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Fell in a Bush!

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    Fell in a Bush!

    Hi everyone!
    I hope your week is going well, nice to see some new faces too.
    Oh dear, monday of this week I started out positive as I had been AF for 6days!!! A record for me in recent times.
    Unfortunately on tuesday, I slipped up as we all do at times, hurled abuse at my lecturer, threatened to leave college and fell in a bush!
    On wednesday, I felt awful, had a terrible head, etc.
    Today with the help of MWO, i don't feel in dispair, I don't feel out of control, I just know I have to pick myself up and start again and It's not the end of the world. I might try to get to day 7 this week or further, who knows?
    I am however not looking back to my next day in college. Its all well and good acting like a fool on a sat nite when your company is mildly intoxicated too but on a tuesday afternoon thats another story.
    Love to all
    To see a world in a grain of sand
    And a heaven in a wildflower.
    Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
    And eternity in an hour.

    Fell in a Bush!

    Hey congrats for not drinking today and for picking yourself hope you didn't hurt yourself when you fell into the bush. I got a few falls that landed me in the A&Ein the local hospital. I'm from Dublin girl by the way. I was af for nearly 3 weeks when i slipped over the weekend. Was sober last monday then slipped up again yesterday and tuesday so here i am trying again and af today. Lets hope we'll make it longer this time. I'm takeing at a day at a time and i'll be so happy if i get a month in. Two years ago i made it to 5 months longest when my drinking got heavier and i finally had to do something. tommorrow i'm back to AA as i find it supportive. Good luck.


      Fell in a Bush!

      Hi Lost Soul. Sorry about your Tuesday experience, but glad to hear that you're 'back with the program' and that you have your head on so very straight. If it makes you feel any better, part of what made me decide to go AF was falling in a bathtub -- three times -- while arguing with my BF. And I am (well, I won't say how old I am) but it's past the age where that kind of thing could remotely be considered cute or funny. Hopefully no one noticed your bush fall. If they did, you can always say it attacked you. Darn carnivorous bushes!


      "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


        Fell in a Bush!

        Hi lost, hope you are not bruised other than your ego. Glad you are ready to try again and congratulations on the 6 days! One thing you might consider is to say "I WILL get to 7 days this week" VS "I might try..... who knows". Positive affirmation, you know? Good luck!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Fell in a Bush!

          " I always say the hell with the mountains give me the bush ! " ha! ( Bush Beer comercial.....) Don't worry about goes on ask for forgiveness.....continue with school !
          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
          Dr. Seuss

