop but nothing I try seems to help. I feel great when I stop for a couple of days but then go right back to it again! It's so frustrating and upsetting.

    I am really hoping to find support with this site and am relieved to have found it.

    Wish me luck....... I think I'll need it.


    Deep Breath........

    Hi Izzy and welcome :welcome: This place is so full of support and encouragement. Keep reading, posting and asking questions. The MWO book is a great read and great place to start. Have you read it yet? Having a plan in place to achieve your personal goals concerning drinking is helpful as well. Stay close and we will all be here cheering you on.

    I hope to get to know you and see you around. :l


      Deep Breath........

      Hi Izzy :welcome:

      I'll bet we've all aked that question of ourselves - why do I do this?????????

      You may not know it yet but there is a'll have to do some soul searching while on your journey. It takes a bit of time & work but I think it's important to identify your troubles & triggers so you don't keep repeating the same behavior.
      Personally, I've had some great results working on a behavior modification program. Being able to actually identify and write down these reasons is a very useful tool. It is helping me stay with my plan.

      Do lots of reading & posting here, stay close - we can all get thru this

      Best wishes on your journey,
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Deep Breath........

        :welcome: Izzy, I look forward to getting to know you.
        You've made a great first step.



          Deep Breath........

          Hi, there, Izzy!

          Welcome to the best site in the world for people like us. Yep, I'm a wine drinker, too, and I do understand entirely how you can drink a bottle or more a night, go to work, have a great family life, but still "need" that bottle. This is the place for you to be, so I hope that everyone makes you feel as welcome as they made me. I believe that MWO is going to be the way I get that monkey off my back, and I hope you will find it as helpful as I did. As Choppersmom said, keep reading and posting, and the book by Roberta Jewell is VERY helpful.

          Good luck!


            Deep Breath........

            Welcome Izzy! The support from this forum can make a HUGE difference in your efforts! It's comforting to come here and read about everyone's ups and downs, and to know there are other people (and little birds) in it with you. :-) Looking forward to seeing you around.
            "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


              Deep Breath........


              All of us here are after the same thing. A change in our lives. Whether it be modding of AF, we all are seeking a change. If we could accomplish this change by ourselves, we probably would not be here at MYO.

              I am relatively new here ( 2 wks) and just reading and the occasional post have been a godsend for me. We are all in this together and we will support you in any way we can.
              You have taken the biggest step already. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have.

              Thanks for coming to MYO.



                Deep Breath........

                Thank you everyone, last night was my first AF night for months and I feel remarkably up beat! Will keep reading and posting as you advise and look forward to sharing my ups and downs with you all.

                It's so comforting to know I'm not alone. Angelcakes I love your strap line, everything is better when I'm sober and not hungover........ Will keep that with me as my mantra if you don't mind.

                All the best.

                Izzy xxxxx


                  Deep Breath........

                  Hi and a very warm welcome to you Izzy.
                  Well done on your first AF night -- feels fantastic, doesn't it.

                  We are here to support you and help you on your journey.
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    Deep Breath........

                    Welcome Izzy and yes you have asked the same question we all have a million times over "why". The why takes time to figure it out but once you figure out some of your triggers it will all come into light...hell I am still working on that and didn't realize I had so many.

                    Best of luck to you!!
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      Deep Breath........

                      :welcome: izzy heres to a new life

                      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

